Drifting in the World Sermon 10-7-07
In our lives we often look to see what others are doing as a guide to what we should be doing.
I remember an episode of “Candid Camera”. This Episode was so true it was scary. The clip starts with the set
up of a street somewhere. People of all varieties are walking along the sidewalk. The point was that the Actor would start
to stare at a point in the sky. This actor was very interested in that point in the sky. There was nothing there of course.
In just a couple of minutes there was a gathering of several people all looking at that “interesting”
point in the sky. No one had asked, “What on Earth are you looking at?” As several people stood there staring,
critical mass was reached, the numbers grew considerably. When Allen Funk, the moderator, came out to say it was just a part
of the show, he surprised everyone by saying nothing was there. Many said they were sure it must have been important or the
first person would not have started staring.
It amazed me that people took direction so readily. That no one asked what was going on to me
was weird as well. Many people follow the crowd. If it is Popular, it must be the thing to do, be, or have.
I see this in part as a general sense of not questioning Authority. The other thing I see is the
desperate desire to have an outside rudder. Something to steer our lives with. We need a focus and an example of what, how,
who, why, and when we should act or not act.
I have done my fair share of drifting in the World. It is so easy, you just let your environment
nudge you. The path of least resistance can be very tempting. To just drift in the World is easy.
You can say, I can not do that, it is too hard to fight the whole world. I’m just one person,
what can I do?
Some people say, “I’ll get married because it is what is expected”. And in the
process end up breaking someone’s heart or living a empty life in a loveless relationship.
Some say, “I’ll skip school, everyone else is doing it.” Then when they get
out in the World they realize no one wants to hire “Half-Ass” people. If they get into College, they may continue
the trend in endless partying. Often this continues if it is someone else’s money financing the Education.
Some say, “I’ll get earplugs, I’m tired of hearing the screaming of that neighbor’s
kid. I’ll ignore that dog that is being choked and kicked, it is really none of my business.”
I could of course go on for a very long time and not see the end of this list. I have found my
Rudder. It is God. I have found my example of how to act and reach out in this gift of my life. It is the Life of Jesus. With
this wonderful and loving guidance I can face anything thrown at me. I am faced forward. I do not need to look around me to
see what the crowd is doing.
I know that most of the people in the crowd are part of a Cosmic “Candid Camera”.
Some actor, singer, sports figure or politician is looking up staring at that point in the sky. That point they are staring
at is as hollow as that point in the sky is.
Sometime the point is just a lack, a waste of the gift of your free will and your life. God’s
Gift of your life is precious. To lose any part of it is a sad waste of a great opportunity.
Sometimes it is a deliberate misdirection of a “Big Lie”. Hitler’s Propaganda
Minister for the Third Reich had a saying that applies. If you are going to tell a Lie, make it as big and outrageous as possible.
That way people will think to themselves, “It must be true, it is too big for anyone to
Lie about.”
We all know about the Father of Lies. Satan thrives on Lies big and small. So, sometimes that
point the crowd is staring at is indicated by some tool working for Satan. If you are too busy looking, you might forget what
good you were supposed to be doing in your life. Even if you do no Evil, your inaction can serve Evil as well.
The point in the sky is often used by Magicians, Con Artists, and Pick Pockets. If you are occupied
with something interesting you will never see the slight of hand of the Magicians. If your focus is on the too good to be
true plan, you never question the huge check the Con Artist just asked you to write, after all it is an “Investment”.
The bump of the shoulder in a crowded street keeps you from noticing that hand gently slip your wallet out of your pocket.
Our lack of focus keeps us from fulfilling our potentials. We must always ask questions. Then
if we do not get a good answer we can move on leaving the crowd behind to stare. You may also seize the opportunity to ask
the crowd why they are staring at nothing. If all we do is Awaken even one person of the crowd we have served God.
There is a saying going around right now that I see value in. It is being used in vacuous ways
sometimes, but that does not mean it can not be taken literally by us. The phrase is a guide of how to deal with problems
big and small. The Question asks, “What would Jesus do?” I like it’s simplicity. It is direct and to the
point. And that Point is not hollow by any stretch of the imagination.
Some might say that Modern times are too complicated to use that simple rule. To that I would
answer, “We are the ones who made it complicated. The Lessons are timeless.”
I would love to see the people who started this Question take it to heart. If every Christian
started to actually use Jesus as their guide, the World would mature in no time flat.
