RGoT (4) Jesus said, “An old person who dares to see the wisdom
in the eyes of a seven day old infant will know how to know Heaven, and be born again. Many who are first will be last by
service to The One.”
RGoT (6) Jesus’ students asked him, “Should we fast?
How do you want us to pray? Should we give money for the poor? What special food should we eat?”
said, “Tell no lies, and do
everything with Love, because in this way all that was hidden will
be obvious. Do not fast, you will sin; The One knows your bodies need nourishment. Prayer by formula will condemn you, talk
to The One from your heart instead. Do not give to the poor indirectly, because this will harm your soul. Give of your heart
and self directly.
you go to another land be respectful of their customs. Then if they accept you, eat what they offer you. This acknowledges
their act of hospitality. Heal anyone with them who in need of healing. What you put in your mouth will not hurt your soul.
But what you say can poison your soul if it is not true or said with malice.”
RGoT (27) Jesus said, “If you
do not practice moderation regarding the World, you will not find Heaven. Practice moderation in all things except Love. Do
good on the Sabbath not the things of man. In this way you will see the glorious shining face of The One.”
RGoT (55) Jesus said, “Love
begins at home but if it is chained there you can never follow in my path. Loving
all is the only way to be able to bear a cross. Love God first because all other love is hollow without it.”
RGoT (68) Jesus said, “Blessed
are people who are hated and persecuted. The people and places have hated and
persecuted you will find no solace in The One.”