No News Today
It was in Houston a few years ago, I think it was 2002 or 2003. The date escapes me
but I remember it was Superbowl Sunday. I had gone to church that morning. On my way home something happened that will live
in my memory the rest of my life.
There is a feeder road of I 10 that has a nasty underpass. It is the junction of I
10 and a tollroad. It often has a trickle of water on the road. The designer of this stretch deceided to dig below grade
at the site of a localy well known stream. That seems to happen a lot in Houston. So just before the junction the feeder is
flat with good visibility, then it dips out of sight with concrete on both sides.
On my way home there was a girl stopped at this intersection. She was crying.
I stopped my truck a couple of car lengths behind her with my flashers on. I gave her my cell phone to call a friend after
I talked to her. She had a dead battery and needed a jump start. I thought that I was going to push her with my truck to a
safe place. As a result of that I had left my enigne running.
As I waved people around us I tried to calm her down. I also tried to suggest we attempt
to cross at the next green light to a vacant lot across the street. She said her friend would get confused if she moved and
would be there in a couple of minutes.
About this time I heard a voice in my head tell me to turn off the engine of my truck.
I was preoccupied with talking to the girl and did not act right a way. A couple more minutes passed and I heard it again.
This time it was very insistent. I told the girl to way people around us while I turned off my truck.
She was doing fine. I turned and walked the 8 feet to the cab of my truck. I
stuck my head and shoulders in to the cab and turned the key to off. I backed out to ask the girl if her friend was going
to be here soon. I did not get to ask.
As my head cleared the truck, standing 4-6 inches from my pride and joy, my truck,
I heard a very loud crunch. My little truck accordianed and parking brake not withstanding proceeded to slam into the back
of the girls car. The minivan that had rearended us had wound up under the bed of my truck, which was now 4 feet in the
air. I had heard no squeal of brakes. I was dumbstruck.
I checked to see if the girl was ok. She had been standing behind my truck waving
others around us. She was badly shaken but unscratched. Next I check to see if the minivans occupants were ok. They were moving
around, though in a daze. The back hatch was opened and all the people from the van got out on their own power. Only the driver
and front passenger a few scratches on their knees. They sat on the edge of the lane.
A semi-truck stopped to block traffic a little up hill. The truck driver had called
in the cavaliery of all varieties by calling 911. The EMS got there first. From the grim look on their faces I could tell
they expected the worst. Police and Fire Dept. showed up a couple of minutes after that.
As the story was pieced together it became a rather joyous day for me. The girl
told us that the minivan driver was going at least 70 miles per hour. The diver had looked straight at her, never braking
at all. The semi truck driver and girl told us that a second before the wreck the van had side swiped the big truck.
It was another reason the semi driver had stopped, he was also involved. The Police comfirmed that there were no skid marks
from braking.
The semi truck's cargo was gasoline. My truck had started pouring gas when the minivan
ripped it loose under the truck. If I had not turned off the engine, my vehicle, the minivan, the girls car, and last
but not least the semi truck would have burst into flames.
In that enclosed intersection, a year or so after 9/11, on that Superbowl Sunday it
would have appeared to be a terrorist event. Two main hiways would have been unuseable for a good while. The explosions
would have also killed anyone in the dip of the intersection, about 10 or 12 car loads of folks.
God was watching over us. Protecting us from the Evil that tried to make
this happen. No terrorist planned this non-event. It would have created a great deal of fear and uncertainity in the time
before this would have been realized if things had not been stopped by the simple act of listening to God. Evil thrives on
When the Emergency Response people realized what had just not happened, we all praised
God for the Miracles. The EMS took the family from the minivan to the hospital to look them over. The Police took the reports
from everyone and the Fire Dept cleaned up the gasoline.
As the reports were being written, the girl's friend showed up. He had taken a wrong
turn that had delayed him about 10 minutes. I realized that here was another Miracle. If he had not gotten turned around,
he would have been in front of the girls vehicle with his car. The impact moved her car to just short of the intersection.
His car would have been shoved into oncoming traffic adding to the list of cars and people killed or injuried. I know God
had a hand in this as well, because the man lived blocks from there and knew every access to that intersection.
I got everyone cheered up by reminding them how disaster had been turned aside.
About that time the tow truck driver told me it was time to go to the wrecking yard. I got out at the office when we got there
to sign the paperwork on my truck. I was to have one more wonderful surprise.
When I walked into the office I saw a man who appeared to be Hispanic. I said hello,
when he answered I realized he was middle eastern. I took a more careful look around and realized he was probably Moslem.
I was overjoyed. His community had been persecuted since the idiots who claimed to be followers of Mohamed murdered all
those people. I felt that this was a Miracle for him as well, so I told him about what had happened. At the first mention
of a terrible accident he was sympathetic, and then I saw the realization of how this would have looked. The horror of what
this would have meant for his family before the investigation would have showed no terrorist links. We prayed together in
humble thanksgiving of how God loves and protects all The People of the Book.