The Power of Words Sermon 3-2-08
When I was growing up I was taught a valuable lesson by my Father. He told me that there were
all sorts of Power. Some of that Power was in the form of our actions. Some was the Power of Money and possessions. Some came
from your status in a society. The one thing that out shines them all is the Power of words.
He told me that with words everything was possible. He also warned me that with that Power came
responsibility. Like most Power it can be used to help and heal, or hurt and destroy. I try to keep those ideas in mind when
I speak or write. I have an impulsive way of communicating so it has taken a great deal of practice to make my words into
As a Minister I try to make points that inspire others to try harder to be better people. I try
to convey as best I can the Love I feel when I do what God has asked of me. I relate stories with my words in an effort to
lead people to talk with God.
You may be saying to yourself that this does not work with you. To that I would say you are wrong.
In every interaction you have in this World you too wield the Power of Words. You can choose words that help people or harm
them. With every word you utter you have a choice to make.
Will you lash out with your Power or try to mend the situation. I'll give you some examples of
these options.
You go to a check out line in a store. You only have one item. The person ahead of you has a whole
basket full. You might start thinking that it will take all day for you to buy your one item. That could lead to the idea
that the person ahead of you is in your way. They are somehow to blame for your delay.
Now this person ahead of you sees that you have just one item. They wave you ahead saying that
they do not want you to have to wait. Now you have a choice. This person has just given you an unexpected gift. But on the
other hand you may have thought it was only right for them to "Get out of your way". What you say at this point could follow
both of you for the rest of the day.
You could grunt and say, "Yeah I thought I'd never get out of here with your basket being so full.
Are you buying for a neighborhood or something?"
Or you could look surprised and pleased, saying," Oh that would be great. Thank you so much for
your kindness."
I think you can see that the first way could make the person regret having offered you this gift
at all. Who knows maybe they were buying for the old folks in their neighborhood who could not drive anymore. The second way
was much more respectful. If after you moved up you asked if they were shopping for others they would probably tell you that
they were trying to help others with that full basket.
Ok how about kids. They often have a hard time thinking before they speak. You can be just like
them. If you let them set the tone of the conversation you will have missed a vital possibility to show them how it can be
done. If you model thoughtful speak the children and others in your life will learn whether they realize it or not.
If you see a little old person sitting crying on a park bench you have another opportunity to
use words. You could reach into their sadness to comfort them. Your words can bring a measure of connection they may need
but don't know where to find it.
An example of great Power is the environment in which you say your words. To warn people of a
fire is one thing. To yell fire when there is none, in a crowded Movie theater is a horrible crime. That is why they have
made it a crime to do it. There had been instances of people yelling fire, where great harm resulted. In the crowded situation,
many people died from being crushed or trampled on their way to an emergency exit.
If you use exaggeration in your words or out and out untruth you could be put in a different category.
Remember the story about a little Shepherd who wanted to test his village. He wanted to see how fast they would come to his
aid. He cried "Wolf". After a while no one would come because he had misused his words. His words lost all ability to call
help to his side because he used his warning in the wrong way.
How many times would you offering a kind word have changed everything? Consider the withholding
judgment as well as actively speaking. If someone has had a horrible day you have the Power to change it. A harsh word could
continue or worsen the attitude of that person. On the other hand would it hurt you to say a kind word. I've seen a few well
chosen supportive kind words change a persons whole outlook. What a wonderful Power to have.
If you see injustice you have an other time where words can change the situation. You could easily
think It is not my problem. To that I'll quote a Minister from the World War 2 era.
Martin Niemoller:
In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't
speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.
A well placed word can move mountains.
RGoT Verse 48 Jesus said, " If two can make peace with each other in this place, becoming one, They may say to a Mountain,
"Move" , and it will be moved.
When Jesus bound Demons he spoke on God's behalf. In God's name he chained and sent them back
where they came from. Jesus told us that we too could bind Demons with the words he shared.
So as you can see, Words have many diverse ways to help and heal as well as hurt and destroy.
By withholding your words you are also withholding the Power inherent in them. As the new saying from the Anti-Aids campaign
goes, "Your Silence will not Protect you."
