Sermon Archive
Home | "Awakenings in an Age of Angels", Videos | Defense Against Animals 6-1-08 | Who Am I? 6-8-08 | Nature of Jesus 6-15-08 | Jesus as I See Him 6-22-08 | Personal Responsibility 6-29-08 | Thomas Christians 7-6-08 | Theme of Reconciling 7-13-08 | How To Live 7-20-08 | A Hole in My Shoe 7-27-08 | Artemis' Miracle Sermon 8-3-08 | Serving God 8-10-08 | God's Protection 6-17-08 | History of Slavery 8-24-08 | Miracles 8-31-08 | Drained Faith 9-7-08 | Marriage Vows 9-14-08 | "Clothes Make the Man" 10-19-08 | Mary and Martha 10-26-08 | Friendship, Render unto God, Science, True Christianity 5-08 | U-Haul Syndrome, Bullies and Abusers, A Ministers view of LGBT, Health Care 4-08 | Power of Words, Jesus' Birthday, Passover, Easter, Rape 3-08 | Angels, Love, Signs of a Liar, Priests Above the Law? 2-08 | Wisemen, Charity, Abraham's Claim, Boy Helped by 4 Swords 1-08 | Iraq Teddy Bears, Spiritual Kinship, Potlatch, Original Christmas, Winners 12-07 | Starving Soul, Thirsty Heart, Giving Thanks, Free Will 11-07 | Drifting in the World, Hateing Satan, Dilettantes, Thin Places for Halloween 10-07 | Music God's Voice, Evil in the World, Wrath, Respect for parents, Compassion for non- Humans, 9-07 | "You Will Know Them by Their Fruit, Nature of Hell, Nature of Heaven, Where are Heaven and Hell 8-07 | Jumping off of Cliffs, Next Generation Angels, Chrysalis, Samurai Sword, Going it Alone 7-07 | Our Will Versus God's Will, Mark of Man, Conscience, Integrity, 6-07 | God Energy versus Human Energy, Comparitive Religion, Tainted Love, Golden Rule 5-07 | Easter, How the Mighty have fallen, Rabbi Means Teacher 4-07
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Church of Thomas