Music, God’s Voice Sermon 9-2-07
The Church of Thomas has a special place in our lives for music. We hear God’s voice through
songs and music. The music does not have to be religious in nature. Many kinds of songs and music can be inspiring and up
lifting. It can be a song that we hear on the radio that bears a message we need to hear at that moment.
I personally have felt God’s Hugs and heard God’s Messages through songs that I have
heard on the radio. They arrived when I needed them most in times of stress or trouble. They encouraged, guided and comforted
me. The lyrics of these songs have been exactly right for what the problem was. I have taken great comfort from the song’s
messages. I do not discount these events as co-incidence.
Some times the messages were to hold on a little longer. Often the songs were that I was Loved
and Special. All of them brought me a clearer understanding of what God wanted for me and from me. I was deeply Inspired and
Comforted by them.
In last weeks Sermon I talked a little about String Theory. There is a part of the Theory that
fits in to this Sermon as well. It is about Vibrating things called Strings.
String Theory states that the Universe is made up of things called Strings. These Strings Vibrate
at unique frequencies. These Strings are woven together into larger things called Membranes. In the Theory these Membranes
also vibrate. They shortened the name of Membranes to Branes. These Branes form everything in the Universe. Everything from
sub-atomic particles to Galaxies are Vibrating.
I find it interesting that recently Astronomers have been studying the sounds and frequencies
of things in the Universe. Every kind of Galaxy and Star have a unique vibration fingerprints. They have even found what seems
to correspond to the Big Bang. It is a background noise that is an echo of this Event. This sound has been found Where ever
they have looked, all over the Universe. It has an extremely long interval vibration. As a result it has a very deep sound.
We could call it the ultimate Bass Note.
These Astronomers hope to be able to catalog the fingerprints of all things they are observing.
They hope to use this to help categorize things that are not seen clearly for whatever reason. In the future they may be able
to tell a Spiral Galaxy from an Elliptical one. Some things like Galaxies that are not aligned side on to our view point can
be very hard to tell what kind they are. Pulsars, Quasars, different varieties of stars and Black holes have their own frequencies
Vibrations pervade the Universe. All Music is made of Vibrations. It does not matter whether it
is a reed in a flute, a drum that has been beaten or a guitar string that has been strummed and plucked. The speed that something
Vibrates determines the note of music that it produces. If it Vibrates fast it has a higher pitch note. If it is a slow Vibration
it has a lower pitch note.
We may not feel it but we and our world are also Vibrating because all atoms inside of us are
Vibrating. I feel that this understanding adds new meaning to the phrase “Music fills my Soul.” Music is a Universal
Language. It is the language of God.
The first worship of God was through Music. The first prayers were in the form of songs. And so
it continues. Worship in the form of Music spans all the religions of the World. Our ability to tell Harmony from Discord
are a legacy of God’s voice speaking to us.
The Navajo have a Phrase that explains Disease. Disease is caused by being out of Harmony with
the World. They have a Pantheon of Gods. Each one serves as a arbiter of Harmony. The Navajo have a Ceremony for every kind
of Disharmony, to bring the afflicted person back to being in tune with the Universe. These Ceremonies center around a god’s
influence inside of a story. A different combination is needed for each malady. The stories are meant to heal by reminding
people on a deep level of the Harmony that they have lost.
Like a tuning fork these stories are meant to reset a persons vibration to a state of Harmony
again. A Sand Painting is made to recreate the story that is meant to remind the person of their former state of being in
tune. The Sand Paintings are temporary and Sacred. They are not meant to be permanent once the healing is completed. The Navajo
also sing during the Ceremonies the story that is being drawn around the afflicted person.
There are other people that use the power of retuning. The makers of movies have used music from
the beginning to create an atmosphere. They are very adept at creating a tense atmosphere through the music. They can have
you irritable and on the edge of your seat no matter the scene that is currently showing. They also use music to elicit other
Any music that does not make an impact emotionally is a failure. Unfortunately, the emotions brought
out during discordant music can be a tool of Evil. Most of the time Discordant music is described as bad or ugly. Discordant
music makes you feel bad. It usually just drags you further down.