I ask everybody to assess your words before you blurt them out. Try to use them to connect with
others instead of manipulating them. Try to calm fears not heighten them. Try to Heal instead of wound. Try to understand
the inherent Power in what and how you say your Words. God gave you a voice. Use this great gift wisely.
God Bless the Whole World, No exceptions.
Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)
Jesus’ Birthday Sermon 3-9-08
As promised here is the Sermon to Celebrate Jesus’ Birth. Jesus wanted us to walk in his
example every day of the year. As a result, this day does not hold anymore meaning in the Church of Thomas than the other
364 days of the year. We should celebrate His Birth everyday of the Year.
God has no interest in which day of the year we remember Jesus’ birth, just that he came
here in the first place. I like the Christmas Holiday, it just is not the day I think of as Jesus’ Birthday. The Spirit
of giving and kindness most often shown during the Christmas Season belongs to the rest of the year as well.
Think of it this way. For political expedience we now celebrate our President’s Birthday
formerly known as Washington’s Birthday, on a day when not a single President was born. Many other Holidays are determined
by a phase of the moon or certain observed celestial event. Easter and Passover are good examples of this. They are not on
the same date on the calendar each year. There are also differences in the exact day to celebrate most Christian Holy Days
in the Christian Faith depending on which branch you hail from. The Church in Rome, the Russian Orthodox, and the Greek Orthodox
all have different dates depending on their traditions.
In the Church of Thomas Tradition the date was based on Thomas as Jesus’ Brother statement
of the date. Since we accept that they were twins, it is very likely that the date Thomas gave us is accurate. The date passed
down in our Church is March 15th. We do not know the year with any certainty.
I think it can also be supported by other factors. The use of a fish as the symbol for the new
movement has been explained away several ways. These fish symbols are seen in many secret gathering places attended by the
Persecuted Christians. The fish symbols cover the walls of the Catacombs below Rome.
The first explanation revolved around the idea that the first followers of Jesus were Fishermen.
What better way to remind people of that than to adopt the fish as their symbol.
The second idea was that Jesus often spoke to his people with fishing Analogies. An example would
Mathew 4: 18-20 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother
Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.
“Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you Fishers of Men.” At once they left their nets
and followed him.
In that passage it is obvious that Jesus was using the fishing as a familiar way to tell them
what he was calling them to become.
Another way to explain the Fish as his symbol is that in Astrology there is a sign called Pisces.
The time surrounding Jesus’ life is called by Astronomers the Piscean Age. This was not determined from seeing Fish
on the walls of catacombs. They were observing the constellations in their sky.
In this vein anyone who has heard the description of a person born in the sign of Pisces would
see some striking similarities with the life of Jesus. I’ll contrast this with the Date sign that is currently celebrated
December 25, which is Capricorn. These signs are only a part of a birth chart, but a sign that is a birth sign is considered
a strong influence on outward personality.
The December date would indicate a very different kind of personality. Some key words associated
with Capricorn are, Prudent, Aspiring, Calculatedly. They are known as great achievers in monetary concerns. Self contained
and overly cautious are other traits. A strong need for security is also indicated, they generally do not rock the boat. This
is the personality of someone who was much more likely to identify with the Money Changers than want to kick them out of the
Ok, now lets look at the personality of a person born in Pisces. Some Key words associated with
it are, Humble, Compassionate, Unworldly, Kind, Intuitive, Charming and Inspiring. A great desire and ability to relieve the
suffering of others, this with his devotion to lightening the burden for others.
I see the traits of Pisces as a much better fit for the Jesus I know and Love. To sacrifice for
a greater good is well within the Realm of this kind of personality.
Taking the Constellations seen in another way to find a connection with Jesus’ Birth we
do not have to look far.
When the Three Wise men saw signs in their sky indicating a New King there is a prominent Star
mentioned. There has been a wide ranging effort by Christian Astronomers to try to pin point a date that such a sign would
appear in the sky. They have been looking at the possibility of a Super Nova among other events around the correct year.
They have Arab record keepers to thank for some of their study material. The Arabs were very advanced
in their documentation of their sky and unusual events that occurred there.
They have looked at the possibility that several planets might have lined up to increase the perceived
brightness as seen on Earth. They have also studied the possibility that a very bright star might have been the source of
this bright light seen when Jesus was born.
