Theme of Reconciling
Sermon 7-13-08
The concept of Reconciling opposing forces is strongly emphasized in the Reconciler Gospel of Thomas. We do not think
there should be animosity between the divisions arbitrarily made in this World. These divisions arose through Human ways not
God’s Law. These are examples of the Factions and the response given by Jesus to Thomas. These are the sayings of Jesus
written down by the Apostle Thomas. Many of these sayings have many levels of meaning. I will only highlight the ones that
harmonize with the theme of this Sermon.
Science/Intellect and Religion/Spirituality
This war of words over how to explain our World started as a defense of Dogma that has driven a wedge that has heightened
today. Without both working together; we are crippled by the lack of understanding that can come from letting them co-exist
in harmony.
RGoT (47) Jesus said, “It is impossible for a person to mount two steeds or stretch two bows at the same time. It is impossible to serve two Bosses. A
person would respect one and treat the other with contempt. This does not mean that Reason and Spirit are two Masters. Those
two should work as a team to reach The One.”
Male and Female
The idea that Women are unworthy of Equal Status comes from many sources in the History of Human Society. This verse
stands as a stark reminder not to look down on the other Gender. To serve God requires only a willing Heart and the actions
that flow from God filling it with purpose. At this time in History Women were property and slaves. Peter’s plea to
Jesus to remove the women from the discussion and teachings about God was perfectly normal for a man of his time. But as usual
what people believe and what God Wills can be diametrically opposed. Jesus scolded Peter by reminding him that they were all
Children of God.
RGoT (114) Peter said to Jesus, “Let Mary and all the other women leave us. They are the root and branch of sin.
They are the source of all temptation. Women are not worthy of Eternal Life.”
Jesus responded, “I say to you males, do not look down on a female because until you are made over to be as a
female you will be barred from full Inheritance in the sight of The One.”
Jesus said, “Until you are like the Lowest of the Angels, being in balance of body and soul. Reconciling of the
male and the female, you will remain on the edge of the Full Glory and Joy of the Brilliance of The One. The One is all that
was, is, and will be.”
Being on the edge you will still be Loved, and Beloved. The One knows that it is a hard lesson to learn. Others will
rejoice in the affirmation of what they have learned. Or like Angels have always known.”
Jesus said, “I myself will lead Mary of Magdela in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living
spirit, resembling you males. Every woman who will make herself male will become a full Inheritor, as well, in Heaven and
full Light of The One.”
Right and Left sides of your brain
In modern times we have discovered that the roles of the different Hemispheres of our brains. The Left side rules what
we consider Rational Thought. The Right side rules what has roughly been described as our creativity and imagination. Brain
injury to one side can leave the person unbalanced in their perceptions. Jesus was teaching to listen with both sides of our
RGoT (33) Share from the housetops what I will tell you. Remember what I say in the right ear but also hear me with
your left ear. (Note: right and left sides of the brain.) No one can be
a light in the darkness without trying to share that illumination. Everyone who enters this person’s presence will see
its light. Not acting on truth gives consent to the lies. Your silence can not shield you.”
Body and Soul
Our bodies have needs to stay alive and more to stay healthy. God understands the needs of both Body Nourishment and
what our Souls need to be fulfilled and healthy.
RGoT (11) Jesus said, “The Earth and the Solar System will cease to exist. Those who, walking in the dark, are
not alive though they walk around. Those who walk in the light and are aware are not dead and will not die. You consume what
is dead, but by eating it, it becomes part of you and alive again. When you live in the light, how will you live? When you
were born The One in you became two. You became body and soul, how will you reconcile the needs of both?”
RGoT (22) When Jesus saw suckling infants, he said to his students, these suckling infants are from The One. Being
like them is the way to enter Heaven.”
They asked Jesus, “If we are innocent like children can we enter Heaven?”
Jesus said, “You must reconcile the two becoming one again. You must make the inside like the outside and the
outside like the inside. You must make the above like the below. You must make the male and the female one and the same. You
must make the male not be only male, and the female not only female. There will come a time when you are able to craft an
eye to replace an eye, and a hand to replace a hand, and a foot to replace a foot, and rebuild a likeness in place of a likeness;
then will you enter The Kingdom.”
RGoT (87) Jesus said, “Incomplete is the body that is dependent on the body and the soul that depends only on
the soul. Only in the partnership that builds both will you become Whole.”
RGoT (89) Jesus said, “You make a big show of washing the outside of the cup. The One made the inside as well
as the outside. Body and Soul have the same value, together making a whole.”
RGoT (112) Jesus said, “Pity the flesh that depends on the soul. Pity the soul that depends on the flesh. They
must be an equal Partnership, because they are a matched team of horses. Harness them to become better.”