“You will know them by their Fruit” Sermon 8-5-07
In this World it is hard to shrug off the Siren call of the Enemy. The call tempts and beckons
constantly. We are surrounded by the message that if we do not have what the neighbor has plus a little more; we are somehow
poor. When you walk with God you can never be poor. Somehow your needs will be met. The truly poor are those who’s hearts
are empty of Love and the compassion God nurtures inside of us.
There are many who buy into the message that if they have this thing or that product they will
be loved. They think a certain perfume or cologne will guarantee plenty of bed mates. They believe the advertisement that
they will be filling that hole in their lives.
I know that the first altruistic act of a child is very important. They do it out of innocence.
If you have a boo-boo, they run get a bandage. If you look at their cookie they offer you the soggy uneaten part. Then to
wash it down the crumble filled glass of milk. This is the seed of God’s Love bursting with new growth. Encourage these
acts of Love with a part of yourself. Give as freely to them as they have given to you. You are watering the tree of God when
you give of yourself. What you teach will go with them out into the World.
There are also many who claim to be Christian who seem untouched by Jesus’ teachings. To
have God in your life naturally leads to a giving heart. It seeps out of your pores. It radiates in your smile. If this is
not the case, you might want to reevaluate your relationship to God and the World around you. You will find it if you open
your heart.
Many people have felt there was no God to help them. They see the lack of Compassion and Love
demonstrated by people who claim to be Christians. They drive people away from God because they do not practice what they
preach. It can be very confusing to someone who is not Christian. They are seeking guidance in how to find God to fill their
hearts. When they do not see the Love in you, they will turn away.
Reconciler Gospel of Thomas verse 45 says, “Grapes can not be harvested from brambles. Figs
can not be gathered from thistles, for they do not produce fruit. A Good person brings out good from their storehouse, their
hearts. An Evil person brings out evil from their storehouse, evil filling their heart. What is in a heart always slips out
of their mouth.”
Galatians 6: 22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Matthew 7:18-20 and Luke 6:43-45 both say, “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad
tree can not bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus by
their fruit you will know them.”
When you work with God you spread something precious around the World. It is Love and every good
thing that radiates like a blinding light from that Love. Even if you travel a hard road you can help people by demonstrating
God’s Love to others. I have often found that the people poorest in material goods have the most caring Spirits.
When I have been in need it has often been the poor in resources who have given me solace from
the bounty of their hearts. I have been given food they needed. I have been offered blankets from their own beds. I have been
given comfort and love that many reserve only for close friends and family. I have been given clothing from their own bodies
to protect me. I have been shielded and protected from enemies and bullies determined to do me harm. These are Children of
God. These are people who share the fruit of the massive tree that grows within them. You will know the Children of God by
their fruit.
I have seen people with wealth give great amounts of money to help people. The thing that concerns
me is how they do it. Many who give great amounts are looking for a pay back. I am not talking about money returns necessarily.
I knew a Minister at a Church I attended who was not Christian in her attitudes. The Church had
a Food Pantry. This Minister ran this Ministry. One day I saw how she treated the homeless that came asking for help. She
treated them like Lepers, and acted like a Pharisee. She gave them no choice of food, even though the Congregation stocked
it to the brim with diverse products. Some were allergic to the food she chose for them. She would not make an exchange when
they explained the problem. She never touched them. She bagged their food without talking or acknowledging them. She made
them well aware of the Great Thing She was doing for them. She made them feel like they were less than worthy. I asked her
why she was not more charitable. She told me that they should be grateful for what they got. They could trade on the streets
for what they wanted. It was not her problem. She then told me to mind my own business. I told her all God’s Children
were my business. Needless to say, I did not attend that Church much longer.
They often do it like British Petroleum after the Explosion here in Texas City. In this case it
was a Public Relations Campaign to distract people from their lack of concern about safety rules and their enforcement that
killed many people. I can understand why they wanted to make the public think twice about the multiple law suits coming after
the Federal report laid the blame squarely on their shoulders. I heard the Explosion at the Oil Distilling Plant. It was massive.
I was over 15 miles from it.
Some people do it so they can have a good itemized deduction on their taxes. They figure out how
much they need to give to avoid paying more tax, then give that amount to charity. I can understand why people do not want
to give too much in taxes. Voting for people who spend our tax money wisely might be a better way to address this issue.
I have seen people do or give at Churches I have attended. Many times it is obvious that the giving
was meant to get applause. There was one Church that even had people stand up during services, if they gave anything, so they
could be ’recognized’ as the donor or volunteer.