The Ten Commandments are a great start. God breaks the chains that enslave the World. There is
only one God. Do not worship anyone or anything except God. Do not use God’s name wrongly. Take time to heal yourself
regularly. Treat people with respect, especially your family. Sometimes they are the ones who have to bear the brunt of our
bad days. Don’t murder. Do not break marriage vows or encourage someone to break their vows. Don’t steal. Don’t
lie, “Bear false witness”. Respect what belongs to others, don’t envy what they have. This applies to relationships,
status, money and any property.
Then add in Jesus’ life lessons. Treat all people as your family. We are all Children of
God. Use Love as your guide when you are lacking a clear answer to a problem. Avoid violence, It usually leads to more of
the same in a never ending circle. Be the one to break that cycle of violence.
Lead by example. If your light is shining brightly, share it with people. Righteousness for God’s
sake is encouraged. If someone is doing wrong and you try to help, accept that they may not listen. This is a very hard one
to follow. We have to respect that God gave them free will too. All we can do is try, and if we fail, protect ourselves from
their negative Behavior or Attitudes. We may be Blessed, but that should not lead us to think we are better than them. We
are no better or worse than any of our Brothers or Sisters.
May you find the Focus you need to live a full and rewarding life. Help others to see the emptiness
of that Point in the sky they are staring at. All of us can inspire people to reach out to God. How we present ourselves goes
a long way in sharing the Great Example that we have been given in the Life of Jesus.
God Bless the Whole World no Exceptions.
Angel Eliza
Hating Satan Sermon 10-14-07
There have been many trials in my life. I look back sometimes in wonder at the life that I have
lead. Until I was old enough to figure it out I just felt that it was a natural set of circumstances. My wonderful Grandfather
helped me to deal with many of the problems I faced as a child. When I was an adult I learned for myself how much harm he
had taken to protect me. I always loved him and looked up to him. Now I feel a deep admiration too. He died a while back,
but I still talk to him.
I won’t bore you with the details. It would take a book to share it all. It definitely would
not even be an outline in the 3 pages I allow myself for Sermons. Don’t want to put you to sleep. Here are some low
I was sick often as a kid, sometimes with no apparent cause. The Doctors thought that my Mom was
not feeding me because I did not grow and was very thin. I had to tell the Doctors myself how much I was eating. I ate constantly,
often more than my Dad. Since the refrigerator was always full, neither of my parents really knew how much I was eating.
God told me and I knew if I did not eat all the time I would die. I still associate skinny with
I felt the pain of others both physical and emotional. Sometimes it was hard to know what was
mine, and what was from someone else. Grandpa taught me how to control it. Being out on my Grandpa’s boat helped a great
deal. Feeling other’s pain did come in handy. It saved my Brother’s life one time.
I found my Soul Mate. It was wonderful. Then it suddenly cut short by their Death. They were Murdered.
That was the first time I directly connected the dots that this was persecution from Satan’s people. Let’s just
say my hatred hit an all time high at that point in my life. Satan meant this loss to cripple me emotionally. It certainly
did that. It was meant to take me out of the battle. That it did not do. I kept fighting.
I fought the desire to die. God would not let me come Home. I now understand why it was not allowed.
At the time I was very frustrated, seeing no point in going on. I quit making friends and isolated myself. Finally I clawed
my way out of the Pit. It took a while to get out.
I feel in love more times, but it was never the same. It was not really fair to them. I finally
spiraled into an abusive situation. This started right after God told me to start my Mission. Later I realized the connection.
Satan did not want me up to full speed again. I told God that I just could not start without my partner. It was almost 8 years
after that I turned it over to God. God freed me from the trap I had fallen into. I fell in because like Jonah, I did not
go when I was asked to start working for God.
That was 5 years ago. There have been some really hard problems to overcome. Even with more hitting
the fan every day, I am doing better than I have in decades. I now am strong enough to fight back. All my worries about not
being strong enough were wiped away. I found that I was given all my Partner would have received for our Mission in addition
to my own.
Because of the things that happened in my life I had developed a deep Hatred of Satan. I hated
the People in his Employ, I hated the Demons, and I hated Satan. I thought it was ok to feel this hate. I never realized the
trap I had set for myself.
When you hate it is very easy to add other people to your list. Now don’t get me wrong these
people are the lowest slaves of Satan. They have made many parts of my life a living Hell. They deserve all they have coming
to them, but I am not their judge.
Something changed dramatically when God started in with the Dreams. These are the Dreams that
were written into stories in the book I wrote. They were fierce Dreams. Many of them reminded me of some of the worst times
in my life. Through these Dreams I was able to fight free of the Hatred. I still really dislike some folks now, but I do not
hate them anymore.