As of yet there has not been any observed Celestial event that was within the Winter range of
several years before or after Jesus was born. They understand that the year he was born is also in debate. There were no events
in the last half of any of the years. Interestingly there are about three possible signs in the sky that could have been the
Bright object the Wise men saw. All of them fall in the first third of those Years. Two of them fall inside the sign of Pisces
in the month of March.
So you can see there are many possible reasons to associate the fish with Jesus. The Astrology
explanation one is that shows agreement with the basic personality of Jesus as we know him. With the Astronomy research in
the same ball park, just adds credibility.
When ever you choose to Celebrate Jesus’ Birthday, do it with his life of service in mind.
Try to Model his Compassion. Make his life the guide to how you strive to live your life. And most importantly, remember it
is a Spirit of Love that should radiate across the entire year.
God Bless the Whole World No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)
Passover 3-16-08
Most of you know what Passover Celebrates. Think of it as a Jewish Independence Day, like we in
the USA Celebrate the 4th of July. It was celebrated the first time huddled in their homes safe from the Angel
of Death. They sheltered in homes mark for protection from the Angel of Death by the sign of a sacrificed lamb’s or
goat’s blood around their door. This marked them as belonging to the God of Abraham.
They had been slaves under Pharaoh, throw away workers. God has told them through Moses that this
will be the night they are freed from that bondage. They have packed everything portable. They are prepared to flee quickly
when Pharaoh insists that they all leave Egypt.
They are having a very simple meal for dinner this night. The lamb or goatling that was killed
was to be eaten completely before dawn or it had to be burned. With this roast meat they ate bitter herbs and unleavened bread.
The name of the Holiday comes from the act of the Angel of Death Passing over the homes marked
by the blood on their doors. It was a fearful night. Only the Israelites that stayed put and obeyed the instructions were
The meat, and unleavened bread symbolized the ability to move quickly when it was time to leave
Egypt. The bitter herbs were filled with minerals and vitamins. Later they were associated with the bitter slavery that they
had known under Pharaoh.
This was the Festival that greeted the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem the last time. The meal
we now use to Celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice is taken from this Passover Feast.
When Jesus prepared to enter Jerusalem there was a great gathering of people ready to welcome
him. They cheered and honored him. He told his people to find the little donkey that would carry him in through the gates.
He told them how they would find the upper room they would be staying in. He told them to find the makings of their Passover
Celebration meal.
As he rode into town he was hailed with great applause and the waving of Palm fronds. He arrived
like a conquering hero except he rode in on a humble little donkey. The crowds thought he was coming to free them of all Roman
occupation. Many thought he was a vanguard of a might army. Few of them understood his true mission was of Peace and Love.
I want you to close your eyes and imagine the thrill of being welcomed with such adoration and
love. The cheers echoing off the rocks everywhere. He was being treated like a prodigal son returned after they thought he
was lost. He had to have been basking in this glow of good will. They were all treating him like a best friend and family
member. His people must have felt nearly invincible. How could they fail? With this kind of ground swell of support any resistance
from the Romans would be useless.
Now I want you to hear the cries of derision and hate that these very same people would yell a
couple of days later. These same people would shout anger and blame at Jesus when he was held prisoner by Pilate. The time
to release a prisoner for Passover as was the tradition of pardon for Jewish prisoners came. When Pilate did not want to kill
Jesus he tried to offer Jesus as this pardoned Prisoner. This crowd that Loved Jesus yelled that he should be crucified. The
prisoner they yelled for was of a like mind with them. A “Freedom Fighter” Zealot called Barabbas. He would be
called a terrorist today.
Some say that it was just the crowd being whipped up by the Jewish Priests. I’m sure that
was part of it. But how could they be so fickle about the hero they honored just a couple of days before? The reason is obvious.
Jesus did not bring an army. He did not try to insight violence that they thought would solve their Roman Problem. He talked
only about Love. He had the Audacity to “Let them Down”. He did not live up to what they expected from him.
It did not matter he never advocated violence. It did not matter that he said he would not
rule them but the whole World. They had placed him in a cubbyhole that just did not fit him. Then instead of trying to find
merit in what he really preached they hated him for not being what they wanted.
His heart must have been breaking to hear the jeers, taunts and insults hurled at him. The bitterness
of going from the adoration to vehemently hated must have hurt him deeply.