I did some volunteer stuff at a Church where I attended. One day for reasons I will never understand,
I was asked to stand up for applause. I was appalled. They knew I desired anonymity. They knew it made me very uncomfortable
to get credit for something I did for God, not them specifically. I ran from the room. Later when I was asked why I did not
want credit, I told them that if I could have done the volunteering invisibly I would have. They had a blank look on their
face after I said it. They never understood.
It is possible that God was whispering that maybe I should be the role model not the attention
seekers. To bring me to their level they wanted to tempt me with the recognition I avoided. I am familiar with the tactics
of the Enemy.
Again I can understand why some people need the encouragement to continue doing the Good that
is in their hearts. I hope someday they will get the hugs from God, and not need them from other people.
On the Questionnaire there was a question about helping someone and not letting them know who
you were. It was partly meant to get you thinking about why I would ask. I think this is one of the higher ways of expressing
God’s Love through you to an other person. To give with out getting. To give without getting credit for doing it. To
give from the bountiful fruit of your heart because it is overflowing with good will for others.
It is never too late to stick your toe into the waters of God’s pool. Start with a toe and
inch in a little at a time if need be. For you brave souls, dive in water is fine. If you start giving as a habit, try to
fine tune it to the moment. Money is just one way to give. Giving of yourself is showing what tree you sprang from. Let the
World know God through the fruit of your actions.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
The Nature of Hell Sermon
This is a very popular subject. Many Ministers have driven potential Christians away by explaining
the tortures of Hell. Transgressions of the sinful are punished but not with hate. I remember the stories told of Missionaries
ripping children from their parents to raise them in a “civilized” way.
They told the children that it was sinful to speak their parent’s languages. They beat them
into submission to the will of God. As you can probably imagine there were three reactions by the children.
If you are in an abusive situation you can submit becoming a parrot of the Dogma forced upon you.
You can dislocate, letting the body submit, but going elsewhere in spirit. You can rebel. The last can be very dangerous.
You will probably not escape without injury. In the case of these children, to rebel often meant a total rejection of Christianity
as a Righteous religion.
Today there are many Christians that break a key component of what Jesus taught. We were told
to Love each other as he had loved us. These so called Christians hate and persecute they very people they should be reaching
out to. The biggest club they use to enforce their judging of others is the threat of Hell.
I have tried to help many youngsters that were good kids, but were told they were destined for
Hell. This message was pounded into them until they did one of the tactics used by abused people. Some took the hate inside
and end their suffering by killing themselves.
We all Sin. The worst thing about the so called Christians is they relegate others to Hell, then
break whatever Commandment amuses them. I have found it ironic that the most strict interpreters of Scripture are also the
most likely to break their own strictures.
Dante painted a detailed description of Hell. He made Hell famously colorful. It is filled with
all the retribution we can possibly imagine. We want to see a liar with their tongue impaled. We want to see a sexual molester
being raped endlessly. We want to believe that the fire and brimstone end of a sinful life is what God has in store for people.
It was very easy to twist the image of Hell during the Dark Ages. The only people who could read
at all were the Clergy and a few very rich individuals. The representatives of the Pope were notorious in their excesses.
There were many clergy who took a vow of celibacy, then take advantage of the power inherent in
their positions to carouse with women. They consumed vast amounts of food when their charges were starving. They took vows
of Poverty, then amassed great fortunes by selling indulgences.
An Indulgence was a piece of paper that was a get out of Hell free card. For a price, the paper
was sold to sinners, no repenting required. The Church got very rich on this practice, because all higher ups got their cut
of the action.
This was the environment that Dante wrote his description of Hell. Before this point Hell was
a place of punishment. It was a place of Limbo. The Fiery Pit that had been described by Jesus was for Fallen Angels, Demons.
The Church did two very long range changes to the vision of Hell.
The first change was to make Limbo a place for babies who died before they could be baptized.
I find this horrible. I know that there is no such thing as 'sins of the father'. Furthermore a baby has never had a chance
to sin. To not welcome them home to Heaven directly is very un- Christian idea.
Second, now that Limbo was out of the way Hell could be modified. The imagery of Dante’s
Hell was better than they could have hoped to create on their own. It was adopted whole cloth. It was very useful in instilling
fear. Fear is a prominent tool of Satan.
When the backlash against abuses in the Church started this imagery was adopted by the new Protestant
movement. They saw this as a great end for all these Sinning clergy. They wanted their pound of flesh. When the separation
from Rome was complete they adopted it for sinners inside their own ranks. I have given you the Trinitarian Christianity’s
evolution of images of Hell to highlight the differences.
