Are you a Next Gen Angel?
1) What kind of bad Dreams did you have as a kid?
2) Do you remember your Dreams now?
3) What bad Dreams do you have now?
4) Have you ever had a Dream come true?
5) Have you ever had a dream that warned you about something?
6) Have you ever known something Bad was around you?
7) Have you ever Dreamed of Dragons, Monsters, or Demons attacking you?
8) Have you ever Dreamed God or Jesus was talking with you?
9) Did you have nightmares about falling as a kid? Now?
10) Do you dream about flying?
11) Have you ever been given something in a dream?
12) Did you get to keep it?
13) Do you like sharp objects?
14) Have you ever looked right at the Sun?
15) Do you see, hear, or feel Angels?
16) Have you ever felt nudged, caught from falling, or protected?
17) Have you had a ‘Near Death Experience’?
18) Do you Know that there is a Heaven?( I am not talking about belief)
19) How did it change your life, attitudes, relationships?
20) Did you see God?
21) Did you see a light?
22) Did you talk with Jesus?
23) Do you talk to God?
24) Have you ever been called self-righteous?
25) Have you ever told someone that they were not doing the Right thing?
26) Have you ever verbally or physically intervened to defend someone you did not know?
27) Are you protected in times of hardship?
28) Do you run in to dangerous situations with out thinking of your safety?
29) Have you felt protected when you did this?
30) Can you feel, smell, see, or otherwise sense Demons?
31) Do you feel that you can shield other people from them?
32) Have you protected someone from Demons?
33) Have you ever Chained a Demon?
34) Sent it back where it belonged?
35) Have you fought to do the right thing even against everyone telling you to stop?
36) What was it?
37) Have you ever seen, felt, experienced a ghost?
38) Did you tell it how to get home?
39) Have you ever been out of your body?
40) What did you see, feel, experience?
41) Can you speed the healing of your body?
42) Have you ever changed your body workings by telling it to change?
43) Have you ever known what was wrong in your body before the Doctors did?
44) Did this ever save your life?
45) Have you ever healed others?
46) Have you had prayers answered?
47) Were they for you or someone else?
48) Have you used your own hardships to help others?
49) Have you ever hobbled yourself in someway to see what others are going through? (Examples: Going blind
folded for a day. Tying your feet together? Stuffing your ears with cotton?)
50) Have you ever felt the pain of others?
51) Have you ever used that in your healing or helping others?
52) Have you ever had trouble stopping that from happening?
53) Have you ever attended a death?
54) What did you feel, see, experience?
55) Have you ever had a feeling that you were a catalyst? (That things came to a head when you showed up.)
56) Did you then help them make sense of the changes in their lives?
57) Have you ever given the shirt literally off your back? (It could be a jacket, shoes, raincoat.)
58) Did you let them keep it?
59) Have you ever bailed someone out of jail you barely knew, expecting nothing in return? (Like to further
a relationship with them.)
60) Have you ever known when a homeless person was really hungry?
61) Did you feed them?
62) Have you ever helped someone, then walked away without telling them who you were?
63) Have you ever turned the other cheek?