Harmonious Music is often described as beautiful. Even if it brings up negative emotions, they
are often cathartic in nature. This can actually heal you by helping you get the bad feelings to the surface to deal with
Heaven is often described as being filled with Music. There are other references to Angels singing.
Music is the Universal language of God. Music is the perfect message media, carrying meaning on many levels.
Music affects people on many levels. It can cheer us up. It can remind us of a Love or event from
our past. It can cement a relationship with a chosen song to represent it. The speed of the music also effects your body.
It raises your heart rate. It can calm as well, if the tempo is a more sedate pace.
There are Cancer Treatment Hospitals around the World that are using Music to help people to heal.
Many forward thinking Hospital pain management programs incorporate music. Music is used to speed healing on many different
Music flows in us all. Our need for Harmony is inbred and fixed before we are even born. Though
taste in music may be different, everyone can tell Harmony from Disharmony. This is a wonderful gift from God. When we are
in Harmony with God we resonate to God’s song.
May you all be blessed with the Harmony inherent in God. May you find healing through God’s
song for you. Embrace the unlikely messages that God sends, whether it be in a Dream or from a radio station; who never realizes
they are delivering a message from God. May you sing from a heart filled with Inspiration.
God Bless the Whole World no Exceptions.
Evil in the World Sermon 9-9-07
Evil walks among us. It does not take a genius to observe this. I have heard many people also
say one of two things. The first is, “If God lets this happen why should I Love God.” The second is, “I
refuse to Worship a God who causes such Pain and Suffering.”
I will do my best to explain the first statement. There are things in this World that are Natural.
Disease developed with us. Many Geneticist now recognize parts of our own DNA to be resident Ex- Viruses and Ex-Bacteria.
There has always been an arms race for survival between Microbes and ourselves. Overtime some are incorporated into us as
partners in surviving.
Natural disasters have always been with us. A landslide and a hurricane are not manifestations
of Evil. It is how we react to the Events that can be Evil. If you do not help the people around you when you are in one of
these Events you are perpetuating Evil.
Wars are not caused by God. We manage to do that all by ourselves. If we start a War to gain what
does not belong to us it is Stealing. If we do it to get rid of a leader we do not like it is being a Bully. If someone starts
a War because they are tired of waiting for Armageddon, it is Blaspheme. Only God knows the end. This is the reason we are
in Iraq.
Famine has always been with us. Most people do not see how iffy and risky Farming is. As a farmer
and herder I can tell you stories that would make you fall to your knees to Bless the people who produce our food. It is a
Miracle that anyone chooses to feed the World in that profession.
In the World there is hunger because it does not pay. There are massive amounts of food that enters
Third World Countries only to be confiscated by local officials and resold to line their own pockets. It is not God that causes
this greed. It is the lack of Compassion to share in times of Bounty causing hunger, that is the sin.
God is not the cause of these things that cause suffering. They are things that we have struggled
with since the beginning of life itself. The Natural World challenges our Souls to become better. We grow through the challenges
much as a muscle that never lifts anything does not get more defined. An Immune System that is not challenged turns on itself.
For instance they have now figured out why so many more cases of childhood asthma are occurring.
It is partly due to the total lack of brand new immune systems having something to fight against. When it is trying to identify
possible threats and finds none it starts attacking anything it can find. It identifies normal foods and things in the environment
as “The Enemy”. It tags normal cells in their own body as “The Enemy“. Having a moderately clean environment
is one thing, Sterilizing it is another. The presence of an animal in the home cut the Asthma rate in those kids in half.
It is something to consider when grabbing an Elephant Gun to kill a mouse. Normal soap and good
hand washing are sufficient to remove disease causing germs. Using anti bacterial soap is ramping up the Arms Race between
us and Microbes. Most Microbes are harmless, unless you want to attack them in a way that makes them start thinking they need
to get stronger to survive.
Again God is not doing these things, We are.
In answer to the statement that a God who would allow suffering not being worthy of our Love;
I think I will let a greater mind than mine explain this apparent lack of caring on God’s part. His name was Albert
Einstein. This is a story set in the background of Albert’s time at the University.