RGoT Verse 59 Jesus said, “Seek The One while you live on Earth. If you do not seek before
you die The One’s face will be unfamiliar. Being unfamiliar you may not be able to find The One. If you are in Limbo
you will not know the way to the Light.”
RGoT Verse 82 Jesus said, “A person who is near me is near the warming fire of my Love.
A person who is far from me is far from Heaven. They are in the dark bitter cold of Limbo.”
In the Church of Thomas and several other Denominations there is a different image of Hell. It
will take a bit more imagination than the Dante imagery.
Luckily our entertainment industry has provided me with the help in explaining it. I will use
the Original Star Trek Series. There was an episode that was about a Criminally Insane Institution on this isolated planet.
A machine was developed by a doctor there to help delete “Bad Impulses”. There was an uprising in the prison.
The machine was modified to be a torture device. The operator would speak into this void what they wanted the subject to remember,
feel, and experience. Everything else was removed.
When Captain Kirk was forced into the machine to make him do their bidding, things went very wrong.
The operator who was to “re-Program” the Captain had to leave in the middle of the session. Instead of re-programming
it became a sensory depravation experience. He was almost driven insane. He was dying, to hear even the torturer’s voice.
The Church of Thomas sees Hell as a place that is without God. There is no worse feeling. It is
a void. It is the Original Limbo. The more you have sinned without asking to be forgiven, the further from God you are. Not
being able to see God even in the distance, you have no direction. You are literally lost. You have no signposts on the way
to find Heaven. There are many people who are not Christians that will find Heaven in time. It may not be the express route,
just a great deal more hunting for signposts.
Some of you may be saying what is so horrible about this Limbo of Human Hell. Imagine having no
one to talk with. No feelings of a body. No pleasure, and no pain. People were made social for a reason. Try sitting alone
in a dark room, awake. Most people who were not praying would do one of two things. Fall asleep or get intensely bored. Being
Social people allows us to help each other, but also to make this “Sitting in the corner” possible. You would
have no one to bully, lash out at, rant or rave at.
You only have the Hate and deeds you accumulated through your life. You get to mull them over,
forever if necessary. If the Universe ends before you have figured out how to find your way home, you will cease to exist.
That will be a very long time to stew in a Hell of your own mind.
If you have served Satan during your lifetime and not repented the hate you sewed, you are in
even more trouble. Even if you want to turn around, the chains of your slavery will keep you from ever finding a single signpost.
When the Universe ends you will too. Also because of your close ties to Satan they might drop by on occasion to tease you
about your gullibility, falling for their lies.
Now I can hear a few of you saying it is not right to “Let them off the Hook”. I tell
you that God has more mercy in a little fingernail than you will ever need. If you have a teenager who hurts someone you send
them to prison. Would you do this to a two year old? They may have hit someone with the same amount of injury, but with no
understanding of the hurt. They may even have trouble remembering what they did if it is a day later. It is this way with
people. Angels and Demons are held to a higher standard. The Pit with it’s Chains and Fire remain for God’s older
Please always use love to describe God. I do not want to see anymore people Driven from Christianity.
It causes God great pain. God sheds many tears when people invoke God’s Wrath. Never use threats of a Fiery Hell
to make people toe the party line.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza
The Nature of Heaven Sermon
There are quite a few people now that can recount an experience of Heaven. They had a Near Death
Experience. There are personal aspects of these experiences that may never get shared. There are a set of things that all
have in common. I do not discount these people’s experiences because I have had the same thing happen to me. I was a
very sick little kid. Every illness that was contagious seemed to land on me. The two times I remember from childhood were
because of these illnesses.
I did not have anything fancy. The first time was a rampant viral infection as an infant. My fever
was very high. They had to pack ice around me to bring the fever down.
The second time was Spinal Meningitis. I was about 4 at the time. I have always been a chow hound.
My Mom could mention food was ready, and I would be on my way. I remember sitting outside on the grass. Mom called from the
porch that it was lunch time. I could not turn around. After the second time, Mom came out to see what was going on. When
she saw that I could not turn to look at her just sitting and staring ahead she scooped me up in her arms.
She was a Nurse and I could see fear in her eyes. I remember her running. The Hospital was just
a couple of blocks away. When Mom got to the Doctor’s office she told the Nurse at the desk that this was an Emergency.
The Nurse did not respond in a expeditious manner. The woman wanted Mom to fill out paperwork.