He was secretly arrested and shuttled around to different dignitaries by the Sanhedrin Priests.
They did not have the authority to kill him legally. They wanted to end this trouble makers appeal. His very mission was to
rock the boat. The status Quo would not stand when he was completed. They were very comfortable with their status, even if
it meant knuckling under to the Roman occupiers. They still had power over the Israelites. Jesus did not defend himself because
he knew the decision was already made to kill him. They were just trying to find a Politician to do it.
Jesus suffered constantly from the beatings each set of guards put him through. There was an understanding
on the part of the Temple guards that if Jesus met with an unexpected death they would be rewarded handsomely. They did their
level best to collect that reward. They did not know he was being healed as they damaged him. He had to die on the cross to
fulfill his promise to God to be the last sacrifice ever needed to free us from sin. The Holy Spirit followed him during his
ordeal to keep him alive. I can only imagine the pain and resolve it took for his Twin to keep him alive and suffering. Thank
God it will never be repeated.
All other sacrifice to God have been obsolete. No other sacrifice will ever be excepted from the
time Jesus was murdered on the cross to the present time. When you feel like the World has crushed you, Remember Jesus was
there with you. When you have felt the sting of harsh and unfair words hurled at you, remember Jesus knows how you feel. When
you ache for the end of your suffering, remember Jesus knows those feelings as well.
The First Born of God was given to save us and show us the way. Jesus did not get his arm twisted
to come here to show us the way. He was not ordered to die for us. Jesus did all these things of his own free will, because
of his love for us. Jesus paid a heavy price to help us. It is our role to make that sacrifice mean something. Do not let
this huge gift be given in vain.
God Bless the whole World, No exceptions.
Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)
Easter Sermon 3-23-08
Well would you believe we have now come to the anniversary of the Ministry? I am feeling
very good about all we have gotten done. It has been a great year. Now we can build on this foundation to reach further. Thank
you all for your help and support.
On Easter a New Era started. We were told that we need not pay a Priest to talk to God on our
behave. We were freed from the burden of sacrifice. Now anyone could talk with God, no entrance fee required. Anyone who reaches
for God will be answered. No object has to be purchased. No animal needs to be killed to earn that access to God. Jesus wiped
all those obsolete ideas away. He paid our entrance fee. He atoned for all of our wrong doing. He suffered the torture of
his body in our place.
Mary had planned to ask the guards of Jesus’ tomb to move the stone so that they could attend
to this missing ritual of anointing the body. When Mary felt the Earthquake opening the tomb she fell to her knees in the
dirt. She had been carrying a jar with herbs. She protected it from breaking with her cradling arms. She and the other Mary
were going to annoint his body, since there had not been time at the time of his burial.
The guards keeping an eye on the tomb were very afraid. They felt the earth quake. They saw the
stone roll away. They saw the Angels standing at the opening of the tomb. They ran from the area in abject fear. When Mary
saw the stone was moved she praised The One for opening the tomb for them. When Mary saw the two Angels at the entrance of
the tomb, she thought they had opened it for them.
When Mary found the tomb empty she was overjoyed. She remembered how Lazarus rose from the dead.
She was one of the few that understood at least in part what Jesus was telling them. He was going to show them the way to
He told his people that he would not be gone long. He would be back to talk with them. Mary was
one of his true students. When she recognized him he showed her his wrists, ankles and side wounds. She reached out to hug
him and comfort his pain. He assured her that he did not hurt anymore. He shown like an Angel. He was not to be touched yet
so he asked her not to. To her he was not a fearful Ghost come back to haunt them.
She ran to get the others to tell them the good news that he was back. They would not see him
yet, because it was not time. They did see the empty tomb, but they had to wait to talk with Jesus again. Her faith had earned
her a first contact with him after he rose from his deathbed.
I have always had a problem with the idea of fearing God. My feelings are represented in the rewrite
of “Amazing Grace” I did. I personally feel that since fear is how Satan rules, it is not how God feels about
us his Children. If you fear your parents you are in an abusive relationship with them. God has never struck out at us in
anger. I do not see abuse in the way God has disciplined those who strayed. I see love and disappointment. I see an effort
to get us back on course, which is what good parents try to do.