DOES EVIL REALLY EXIST? The University professor challenged
his students with this question. "Did God create everything that exists?" A student bravely replied,
"Yes, he did!" "God created everything?" The professor asked. "Yes sir", the student replied. The professor answered,
"If God created everything, then God created evil, since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define
who we are, then God is evil." The student became quiet before such an answer. The professor, quite pleased with himself,
boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth. Another student raised his hand
and said, "Can I ask you a question professor?" "Of course", replied the professor. The student stood up and asked,
"Professor does cold exist?" "What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" The students
snickered at the young man's question. The young man replied, "In fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws
of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it
has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero is the total absence
of heat. All matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this
word to describe how we feel if we have no heat." The student continued, "Professor, does darkness exist?" The professor
responded, "Of course it does." The student replied, "Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness
is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact we can use Newton's prism to break white
light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light
can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount
of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present."
Finally the young man asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?" Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course
as I have already said. We see it everyday. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude
of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil. To this the student replied,
"Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness
and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what
happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or
the darkness that comes when there is no light." The professor sat down. The young man's name -- Albert Einstein.
And so we see that God does not cause suffering. The things that make us suffer are
either natural events where it is our response to it that matters or they are a result of our turning from our source of Light
and Love. God Bless You All, No Exceptions.
Wrath Sermon 9-16-07
There is a list of Seven Deadly sins in the Christian Tradition. I will be starting with one that
I know very intimately. This Sin is called Wrath. Most of us in modern times call this Anger. I have struggled with this one
all of my life. I have fought to find Righteous outlets for my Anger when it enters my life. I know that there are ways to
cope. Defusing the Anger before it gets out of hand. I feel that when we are able to focus the Anger in a constructive manner
it can be transformed into Justice. Righteous Anger against Evil and wrongdoers is not a sin. So let us begin with me.
I am a very Passionate person. If I care about you, you will be defended to the best of my ability.
I have never considered the possible damage to myself in these situations. I avoid those people that I do not like to the
best of my ability. I do not want my annoyance and dislike to turn into something stronger. If avoiding trouble does not fit
into the other person’s plans, I resist.
I have a way to avoid letting Anger escalate. If I become Angry I walk away. I will be back when
I calm down. When I can not talk anymore, I need to leave. Since the key to solving a problem is communication, when I can
no longer talk, leaving is the only alternative. The worst thing someone can do is try to stop me from leaving. The second
worst thing is to not be there when I get back. When I return I am wanting to talk the problem out with them.
I do not enjoy being put into a situation where I start to feel more bad feelings about someone
I dislike. It just fuels my resentment and dislike.
This walking away method has served me very well. I have never been someone who fought dirty in
a relationship or friendship. Dredging up past hurts or old arguments solves nothing. Saying hurtful things just builds the
argument. In many ways it deflects the argument away from the true reason for the fight in the first place.
I have left relationships to keep from feeling more than dislike for someone I have cared about.
Work situations often are easier for me. I have marketable skills. Once an employer hires me they generally realize the gem
they have in me. I have had many people try to take credit for my getting a job. I appreciate help, but ultimately there are
only two responsible for that finish line of a job offer. I have heard many people tell me, “I got you this job, now
I own you”. Either God got me the job which has happened several times. Most of the time it was my experience that got
me hired.
People who put in good words for me are my friends or they see some talent that they would like
in the position. My loyalty to the person who hires me is ample payment for the kindness. If that person tries to hold that
kindness over my head I will not tolerate it. They are often very surprised when I find a better position some time later.
It takes time for me to deliberate and decide. Once my mind is made up that it is not a good situation for me I prepare to
move on. I open myself to the possibilities. Soon people are courting me, and a new job comes.
When I was very young I did not have these coping strategies. When I felt trapped I allowed my
anger to build. Most of the time I could focus this energy into doing good. I got into many fights in school that had nothing
to do with me. They were brought about because there were bullies who thought they could run rough shod over everyone around
them. To this day I do not tolerate Bullies.
So I would defend with force other kids who could not stand up for themselves. Sometimes it was
a physical inability on their part. Sometimes it was a size difference. Some times it was just a very peaceful nature in the
person who was abused. Size never mattered to me, if the need arose I stepped in. This was how I focused my Anger at an Injustice,
when I was a kid.