When Mom repeated that I had to see a Doctor immediately the woman told her to sit down like everyone
else. Mom walked past her to the Doctor’s door and kicked it open. I remember it hurt my head to hear it hit the wall
The Doctor recognized the fear in Mom’s eyes and told Mom to put me on the exam table. It
was so cold. He was very nice. Mom said a bunch of stuff I did not understand to him. When she was done he came over to talk
to me. I did not know what was wrong but I was not scared.
He bent over so I could see his smiling face. He told me that he wanted me to touch me chin to
my chest. I tried for several seconds when he told me it was ok, I could do it for him later. Several minutes later people
were all around me taking me to a room. I don’t remember much until it was night and I was not in my body.
I remember a very bright light. I was told that this was just a hug before I got back to work.
I really did not want to come back to the pain. God said something that made it ok. After that I was willing to go back. I
think the other two times were to remind me about Heaven. Sort of a booster shot of Heaven. I was not greeted by relatives.
I was not accompanied by Angels. I did float for a second, before I was suddenly just there in Heaven. It was a beautiful
white room. It felt like a waiting room. I was not a kid in Heaven, but a young adult all of my visits. I felt infused with
The next thing I remember was waking up still not able to move my neck. I had boards on my arms
to keep them straight where the IV lines went in to my veins. My Mom was asleep in a chair next to my bed. I could move again
in a couple of days.
Some common threads about these experiences are Talking to God, Jesus, or Angels. There is a very
bright light, that under other conditions would be blinding. Floating above their own bodies is common. There are often Relatives
coming as escorts. There is speaking without talking. There is a great sense of being surrounded by Love. A tunnel is common
in many recountings. Because we are talking with returned folks there is commonly a message conveyed that the person should
go back. There is a sense that they are needed back in their bodies. Sometimes there is a renewed sense of purpose, faith,
and Love for others. All people who have these things happen have changes in the life they lead after they recover.
There are also some less common things. Some remember being told something specific. Or they are
given a Mission to work on. Some see past the tunnel. Descriptions vary, but peacefulness, love, and harmony are common. Music
is very common. I know that all of them might have seen something different because they were in a different part of Heaven.
Many people live their lives differently because they no longer fear death. To know Heaven is
there waiting definitely changes your focus in life. I think part of the reason God has people go back is to let others know
from being told that Heaven is real.
In my entire life I have never feared death. I tried to tell people about what I saw when they
were dying. I told them that I knew it was there. I told them that their pain would go away. I told them that they would see
their family and friends. I reassured them that pets and other animals would be there. I told them that there was great music,
and beauty. No one in Heaven needs to worry about hunger, suffering, or persecution. It seemed to help some people. There
were a few that insisted that they did not believe me. I tried that was all I could do.
I have been sent children that had lost Grandparents or a beloved pet to death. Their parents
often had not taken time to comfort them. The parents were too tied up in their own grief. In some cases the pets were regarded
as oh well, they died. Some kids knew what I talked about. It was fun. They said they remembered now. They said they had just
forgotten a little about Heaven. I was more gratified by the kids, because they had not built the walls of disbelief yet.
I think it is wonderful that Kids remember Heaven and God. There are verses in the Reconciler
that speak of the Wisdom of a seven day old and children in general. I know that God speaks through them often, if we will
just listen.
RGoT Verse 4 Jesus said, “ An old person who dares to see the Wisdom in the eyes of a seven
day old infant will know how to know Heaven, and be born again. Many who are first will be last by service to The One.”
RGoT Verse 20 The Disciples said to Jesus, “What is Heaven like?”
Jesus told them, “A seed like a mustard seed that falls on fertile cleared soil, like the
mind of a three year old child will produce a great plant. Growing in the light and beauty of The One to maturity becomes
shelter to all the souls that like birds fill the sky.”
May you all have the Faith and innocence of a child. You are all Children of God. Take care of
Each Other.
God Bless the Whole World no Exceptions.
Where are Heaven and Hell? Sermon 8-26-07
The Question of where the Dead go has been with us as long as there has been the concept of an
Afterlife. The discussion about where Heaven and Hell are located have been with us as long as there have been those concepts.
In many Mainstream Christian teachings there are very distinct locals. It boiled down to a simple
idea. Heaven is up and Hell is down. The Thomas Tradition has had a different way of identifying the locations. It is a simply
concept if you look at the World through observing eyes.
There were many reasons Mainstream Christianity identified their teaching’s locations of
Heaven and Hell. There was the idea of Dead People being underground. The Jewish tradition saw the place of the dead as being
an underground waiting room of sorts. It was called Sheol. It was where the dead waited until Judgment Day. There was no suffering
per se.
This became the place where Hell was. It was not with God so it was Hell. If you were with God
you must be in Heaven. There were several instances of Servants of God going directly to Heaven. There was Moses, and Elijah.
They had to have assistance from Angels to get to Heaven.
Since Angels were seen as having wings, it followed that they needed wings to get back to Heaven.
So Heaven was the up. Up was in the Sky, unreachable. God had to send Angels to collect you if you were to be able to get
to Heaven.
This of course led to the proverbial Tower of Babel. To reach Heaven you needed to build a tower
tall enough to get to Heaven. They failed of course, because it is not up to people to demand access to Heaven.
The other reason that Hell was relegated as Down. The story of the fall of “The Morning
Star”, otherwise known as Lucifer and Satan. That there was a fall described Heaven must be up and Hell down.
The Gospel of Thomas has verses that have been called cryptic by Trinitarian Scholars. When the
stories were told explaining where Heaven and Hell were located they were in agreement with the verses 3 and 113. Here they
are. I have highlighted the most pertinent sections.
RGoT verse 3 Jesus said, “If your leaders say, ‘The Kingdom is in the sky,’
then the birds of the air will get to Heaven before you.” “ If the leaders say, ‘Heaven is in the Sea,’
the fish will get to Heaven before you.” “Instead know that Heaven is inside of you, Heaven is outside of you.”
“If you who you truly are, you will step into the presence of The One, and you will know that you
are the children of The One.” “If you do not seek to find your true self, you live in the dark, you are part of
the dark, and you aid the darkness of the World.”
RGoT verse 113 Jesus’ students asked, “When will Heaven Come?”
Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying, ‘It
is here.’ or ‘There it is.’, Heaven and The One are already spread upon the Earth, and People do not see
it. They fill the same spaces.”
The Church of Thomas teaches that the Earth, Heaven and Hell are occupying the same space. We
have gone to the place allocated for Heaven. We see a beautiful World filled with wonder. We see a floating globe of blue.
We have also tunneled to great depths into the crust of
the Earth. Our observations and seismic tests have been able to identify the make up of the unseen portions of our World.
There is no hollow place to put Hell.
In the Teachings of Jesus in the Church of Thomas there is no up or down distinction.
Heaven and Hell are both here. Because all are occupying the same space it is possible for Heaven an Hell to be in the same
location as you are. Therefore Heaven and Hell can be inside of you.
With the advent of Space travel, Astronomy, Modern Science and observation we now
know that the Mainstream Christian idea of the locations of Heaven and Hell have been in error.
Despite this many still cling to the ideas. It is a pity that some people would rather
fight their intellect than admit that there are problems with the teachings. I have heard the statement that we never really
went into space. It has been explained as a big hoaxes to ‘disprove’ the Bible. I guess they never talked with
the devote Christian Astronauts that have found great affirmation in their visits to space.
With Modern Knowledge we have not located either Heaven or Hell. The teachings of
Jesus are upheld in the Gospel of Thomas. What we have been able to experience and observe has not conflicted with these teachings.
It may not be the conclusion of our search but there is a theory being discussed
now that seems to have many components in common with these and other verses in the Gospel of Thomas.
I asked a friend who was a mathematician about the verses. I thought he was the one
to check with because what I was seeing was a mathematical way of explaining inconsistency in the Physics of the Universe.
He told me that it was very strange that it was written 2,000 years ago. I told him what I thought it looked like. He told
me that it did fit the theory in a very simple form.
The Theory is called string theory. There are many facets to it, which I will attempt
to explain in a different Sermon. The part that struck me was the idea of separate Dimensions. In Modern Physics there is
a problem. There are rules that apply to big things. These rules work very well until you get down to the atomic size of things.
There are a set of rules that work very well in explaining and working with sub-atomic
things. However these rules do not work with anything bigger. The two sets of rules work very well until they approach each
other’s size categories. They can not be Reconciled with each other. It is one of many reasons I named my update of
the Gospel of Thomas, Reconciler Gospel of Thomas.
String Theory is able to Reconcile and explain why these rules do not meet. It does
this by allowing for the unseen, and as yet untestable. It allows for different dimensions occupying the same place at the
same time.
When I saw the documentary about String Theory I was thinking about Heaven and Hell.
I had just gotten several translations of the Gospel of Thomas. As I read the verses it struck me that they were also talking
about String Theory.
What Jesus told Thomas may have seemed cryptic but was just way ahead of it’s
time. In the Church of Thomas we do not write things in stone. We expect explanations from God’s inspiration. We know
it will arrive when we are able to grasp them. String Theory may be a stepping stone to something else. We do see it as a
God Bless the Whole World no Exceptions.