One of the stories was about a Rabid Dog. It has many lessons in it’s theme. The morals
of the story are numerous. One is that only courage blended with Compassion would work when fighting the Rabid Dog. One was
the things you have to do to deal with Evil. You can try to heal it. You can try to isolate it. When all else fails you must
put it out of it’s misery. The emphasis in the story was that without the lack of fear and a deep compassion you could
not end the stalemate. It was a very inspiring story for me.
Some of the Dreams after that were to deal with my Hatred. Here I was trying to become a Minister
and forgiveness was eluding me. This was my biggest stumbling block. I was so comfortable with it, I saw no need to change
it. Well, God had other plans.
Then I had a Dream that was not for a story. It was about Satan. I had been studying the Reconciler
Gospel of Thomas when something clicked and it became very clear the message built into it.
It is RGoT Verse 107 Jesus said, “The Kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep.
The largest one of them went astray. The shepherd left the ninety-nine sheep because they were safe. The shepherd looked for
the one until he found it. When he had gone to the trouble, he said to the sheep, “I care for you more than the ninety-nine
because you were lost and now you are found.”
This Verse, the Dream and a Verse from the Bible did the job of making me understand. The Bible
Verse follows.
James 4:11-12 Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges
him speaks against the Law and judges it. When you judge the Law you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. There
is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you, who are you to judge your neighbor?
In the Dream God showed me how we are all Children of God. All the people and every Angel that
God Made are Children of God. That includes even the Angels that turned from God, the Demons and Satan. They are my Brothers.
How can I hate someone I may be welcoming Home someday?
From the RGoT Verse I got that God has not given up on Satan, and still hopes someday Satan will
come Home and be good. He is the Ultimate Prodigal Son. Until he apologizes he is not welcome, but he will be greeted warmly
if it ever happens.
I realized that my hatred of Satan was harming me, not Satan. I pity Satan now. I pray that he
and the other Demons come to their senses one day, before it is too late. It has made my life a lot easier letting the Hatred
go. It has healed me. It won’t stop me from kicking their butts. However, now it is my job now not a vendetta.
Try to let your Hatred go. Don’t let it eat you up inside. You will be able to forgive much
more readily if you can. Just take it one step at a time.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza
Dilettante Sermon 10-21-07
This World has gotten very technical. Previously there were many things that a normal person could
fiddle with a while and fix the problem. Now just programming your Electrical toys can be mind boggling. My Mom can not understand
enough of the instructions in a new TV Manual to do more than turn it on. Sometimes she has trouble just finding out where
to plug in the power cord.
I’m a bit better. If I work at it long enough, and I’m pretty stubborn, I usually
get things set up to my satisfaction. I do know that many “features” never get activated because it is just too
much of a hassle. I’m sure if I called a tech support person or a young friend it will be set up to the utmost. I’m
happy with what I manage, so I do not bother. I do foresee a time that I will be in the same situation as my Mom.
Technology is developing so quickly that even a year can make whatever gadget you have totally
obsolete. I think we miss out on a great deal by handling technology this way. I know some of my young friends also are overwhelmed
by the changes. I’m not very old, but I remember when it was the older people in our lives that taught us. They had
met the situation a dozen times and learned many creative ways to work out solutions.
In Modern times there is literally no time to work out the bugs. There is no time to gain experience
through trial and error to find the very best way to deal with a problem. By the time we understand how to plug in the Power
cord the model is obsolete.
There are many how-to books for Dummies out there. They are very useful to get started in a project.
They may even be sufficient to your needs. You may not need any more technical help. Sometimes it is very important to understand
all the facets of what you are attempting.
There are things in this World where only knowing the surface of how to do something can Kill
you. There are still specialties in the World where only someone Adept at it can practice them safely. They are trained, in-depth,
for many years. They dedicate all their energy to perfecting their trade. Until they perfect that discipline they are not
allowed to work in that field. At least not legally.
Two examples come from Asia. The art of creating the living thing called a Samurai Sword
is one. The preparation of Puffer Fish to be non-poisonous is another. A third example comes from Samoa, Tahiti, and Hawaii
their descendents.
I talked about the many stages of making a Samurai Sword in a different Sermon. I only observed
for a couple of hours. There were hundreds of large and small things that I could never know unless I Apprenticed to a Master
Sword Maker for many years.
If I claimed to know how to make one I would be guilty of being a Dilettante. I would at best
be able to fake my way through to something that looked like a Sword. My guess is any Sword I made would probably shatter
the first time it was wielded.
I have never tried Puffer Fish. It is a Delicacy in Asia. People pay a great deal to be served
the dish. There is a black market in it as well. Because a Master Chef who has studied how to make the dish safely is highly
sought after, they can demand very high salaries.