Ironically as a young adult I was less able to do this. My Angry feelings about Bullies and Hypocrites
found fewer outlets. My self control asserted itself, I no longer hit people. My Anger now found an outlet through verbal
Some times verbally berating someone was enough to have the desired effect on the object of my
anger. I often shared my observations of why they might feel that it was necessary to pick on someone smaller than themselves.
A victim that they knew would not fight back. If this did not deflate them, at least their attention was now turned towards
me. It put them on the defensive. It made them look bad in the eyes of their buddies. This hurt them worse than anything I
could do.
Other times using words as my weapon of choice just egged them on. I realized later that my anger
was being used to manipulate me. If they pressed this button, this reaction. If that button was pushed, a different reaction.
I found my personal frailties being used by people to hurt me.
My problem has been that I share pretty freely. My Buttons were often revealed early in friendships,
often to my dismay. I have never regretted sharing. I just found it appalling that someone I liked would then turn around
and use it against me. Often that cut me more deeply than the button being pressed.
I found myself holding the anger inside. As a kid it was released pretty immediately. There was
very little storage of the Anger. I held grudges then. I started to remember disrespectful behavior a long time. I held on
to the Anger with an eye to seeing them hurt someday.
As a young adult there were several times my anger exploded. I was glad that there were friends
around me to get me away from the situations very quickly. Bless their hearts, they saved me a great deal of trouble.
The people I blew up on were well worthy of the beating they would have received from me. It just
would not have been worth the consequences to me. I had to be told what happened during these explosions because I do not
remember much from them. This was not something I wanted to continue. I could not allow my anger to build to the point of
explosion. I had to find a better way to let it out, to release the rage inside of me.
These blowups needed to be stopped before they ever got to the volcano stage. The storage of the
anger was also having an effect on me. I realized that all I was doing was hurting myself. My anger ate at me. I was being
consumed with impotent rage. There was no Socially acceptable outlet for my hate anymore. I had turned it inside. I had to
find a better way to deal with the World. If I did not my anger and hate would destroy me.
I learned that Anger is self destructive. I learned it wasted my time. I found positive outlets
for my Anger to help fight for those who are defenseless. After many hard lessons I learned how to release my Anger. This
is now done in a timely manner. When walking away does not work I turn my Anger into a fight for Justice.
For those of you that struggle with this, try to learn from my lessons. Do not let Anger eat at
you. Focus it outside of yourself for the righteousness of Justice. May you find the satisfaction your striving for Justice
brings. May you find the Peace that Anger’s release provides.
God Bless the Whole World no Exceptions.
Respect for Parents Sermon
I recently read a story that reminded me of the Commandment to Honor our Parents.
I know that not all of us feel kindly towards our Parents. Some people have been rejected by the very people who were supposed
to love and care for us. Respect does not mean being slaves to our Parents.
I have a friend who is berated daily by her Father.
She lives with him because he can not care for himself. She works a full time job. She cares for him. She uses her own money
to fix his house. She has grown bitter. She has not dated any men she has liked because of the demands her Father has placed
on her. He even teases her constantly about how she will die alone.
I have tried to draw her out of her prison to do
some living of her own. Her Father is not bed ridden in need of constant supervision. He does not have dementia that might
cause him to wander off. He can not drive because if he did he would kill someone. He needs to be reminded to take his medicine.
He spends his pension on gambling. Any shortfalls are covered by her.
She works night shift, so she needs to sleep during
the day. He often waits until she has been asleep just an hour or so to demand she drive him somewhere. She gets up and does
his bidding. It has made her a distant bitter woman with no friends except me.
She is very depressed about her situation. She has
often told me she wants to leave, to have a life. Her Brother never helps. She has said that she does not know why she stays
since there or away her Father’s inheritance would still be split 50/50 with her Brother. She is an Emotional Slave.
Frankly this is no Father.
This is not the Parent prototype that God was talking
about. The respect of a Parent is a reciprocal thing. If the Parent can not put in the effort to be a good Parent there is
no Commandment to Respect them.
