Seeing the World
Every Astronaut that sees Earth from Space gets a sense of oneness and lack of Country
Borders. They often comment on the Unique Fragility of the place we call home.
RGoT (42) Jesus said, “Stand outside the World, to see the Whole.”
Responsibility for Loving others as our selves should be the driving force in our
lives of serving God.
RGoT (74) Jesus said, “The One sees how many are around the drinking trough. The One also
sees that they do not try to fill the cistern. You can not take God’s Love without trying to give some back.”
Many mainstream Churches are failing in relaying the Teachings of Jesus to go into
the world and heal people. They seem content to build bigger church buildings. They often mention somewhere in the Service
the need to donate to the Church. They often applaud loudly those who stand up and say how much they have contributed.
RGoT (93) Jesus said, “Do not tell Holy Truths to Pharisees who are like dogs. They will
roll them in piles of shit to defile them. Do not share your pearl of visions
with closed minds. They are like swine that will grind them to bits to get the ‘Truth’ out of them. In both cases
they will just hate you for your gifts.”
RGoT (102) Jesus said, “Beware Pharisees, for they are like snapping cur dogs sleeping
in an oxen’s box. They neither eat the hay nor do they let the oxen have their feed.”
RGoT (78) Jesus said, “ Why do you seek the river reed out in the desert? Why do you seek
truth from a man of the Tribe of Levi, clothed in fine garments like your kings and your great men? Upon them are the finery and clothes bought with the blood of widows and the sweat of slaves. They are
blind to the Truth that stands before them.”