Money always draws Fakes and Dilettantes. It is only when they have slipped up and killed someone
that they move on. The demand is so high, they get other restaurants to hire them pretty quickly.
The last Example of not knowing the Rules leading to harm is the preparation of Taro Root. Taro
is a starchy purple root. It is a staple food for all Polynesian peoples. They brought it with them to plant wherever they
traveled. They always made Poi with it. Making Poi is a process of cooking and then fermenting the Taro Root. When completed
it looks like a bowl of very thick purple Elmers Glue. It is an acquired taste. I did not find it terrible, just very bland.
Later on when there was money to eat out at a “Sit Down” Restaurant, I saw a dish
that was also prepared with Taro Root. I thought I would try it. It was served like a potato salad. The Taro Root was used
instead of the normal potato ingredient. It had a light blush of purple running through the pieces. When I tasted it the texture
was a bit grainier than a potato, but very pleasant with a sweetness in addition to the Earthy note of most root vegetables.
About the time I finished my meal I noticed a tingling and itching at the back of my throat. After
a while the tingling included my tongue. I recognized the feeling from my Aunt’s Rhubarb plants in Maine. I was the
Culinary Victim of a Dilettante. Some chef had treated the Taro just like the Potato it was replacing. They did not bother
to find out, “The Rest of the Story”.
Taro Root is protected from predators by a substance in their leaves, stem and roots. It is called
Oxalic Acid. It is a poison. 5 grams can be fatal. The extreme end of the line is convulsions and coma. Lucky for me and every
other person who probably ate there it takes repeated meals of it to get to that extreme. Calcium rich foods served with it
can help. Chronic ingestion can lead to Kidney Disease and failure. Luckily most of the locals could not afford to eat there.
Of course any Hawaiian “Auntie” could have told this Chef what they were doing wrong.
The key is in the cooking. If you do not boil it long enough the Oxalic Acid is not neutralized. Poi is so processed that
it never has any left to harm someone. I reported the problem to the Manager, if they cared they told the Chef to shape up.
Because of the vacant look on their face, I never went back to eat there. I did fall in love with Taro Chips. Think Potato
Chip but using Taro Root.
It is bad enough when someone is a half trained Chef, Sword Maker, or Techie. That is the Physical
World. The injury and possible Death do not go beyond the World around us. There are Spiritual Dilettantes as well. There
are tons of how-to books on Spirituality out there. I’ve read my share of them. Most of these books read something like
a recipe. If you do A this happens. If you do B this happens. And if you do A,B,C, And D you get your big surprise.
Like most half assed things, they get away with it because there is a great deal of Money in the
whole Industry. A Spiritual Dilettante generally follows the recipe. When that has worked a few times they try something bigger.
In a few months the are claiming to be experts, and Adept at the Practice of (Fill in the Blank.).
Unfortunately they are playing Russian Roulette. They do not have the background, history, rules, and precautions of whatever
they have decided to Practice. In this case ignorance may be bliss but it will not protect them from the “fine print”,
that is not included in their Spiritual Manual for Dummies.
I advise anyone who truly wishes to know more about a subject to use caution. If it is a book
it can not respond to you. It has no Tech Support. If you get into trouble you are alone. You may not even know you have a
Hellacious Problem until you are very deeply embedded in the Practice. It is a little like Quick Sand. It looks firm, the
nice brisk confident steps take you out of arms reach of solid ground, then you are caught. If this has happened to you, I
can help you. Of course it will involve walking away from the Practice that Trapped you in the first place. It is your choice
of course, that is why God gave us Free Will.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza
Thin Places for Halloween Sermon 10-28-07
The Tradition of All Hollow’s Eve (Halloween) is very old. It is Celebrated in many forms
in Christian Communities, among others. Here in the USA there is much partying and pretending. People don’t think of
it as more than an excuse to dress up in costume.
In Mexico it is a solemn day called the Day of The Dead. I have had friends that recently moved
from Mexico be very offended by the Irreverence Americans show on the Day of the Dead.
When we talked they told me that they went to Mass on the Day of the Dead. After the Service the
family would bring food to the graves of their dead relatives and friends. The Food is partly meant as a tribute in memory
of their Dead. When we talked a little longer I also heard something familiar. It was to appease the Dead so they did not
harm their living relatives.
Most European people I’ve met pretty much ignore it, unless they see it as preparation for
All Saints Day which is the next day, November 1st. In Britain it is also pretty calm compared to the US.
This day was special long before Christians showed up on the Spiritual Scene. There are other
groups that see this as a different kind of day. Wiccans call it Samhain.