This Commandment is meant as a inter-generational
call to find the good in the other. To serve each other with Love, Respect, and Compassion. There is a permanent bond that
forms when you carry a child. This is often most attributed to Moms, but the expectation of a new life you had a hand in builds
it too. There are many Fathers who go through physical symptoms similar to their pregnant mates.
They care for us when we are defenseless. If they
are lucky they are cared for by us when they reach the stage of old age when they are helpless as new born babes. It is the
strengthened bond of Love and Respect we mutually shared that see us through in these trying times. If you have sewn disrespect
and hate with your Parent or Child, you will reap in like fashion.
I do not think that personally taking care of a Parent
is mandatory. There are many people who are ill suited to the challenges of 24/7 caretaking. It takes a great deal out of
you to fill this role. It can mean putting everything in your life on hold. I do think that if you have a true Parent/ Child
Bond of Love and Respect you should make sure that they are cared for. Sometimes this means a Nursing Home.
Visiting your Parents as often as possible can ease
the transition from independence to being cared for. The saddest thing I have ever seen was a little old person curled up
in a chair watching everyone else get visitors. Out of Compassion you might strike up a conversation with them. They may have
no one to befriend them. You might just find a new friend in them. They may not have any family left.
Verifying conditions are as close to what you would
do for your Parents as possible is Mandatory. They are your Parents not warehouse items. Do not allow them to be treated unkindly
just because you can not care for them.
For those of you that feel the need to care for a
Parent, care for your self too. Take some time for yourself. It will sustain you in the long run. Do not take on the responsibility
out of ‘obligation’. If you do it will turn to resentment. Anything done without Love is tainted.
I have seen ‘obligation’ turn into Elder
Abuse. This is much more common than many might suspect. Caring for an Elderly Parent can be frustrating and draining in the
best of times. Without the buffer of Love and Respect it can become a chance to reverse the bad feelings to the original giver.
It would have been better to get someone else to care for your Parent than this.
Here is the story that inspired the Sermon. I cried
when I read it.
The Wooden Bowl
A frail old
man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was
blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather's
shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor.
When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. "We
must do something about father," said the son. "I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor."
So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There, Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed
dinner. Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl! When the family glanced in Grandfather's
direction, sometime he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions
when he dropped a fork or spilled food. The four-year-old watched it all in silence. One evening
before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, "What are you
making?" Just as sweetly, the boy responded, "Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and Mama to
eat your food in when I grow up." The four-year-old smiled and went back to work. The words so struck the parents so that
they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. Though no word was spoken,
both knew what must be done. That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led him
back to the family table. For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family. And for some reason, neither husband
nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.
May you find the strength to care for a Parent if the need arises. May you have the Wisdom to know you can not Honor your
Parents in this way, if the Respect and Love are not there. If you can care for them try to remember the Love and Respect
that has grown over the years. You will be Blessed if you can find the Love in even your smallest caring ministrations to
their needs.
God Bless the Whole World, no Exceptions.
Compassion for Non-Humans Sermon 9-30-07
Jesus has unfailingly demonstrated Compassion in most of the Verses from the Bible. There are
two instances that stand out because they are out of place. One was added as a warning that Jesus could show his power and
Vengeance towards those who opposed him.
The second is portrayed as an act of Compassion for Demons, that was by no stretch of the
imagination Compassionate. They are not the acts or words of Jesus.
The first Verses are about the blighted Fig tree.
Matthew 21: 18-19 Early in the morning, as he was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a Fig Tree by the
road, he went up to it but found nothing but leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again”. Immediately
the tree withered.
Mark 11: 12-14 says basically the same thing. Mark 11: 20-21 concludes the next day. In the morning as they went along,
they saw the Fig Tree withered from the roots. Peter remembered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look!” The Fig Tree
you cursed has withered!”
These two Verses speak of Jesus becoming angry with an Innocent Fig Tree. In his anger he blighted
it out of spite, because it did not give him the fruit he wanted. We in the Church of Thomas find this horrible. Jesus had
a background of being gentle with all Righteous and Innocent beings.
To find the reason for the addition you do not have to look far. The Verses are linked to the
bracketing Verses. The Verses before are about the money changers in the Temple that Jesus drove out. The following Verses
are about the Priests at the Temple questioning Jesus’ authority to teach. The Disciples were frustrated by the lack
of real violence during these human confrontations.