When I see people begging and groveling to God as their way to pray I cringe. We have always had
the privilege of asking for help in our times of need. We have always been God’s Children. Now with the grave and heroic
effort of Jesus’ sacrifice for us there is even less reason to think we have to debase ourselves to be able to talk
with God.
God wants to help us. God may answer with a “No”, but God does hear you. Maybe what
you want to get out of doing is necessary to your wellbeing. God also does not want to interfere in our choices. God wants
you to ask for help. As children of God we have the right to ask for help.
This brings me to the role we have in our extended family of God. I had a dream that explained
it pretty well. Imagine a huge playground next to a large house. The playground has everything we need to keep healthy in
mind, body and spirit. The large house has enough rooms for everyone to rest in. The house has a big porch on it.
God is sitting in the rocking chair on this porch. All the older Angels are sitting on the porch
in groups talking and playing games. They talk with God as well as sing for God. God smiles most of the time as God watches
all the kids playing in the yard.
In the play area every kid is watched over by Young Angels. When a child falls down, they help
get them back up. They dust them off and nudge them on their way. They comfort the little kids when they cry or scrap a knee.
Then there are the Bullies on the playground. These are the ones who try to undermine the progress
we make. They are young Demons and their human friends. Sometimes they are the reason why we fall down. The Young Angels shield
us until we can get back up. If they are not up for the task they ask other Angels for help.
If a kid wanders off and is alone they are in more danger from the Bullies. They get whispers
about how they are not good enough. They are nudged away from things that can help them. They might even tell them it would
be fun to have no rules. God is mean to restrict their lives from having fun. Come play with them, they will play without
If a Young Angel sees what is happening they might try to convince the kid to come back to the
lit part of the play area. They might punch the young Demon in the nose to distract them from the kid to help the kid get
With this imagery in mind there is another scenario. The Young Angel is not big enough to handle
the situation. They can call for help from older Angels. They can also point to where someone is in need to guide the stronger
older Angels.
The thing that any Child of God can do is yell for help themselves. You will never find a kid
who feels like they have to beg for help from their parents. They yell at the top of their lungs, in full knowledge that they
will get the help they need.
When this happens every Angel leaps from the porch of God and run to the aid of the little kid
who has just yelled for help. So if you are in danger from Evil, fill your lungs to brimming and yell for God’s help.
You should respect God, but there is no need to grovel. I hope you see that fearing God keeps you from truly Loving God.
Jesus is always with us. The sacrifice of his torture and death will be our Salvation Forever.
Always ask for God to be in your life. The help you need is there for the asking. You do not need to go through any ritual.
You do not need to pay some Minister as a go between. You do not need to go to Church to have God in your life. The Love you
share with God is there for the asking. Being respectful out of Love is one thing, fear negates that. The help you need is
just a conversation with God away. And If the burden is crushing you, Yell for help. And the help will be on it’s way.
Peace on this Day we remember Jesus Sacrifice and resurrection.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)
Rape is not Sex Sermon 3-30-08
I had a disturbing conversation with a young man the other day. We were talking about attitudes
concerning Sex. Now a days young people do not consider Oral Sex as Having Sex. No matter how it is explained to be just as
dangerous it does not seem to count. He had described himself as a Virgin. I have no judgment of people having Sex. What disturbed
me was that the definitions seem to be blurring beyond recognition.
I tried to explain the sorts of nasty diseases he could come down with. No recognition. I told
him how embarrassed he would be if he got one of these many maladies. I reassured him that when he went to the Doctor, the
Doctor would consider this as having had Sex.
I attempted to get a handle on what he considered Sex. Apparently only penetration of a girl by
a guy was Sex. I almost asked but stopped myself from asking if the boy had to be on top with the girl facing him. That sounded
too much like asking if he only thought the “Missionary Position” was real Sex.
He did volunteer something that shook me. He told me that girls often say no at first because
that was their way of getting boys interested. He said they really do not mean it, because they want sex just as much as the
I asked him what he thought rape was. He said it was a teasing girl finally getting what she was
asking for. I restrained myself from hitting him. He had no idea why this made me angry. I asked one last question before
I stopped talking with this young man. I asked where he got his ideas about what Sex was. He told me that all the singers
explained how to get a girl. It made a twisted sort of sense. I told him that what he was using as a guide was going to cause
great harm someday. I told him that these singers were not talking about sex, that they were talking about Rape.
I have no idea if he heard me in his heart or just blew me off as some old woman who obviously
was all dried up, and could not remember the passion from my youth. I hope he never has to experience Rape or the Rape of
a Loved One. If he does, I hope he does not blame himself or the Loved One for bring it on themselves.
I am truly surprised that all the education that we spread seemed to be filed away as not useful.
I am very sad that the “consciousness raising” we did on the subject of Rape has gone by the way side.
One of the reasons I do not listen to Rap Music is it conveys some very negative imagery. It plays
up the violence in our World instead of attempting to stop it. In most of these songs there is some woman being called names
that are degrading. They are objects to be taken. They are sex crazed creatures just aching to be rutted.
I know that many of these singers came from households that had strong women as the heads of those
homes. How could these people have come from such backgrounds. It reminds me of some twisted Teenage Boys Fantasy of how to
interact with any female they come in contact with. Further I have seen many young men who do not come from these cultures
or backgrounds spouting the same slurs on women.
Since Apparently the subject needs to be revisited I’ll tell you what I know. What I know
comes from both personal experience and trying to help people who have been the object of Rape. If you will notice I will
not call them Victims. They are Survivors of horrible situations, they are not victims.
First, no one should assume that anyone was “Asking for Rape”. No sane person would
ask for that to happen. Being in a neighborhood at night is our Right as Citizens. Some people blame the way some one is dressed
as the “Enticer”. Even a naked woman wondering the Streets is not asking for it.
In Past years I did many annual “Take back The Night” Marches. It was a group of Anti-Rape
advocates that dared to go where it was considered asking for it. We challenged all who confronted us with Questions of how
they would react if someone they Loved was Raped. We asked Questions like, How could a 90 year old asleep in her bed be Asking
For It. I truly think it shook them up. I do think the marches challenged the misconceptions of these people.
Second, the word “No” has to mean just that. Even if you err on the side of not “getting
Any”, it is better than scarring someone for life.
Some of those that needed to talk with me were on dates. Their dates were supposedly friends/
acquaintances. These were not some disinterested strangers. They pressured these women into sex, totally disregarding the
Word No. Because it was someone these women trusted as friends they often did not savagely kick, hit or strike back.
Which brings up another point. Many juries that are trying a Rape case consider whether a woman
fought back and how fervently they had fought in the deliberations. If a woman is petrified in fear for her life it may not
matter how much she did not want it to happen. In this mind set they often just hope that by not fighting they will avoid
further Violence. Others go into a semi conscious state called dislocation. In this state they literally go elsewhere until
it is over.
It has gotten a bit better in court cases. The rare Rapist who goes to trial had the legal tactic
of questioning everything in a woman’s sexual History. This often kept many from even reporting or backing out when
they found out that They Would be the ones on Trial. A woman who sells her body, was often Raped with impunity because she
was the Ultimate Example of “Asking For it“. Alternately a wife seldom had recourse through the Law if Her Husband
or Partner Raped them. Abused Women are often Raped to keep them in line, terrorized and in fear.
In Ancient times up to and including Today, rape has been used systematically as a subjugating
tool. It was used to ensure there was no will to fight back. We often hear of woman being raped but Children and Men are not
exempt from Rape. It is not Lust brought on by a victory on the Battlefield, it is an extension of that battlefield.
Rape has been described as an act of Passion. In this case the Rapist was defended by the idea
the object was Just Too Good Looking to ignore. It has been described as a Sex Act. Except for the involvement of areas of
our bodies that we associate with sex it has absolutely no connection to Sex.
Well I have shared what Rape is not. Now I will tell you what it is. It is a brutal assault on
the Most Intimate part of our Humanity. The Assault is meant to gain Power over others. It is a coercion that is meant to
degrade and terrorize another person. It takes a very natural positive expression in our lives and turns it into a demoralizing
weapon against the person who is Assaulted. Rape destroys parts of a persons Soul. It is worse than killing, because it will
follow that person the rest over their lives. It takes an innate sense of safety and strips it from that person.
I suggest that you fight these trends of dehumanizing other people especially Women. In the beginning
I spoke of one influence in our society. If we do not, we could find our selves mired in an entire Generation of Potential
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza