(114) Peter said to Jesus, “Let Mary and all the other women leave us. They
are the root and branch of sin. They are the source of all temptation. Women are not worthy of Eternal Life.”
Jesus responded, “I say to you
males, do not look down on a female because until you are made over to be as a female you will be barred from full Inheritance
in the sight of The One.”
Jesus said, “Until you are like
the Lowest of the Angels, being in balance of body and soul. Reconciling of the male and the female, you will remain on the
edge of the Full Glory and Joy of the Brilliance of The One. The One is all that was, is, and will be.”
Being on the edge you will still be
Loved, and Beloved. The One knows that it is a hard lesson to learn. Others will rejoice in the affirmation of what they have
learned. Or like Angels have always known.”
Jesus said, “I myself will lead
Mary of Magdela in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit, resembling you males. Every woman who
will make herself male will become a full Inheritor, as well, in Heaven and full Light of The One.”
Copyright 2003 by Angel Eliza