You have to remember that about half of Jesus’ Disciples came from the Zealot Movement.
They wanted to fight. Violence was the only way they thought things would change. They wanted to kill the Money Changers and
the Priests who bowed to Roman Authority. It galled them that even in Jesus’ Righteous anger he only drove them from
the Temple. Jesus drew no blood, he broke no bones, He killed no one.
The Zealot Movement wanted a Military leader. They thought from Jesus’ talk of the return
of the Kingdom that he was just bidding his time for the moment to unleash his Disciples in Holy War. The message he taught
was seen as a front to keep out of Enemy hands long enough to build this Army that would then overthrow the Roman occupation.
By showing his “Violent Side” in the Blighting of the Fig Tree the Disciples were
demonstrating what he could have done to the Money Changers and Priests had he wanted to. Since Jesus never provided an instance
to demonstrate this desired ability to commit Violence, they invented a scene to show it.
Ironically the next Verses tied to the Blighted Tree have the ring of truth. There are several
Verses in the Reconciler Gospel of Thomas that speak of prayer and faith being able to move mountains. Thomas never saw the
need to “Punch it up”, by adding the part about the Fig Tree. Thomas knew that it was through non-violence in
this World that Jesus would Win. Examples in the Reconciler Gospel of Thomas are: RGoT verse 48, and RGoT verse106.
The second Verses are about the Demons driven from the two men who roamed the outskirts of a town.
In my childhood the verse had Jesus ask the Demon’s name. The Demon collection called itself Legion. Here are the Verses
from the Bible.
Matthew 8: 28-32 When he arrived at the other side in the region of Gadarenes ( or Gergesenes), two Demon-Possessed men
coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way.
“What do you want from us, Son of God?”, they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed
Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. The Demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us
into the herd of pigs.”
He said to them, “Go!” So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank
into the lake and died in the water.
The Church of Thomas also does not embrace this set of Verses. Jesus never hurt an Innocent. We
know that all creatures have souls. Many people I’ve talked to have told me that if Heaven did not accept their pets
they would not want to go. I reassure you here and now, all Innocents go to Heaven. Since Animals can not sin they are Innocents.
Of course they can be wielded as tools of Evil people, but that is not the fault of the Animal.
The Church of Thomas does believe that Demons, if they are in a person should be driven out. We
have no problem with the story up to the idea of where they were going. The Pigs are a symbol of Filth in the Jewish Tradition.
Therefore those that raised and ate Pigs were Unclean as well. I’ll discuss why pigs were considered unclean some other
Here we have an unlikely story, written by people who did not understand Demons. Jesus drove out
Demons, that is a given. It is very hard for a Demon to live in a person. There has to be an enormous pay off of energy to
steal. For these Demons to have asked to go into a herd of Animals was not “Profitable” energy wise. Second, if
a Demon were stupid enough to want to go into an animal, it certainly would never have then commit “suicide”,
by drowning itself.
Which leaves the least likely possibility. This is that Jesus granted their request then sacrificed
the pigs by driving the Demons to Hell, where they would have been sent in the first place. Jesus would never have driven
those pigs into the water. It would have committed a couple of sins.
First would have been the Murder of Innocents, the pigs. They were not being killed to eat. Second
would have been theft from the herders who were watching the herd of pigs. It was the food for the town and probably a cash
crop as well. He would have been impoverishing an entire Town. Since Jesus did not commit sin, there has to be another option.
The Disciples were almost all from Jewish roots. They adhered to strict dietary rules. Rules that
were shown later by Jesus to be obsolete. In the Disciples’ minds any one who broke these Rules were Spiritually Unclean,
like the animals they ate. This story is not included in the Reconciler Gospel of Thomas. It does not ring true past the driving
out of the Demons.
This story seems to point to an upholding of Rabbinical Dietary Laws. It also seems to point to
a total disregard for those they looked down on as Unclean. In the eyes of the Disciples these people were unworthy of Salvation,
so sins committed against them would not count against them when God Judged them.
The Jesus I know is Compassionate towards all who are blameless. Children, Animals, and Plants
all are Innocents and free from sin. His stories must ring true to be believed.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza