Some answers to comments and questions
There was a question about the verse 114. It was how does this pertain to the LGBT Community. Verse 114 RGoT references
what God finds to be the ideal. It talks about making men more feminine, and a specific woman more male. This is Jesus' chastisement
of Peter, who believe women do not deserve to know the lessons that Jesus was teaching. I know of only one class of people
in the world. A group of people that are more balanced in understanding both sides of the battle of the sexes. That group
is LGBT people.
Ironically the respect and veneration of the "Third Sex", "Two Souls", has been the standard until the last 1800
years or so. Most Cultures have had this class of people. They were considered Spiritual, Closer to God, Counselors, Healers,
and Intercessors with God.
The Church of Thomas did not lose it's respect for LGBT people. I was accepted from the very beginning. Mom was
sad that I would not get married. Despite that shift in expectations she has welcomed my exs as family members. My Dad offered
to help me start a Gay Bar when I left home. Both my Dad and Grandpa taught me about tools. My love of wood came from them.
Grandpa figured it out before I knew what to call it. He gave me my first wallet and pocket knife at around 6 or 7. My Grandma
was the one who said that I "would change things" in the Church of Thomas. Took me a while but I think this is what she meant.
I see us as go between for men and women; that to this day don't understand each other. I see us as healers of
bodies as well as spirits. If we live up to our God given missions as Role Models I think the world will be a more peaceful
place. If we take the time to be the Ministers we are meant to be, more people will see that God is not a distant figure but
active in our lives.
The Enemy is ahead of us on this subject by the way. They know that they have to stop verse
114 RGoT from getting to the general public.
I found this on "Americans for Truth".com referring to the verse 114 Gospel of Thomas.The
deconstruction of the biblical God and biblical sexuality as a philosophical and ideological program is already deeply embedded
in our collective unconscious. Some powerful leaders see the future as the brave new global world of sexual and spiritual
pluralism, where liberty of self-expression in these areas is the essence of human progress. One could even imagine a society
of pagan religious syncretism where bi-sexuality and homosexual androgyny would be the spiritual and social ideal, the sexuality
of choice for those in power, while heterosexuality would be tolerated, considered inferior, and strictly controlled —
for it has happened before. — Dr. Peter R. Jones
Reconciler Gospel of Thomas does not say anything about the conception and birth of Jesus. I had a Dream from God
that explained what happened. I wrote a story about it. It is in "Awakenings in an age of Angels".
I'll give you the short version. Because Angels come in pairs as a team. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are twin Angels
and act as a team. The job Jesus had to do, had to be done alone. Can you imagine how lonely you would be if you had a soul
mate/ companion/friend/ twin that you could not be with for a life time? I can it would have been terrible. For Jesus to come
alone to do it willingly just adds to my love and admiration of Jesus. The Holy Spirit had to watch barred from interceding
to save Jesus any of his pain.
When Mary was given Jesus, the Holy Spirit gave Jesus a companion. This companion was a fraternal twin. There was
no sex, therefore there was no "sin". Judas came from the will of the Holy Spirit and an egg from Mary. That twin was named
Judas. Later called Didymus or Thomas by the Apostle John. ( New King James : John: 11: 16, John : 20: 24, John : 21: 2) Both
of those names means twin, one in Greek and one in Roman.
John was not fond of either of Jesus' brothers who followed him. James the "Just" was also one of Jesus' brothers.
He became a major leader in the new movement called Christianity. In John : 7: 3-5, talks about the idea that supposedly Jesus'
brothers were trying to get him out of their neighborhood, so they would not "look bad". This is a very slanted version.
John and Thomas had Congregations in the same Communities, they were in competition for members. It was a one upmanship
situation. The basic theologies were not that far apart in the beginning. Over time the members felt they had to "Prove" the
other one wrong. This was counter-productive on many levels. Jesus did not tell the Apostles to fight it out to see who was
top dog, and left standing. I say that as a chastisement of both John and Thomas.
Fasting was part of the old laws that Jesus superseded. I tried to find the statement in the New Testament, but
could not find it. Most of the Apostles still were trying to hold on to all the trappings, and rules of the Jewish people.
They considered this a sect of Judaism. They enforced circumcision, fasting, and dietary purity laws on anyone wanting to
be made Christian. It was Paul who said such things were not necessary anymore. (NKJ : Romans: 2: 25-29 and Romans: 5: 3-6)
The way I was taught was that people kept adding on "Laws" to the original 10 commandments. These Laws were set
in place by the Levite priesthood. Jesus was trying to strip Laws down to basics again.
Mary of Magdala was not possessed by a demon, Woman who washed Jesus' feet with tears, the adulteress Jesus saved
from stoning or a prostitute. This was a lie perpetuated by the Pope, by combining three or four unnamed women and
attaching the name of Mary Magdalene. I believe it was Pope Gregory I.
The Vatican quietly "Corrected" this in 1969, by removing all the references in the revision of the Roman Missal
and the Roman Calendar, and now there is no mention in either of Mary Magdalene the sinner.
I know that she was of the house of Benjamin. She helped finance Jesus' Ministry. She was also one of his students.
She did not marry him. He did not have sex with her. Because of her support and her attention to Jesus' teachings there was
jealousy from the male students.
Dr. Karen King, a professor of church history at Harvard Divinity School, has observed, "The confrontation of Mary with Peter, a scenario also found in The Gospel of Thomas, Pistis Sophia, and The Greek Gospel of the Egyptians, reflects some of the tensions in second-century Christianity. Peter and Andrew represent orthodox positions that
deny the validity of esoteric revelation and reject the authority of women to teach." (introduction, The Nag Hammadi Library)
The Gospel of Thomas has no reference to Mary being kissed on the mouth. It maybe some other Gospel. I did read
The DaVinci Code. It was the Gospel of Philip that was quoted in the DaVinci Code. I have not read the Gospel of Philip. The
book had a fair amount of history in it, but it was fiction. If it made people think a little more questioningly about what
they were told, maybe we would not be having teenagers kill themselves before they can even leave home.