Some people who are stupid enough to want to interact with or talk to a Demon use this time to
try their Sorcery. It has been one of my busiest times of year for rescuing folks who do this. Because it is so easy to invite
Evil at this time, even the weakest person can call a Demon. They just think it is harmless fun. Sorcery is never harmless
What they do not seem to understand is anything that easy to call, can be impossible for them
to send back where it belongs. In addition because they are not being Christian in their thoughts or actions they lose any
protection they might have had. Any Nominal Christian who thinks this is harmless is going to be sadly surprised.
A Nominal Christian is often someone who was raised in a Church Family, but never got a Baptism
of Fire. They show up, they know what is expected, and they go through the motions. Only God knows they are only saying they
are Christian, because it is the thing to do. For a Nominal Christian, Church is a Social get together not a worship of God.
At least they are trying, sometimes a stressor will help tip them in to God’s arms. Like the old saying goes, “There
are no Atheists in Foxholes”. Facing Death can do wonders for your Faith and belief in God.
Of course there are people with not even the slightest pretence of Christianity. They may be the
Spiritual Dilettantes I talk about last week. These folks are in serious danger, both Spiritually and physically. I had a
friend who was not Christian that got together with a couple of friends, drank a case of beer, and decided to see if “Anything
would Answer their call”. He had to stay at my place for three days before what they called went away. Let’s just
say he was not that stupid again. We were much closer friends after that incident. It took place on Halloween.
Just a side note, both of his friends wound up in a psyche ward. I wish they had believed him
when he tried to get them to come to my place. That was when I was 18. I was not very strong then. I could not make them go
away. All I could do was keep them away from my friend.
I have matured a bit over the years. I’ve seen and felt a lot of things, I would have preferred
not to have experienced. I’m much more experienced now. I use the same formula that Jesus taught his Disciples to use.
Demons are sent home directly when I find them. If I can not go I ask our Big Brothers and Sisters, The Angels to go to protect
the person who is in danger.
The last group that might find this a good time to optimize their “Work”, are capable
of asking Demons to do jobs, for a reward. These are not reputable people. I do not care what tradition of Religion you claim
to follow, any doings with Demons is bad news. These people never give anything from their store of energy. It is the Victims
that pay for the Sorcery.
In many Traditions Halloween is a time when the barrier between Earth, Heaven and Hell is not
strong. Maybe someone will figure out why that happens someday. As I have shared before Heaven, Hell and the World fill the
same place. They are in different Dimensions of this Universe. The rules of each do not overlap into the others.
These weak spots in the barrier are called thin places. At the thin places things from else where
can come here. And if a person is near one they were considered vulnerable to being taken to the other place. Since Heaven
is not interested in kidnapping people, it was the Demons people feared showing up.
I was appalled by a recent Sermon I heard by a Supposedly Christian Minister. She was talking
about thin places. She had read one book, sound familiar, and it said these were the Celtic Places of Power. She made these
thin places sound wonderful. She said it was where people could access Power very freely. She was talking about Portals that
could have very unpleasant things come through. She saw no danger in “Accessing” these thin places.
I asked her if she considered what might be on the other side of these thin places. She told me
it must be ok, if God let us get a peek of Heaven. I asked her what her views on Hell were. She said she did not believe there
was one. I asked about Demons. She said oh, sure there are bad People in the World. She said that she did not believe in Demons.
I felt like telling her what I saw around her, but she would not have believed me. So I left,
and have not returned to that Church. It is not Christian, though it uses Christian Services to sucker people in need to attend.
What I saw next to her was a Demon. It looked pretty happy at her responses to my questions. I
think I know what it was laughing about. She did not believe in it, but the Demon definitely believed in her usefulness. Sadly
the entire Denomination is infested with Demons that they do not believe in. I can not help a group who does not want my aid.
In the old Days, at Halloween, people would huddle up in their homes. Because the Demons were
outside they did not want to invite anything in to their homes. They let the children out only if they were dressed as a Demon,
so they blended in. When you opened your door you never knew if it was a neighborhood kid or a Demon. You treated every visitor
as if it was a Demon, just in case.
In Parody of the Demons the children would ask to come in. When denied access to the Homes, they
would demand something to Appease them. They would not go away if they were not Appeased.
If someone was bold enough to say, get lost, an ultimatum was issued by the child or Demon. The
Ultimatum was that they would be harassed until the slacker came into compliance and offered a gift to get them to go away.
Rocks were thrown, windows and doors knocked on, and other reminders that they were not leaving.
And thus was born the watered down version, “Trick or Treat”. May your Halloween be
safe and uneventful. Take care, and May God Bless You all on this perilous Holy Day.
God Bless the Whole World, No exceptions.
Angel Eliza