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In The Beginnning
In the beginning there was potential. A love that held all things that could become.
The thought was Love. The thought was The One. The One willed to become.
The instant of will brought the Birth of the Universe, the birth started the body of
The One, growing from an infinitely small point of contact into limitless expansion. There was no witness to this beginning.
There was only The One. The thought became form, The Love that grew into all that could be. In th Will of The One the Universe
expanded, filled with substance but no form. The Will of The One became the Focus.
This Focus condensed substances out of the lack of form. This Focus of The One formed
the beginnings of the First galaxies, stars, and many other entities that were the Body of The One. The substance of The One
was expressed in all manner of particles, energies, and rules of Nature. These all obeyed the Will of The One. The rules gave
structure to the new forming body of The One.
In the fires of the first galaxies were newborn stars. The stars were all sizes and
intensities. In the stars The One made elements of more complexity. The complexity that in time would make life possible.
These elements were the building blocks of life. The stars were born, burned, and died. Some star's deaths were fiery conflagrations,
sending forth the new elements into the seeming emptiness, to make new stars. It pleased The One when elements of life were
The first Solar Systems that held the seeds of life were not commonly places where
life could be started. Some were too hot and some were too cold. Many planets were stillborn in their potential to be a birthplace
of life. They may have been beautiful but they were sterile. The One waited with Infinite Love and Patience.
Finally that Infinite Love and Patience bore fruit in the form of Solar Systems that
had the seeds of the right elements. These Solar Systems were not hostile to life, and life was born. Life always is trying
to be born; it is life's nature. When these places had the right combinations The One smiled. As these systems condensed,
as the baby planets collected their parts, sweeping up all that lay in their paths, The One waited. As theplanets cooled into
stability, as they made their atmospheres, as the first building blocks of various life formed, some made amino acids, The
One waited.
The One breathed encouragement on all and they were encouraged to become better, which
is the difference between a rock and a living thing. A rock is part of The One but perfectly happy to remain just a rock.
Life wants to be more. That is life's true hallmark. In the breath of encouragement was the Love of The One, the desire, the
attraction, and the order that could become life.
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On earth, The One saw that life wanted to be
based on proteins and fats. The One helped with
rules to give this desire structure. This set
of rules was based on RNA and DNA. And the path
was cleared for life to have it’s order, to
adapt, to strive, to grow more complex, to
become more. Out of the soup was born the first
life on earth.
are many other worlds. On these worlds life wanted other forms. The One Loves them too. They may not be seen as life because
their rules are different. Life on earth may never find them, let alone know them as fellow life of The One.
The first Angels for Earth
were made by the One to watch, guard, and guide all that earth was, is, and can be. They are a set of Twins like all Angels.
We call them Jesus and Holy Spirit. They are a part of everything and everyone in the solar system. We belong to them. And
together we are all part of The One. Every world that produces life is given Guardians.
Life adapted, died, grew,
expanded, and got better. The One was pleased. The One wants life to develop that can know. Many cycles of diversity, and
extinctions proceeded. Each had potential, failed and died out. The One was patient in having known this would happen many
When there was an opening
for mammals they took the opportunity and never looked back. As usual the open niches invited great diversity. Openings never
go unfilled. This is the nature of life. The One waited.
In time some of the lines
of mammals showed promise, one was Primates. When a kind of life shows it might have potential The One sends messengers to
see if there is recognition. The Primates were tested. Many times messengers were sent and attacked as Other, until finally
a group saw the Others with curiosity. A sign of intelligence is curiosity of Other. It is the sign that The One had hoped
for. These first people were told of The One. The first Angels after Jesus and Holy Spirit were spirit only because there
was still the possibility of being rejected by The People.
When rejection was less
common another kind of messenger was sent. These were also Angels who were twins. These were different in that they were born
into the bodies of people. They were sent to know the needs of people by knowing the hardships of the people. The first people
were of the kind now known as ‘Lucy’s people’. These Angels by living and knowing The One became the bridge
to show The One’s Love through actions. In the times of ‘Lucy’s people’ there was no language, but
there were feelings and there was dance. These became the first ‘Words of The One’.
As The People became more
there grew language. Out of Language grew Song. Song and Music were natural to Angels, growing into the memory aids that built
the first rituals to talk to The One. These memory aids touched the part of The People that could ‘See The One’.
Names were given to The One, and though The One has no name it was known that this was to show Love. The people did not know
how to Love what could not be name.
Some of the names were
fire, wind, trembling earth, and sunshine. With time more names were given to The One. Many more names were forgotten. The
One was pleased that there was recognition. The Angels kept coming to live. And by living be an example to follow to become
more. As the souls of people grew through many lives it became easier to teach and guide the people. Steadily they grew in
their knowledge of The One. Every lifetime some of the past memories remained in the souls of the people.
In time the name Mother
was given to The One. The One accepted this because it was uttered out of Love. The Angels taught healing. Songs were inspired
by the Love of The One. Some of the songs started agriculture and the calling of fellow animals for the hunt. Sometimes animals
were called to be raised with The People. All life is for others to draw sustenance and renewal. From the smallest life to
the largest their purposes are to live, be challenged, and grow better. Knowing other life carries responsibility. This responsibility
is to learn the rules and systems that all life relies on. The rules and systems that are in balance by knowing the other
and The Love of The One for all life.
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When a generation of the people came where there were no Angels
born, some people started to interpret the songs of the Words and Teachings. Some times this worked. Some times it was to
distance the people from The One. It was then that human bias and law came into the world. The One had always desired to talk
directly to The People. Every layer of priest, shaman, or clergy muffled the voice of The One in the hearts of the people.
There was a big exception to talking to individuals that The One loved. This exception was gatherings of People filled with
songs. These songs were sending Love as one prayer.
The saddest effect of
gatherings was using the names given The One to enforce human laws. The Ones’ Law never changes but human law was in
constant flux. Love, respect, harmony, and balance are the cornerstones of the Law of The One. Love being the universal Law
that is reflected in the other laws. Harmony is when beauty is harnessed to a desire to make things better. Balance is taking
what is needed but always trying to give back as much or more than is taken. Respect is living within the systems of The One
not as a ‘chosen’ species.
laws should combine to work on a personal, community, country, world and someday, universal levels. Love is the essence of
The One, from whose embrace all other Laws flow.