A Minister's View of LGBT 4-20-08
I recently saw a comment on a website that stated that there was a couple
who were shocked to hear that there were Christians supporting Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Transgendered People. It did make me
wonder what made them think a Christian would not be supportive of all of God's Children. Since Christians by nature are supposed
to follow Jesus and his teachings, I found it interesting. I felt that there should be a response from me.
I am a Minister for the Church of Thomas. We have a History of following
Jesus and his teachings for the past 2,000 years. I hope that is long enough to be considered credible. We have never rejected
Gays, Lesbians, Bi, or Transgendered People. Nor have we made outcasts of these fellow Children of God. We recognize that
we are far too far from perfection to judge anyone. We all know what happened the last time there was a Perfect Person Born.
Only God can Judge.
In the New Testament verses there is not a single quote from Jesus about
the subject. In the Reconciler Gospel of Thomas there is a verse; Verse 114; that directly references what Jesus did say to
Thomas and his other Disciples.
RGoT verse 114: Peter said to Jesus, "Let Mary
and all the other women leave us. They are the root and branch of sin. They are the source of all Temptaion. Women are not
worthy of Eternal Life."
Jesus responded, "I say to you males, do not look down on a female because
until you are made over to be as female you will be barred from the full Inheritance in the sight of The One."
Jesus said. "Until you are like the Lowest Angels, being in balance of
body and soul; Reconciling of the male and the female, you will remain on the edge of the full glory and joy of the Brilliance
of The One. The One who is all that was, is and will be.
Being on the edge you will still be Loved and Beloved. The One knows that
this is a hard lesson to learn. Or like the Angels have always known."
Jesus said, "I myself will lead Mary of Magdala in order to make her male,
so that she too may become a living Spirit, resembling you males. Every woman who will make herself male will become a full
Inheritor, as well, in Heaven and the full Light of The One."
This verse basically says that if you are not more like these outcasts
you choose to judge you will never know God Completely. You can find the entire text of the Church of Thomas website on Tripod.com.
Look for the heading Reconcilier Gospel of Thomas.
I have heard the statement by Christians over the years that these fellow
human beings are not Natural. I have to laugh at that justification. You see I am also a Farmer and Woodworker. These loved
occupations are held as traditions passed down through the Generations from Jesus.
These two occupations have very humbling observations attached to working
in them. Both relate to the "Naturalness" of these Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Transgendered People.
There is nothing unnatural in same sex pairings. It is just part of the
natural order of the World. I have seen it in wild animals as well as on my Farm. There is nothing more tender than two
little male goats caring for each other as mates. I have seen two female wild geese nesting with an egg protectively clutched
to their breasts.
These are not isolated instances. They are in every animal that has
two separate genders. They are all over the World. Since as Christians we believe that God does not make Mistakes we have
come to the reasonable conclusion that these beings; animal and people; are part of God's plan. Who are we to question God's
plan? Maybe these people are better able to say what is on God's mind. But that would make it hard for them to call themselves
Christian, so I'm sure that is not what they mean.
I read a study one time that said that the nautural World has basiclly
the same spread of Gay, Lesbian B, and Transgendered creatures as people have. The percentages are the same as the Kinsey
report came up with back in the 70's. About 10% Gay/Lesbian, and about 25% that could pair either way. As well as others that
would fit the model of Transgenders.
My experience from both woodworking and the study of the Bible support
this different point of view. You see we know that there is nothing Perfect in this World.Jesus was the only Perfect one.
In wood there are always flaws. These imperfections can be worked around.
Sometimes it is the very flaws that make those wood pieces so special. The knots and knurls make the wood appealing as
well as interesting. Without these flaws in the wood every finished piece would look like something made by machine of
some artificial materials. It is the very irregularities that make them Unique and Special.
Which of course leads me to the idea of God as the Master Craftsman
of us All. I think God made so much diversity to keep from being bored with us kids. When God needed a Special sort of
person to do a Unique job it was often the Lowly, Outsiders, Impure and Flawed among people. These people were often outside
the group that was considered Righteous. Maybe the Righteous ones were only following the Letter of the Law not the Spirit
of them. Apparently in God's eyes these Righteous ones were not Holy Enough. Where the Outcasts were.
How many people would choose to tap an Outcast for an important job? Well if
God's choices are any indication of worth, these people are definitely in the running for being Worthy.
I personaly see everyone as working to get better. I do not Judge. I try
to see past the surface of every person I meet. You never know what diamond in the rough God will choose next.
Jesus asked us to Love one another. In the Last Supper Jesus gave us the
Last Commandment.
Jesus said, "Remember, as you eat this meal that I give you now, The Last
Commandment. Love Each other as I have Loved You."
Love does not look for reasons to dislike others, let alone hate them and
persecute them. God wants us Kids to Get along. If a person is a good person, why would it matter who they bond with? Be careful,
they may just be better examples of Jesus' Last Commandment, "Love each other as I have Loved You."
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza