Most Christian Denominations believe in Miracles in some form. The Church of Thomas sees Miracles as constant reminders
of God’s Love and presence. The Definition of a Miracle is: Something that occurs beyond the Laws of Nature. There is
variation of this definition that calls for a Human Agent to facilitate the Miracle. We do not believe there needs to be an
Agent to have a Miracle manifest.
An example of an Agent would be Moses asking for God to judge the Egyptians with the plagues. The next act of Moses;
with God’s strength, was parting the Red Sea. The next Miracle was Provisions of food and water for the people who had
escaped from slavery in Egypt. Without these Miracles the Jews would have continued in slavery. They would have been slaughtered
at the waters edge. They would have starved to death before making their way to the Promised Land.
Jesus had many healings that are counted among the Miracles he did. He was reported to calm a storm. He walked on water.
He raised the dead in the form of his good friend Lazarus. Jesus slipped in and out of dangerous situations where he should
have been arrested. Jesus fed people from meager stores of food. He also changed the makeup of Water to Wine.
There are many examples of Miracles throughout the Bible. They inspire those who believe in them. If you saw a Miracle
how would it affect you? Would you want to find out what “really” happened? Would you give credit where it belongs
or applaud a wonderful performance? Jesus saw the shortcomings and drawbacks of Miracles first hand. Some Verses that illustrate
these concerns of Jesus follow.
In Mathew 11:20-24 Jesus criticized the cities that saw and benefited from Jesus’ Miracles. He mentions that
if Sodom had the benefited from seeing these Miracles they would not have needed to be destroyed. They would have turned from
sin with half the evidence of God’s Love.
In Mark 3:10-3:12 Jesus tried to remain anonymous. He tries to inspire the faithful and not become a spectacle. Unfortunately,
the people Jesus healed found it very hard to keeping it to themselves. They told everyone they could about what wonders Jesus
did. They told Jesus’ Enemies about what he did. As a result Jesus became what he sought so hard not to be. He became
a Celebrity, a Star, and a Performer. So many people showed up that he had to go offshore in a boat to speak without being
pursued. Everyone wanted to see the Show.
Jesus knew that the image of being a Magician doing Magic was what drew these crowds not an interest in learning about
God. Jesus felt Miracles Affirm faith in people ready to see it. Those that were not ready would only see a show. In those
people it does not create faith.
The Pharisees sought to associate Jesus with Magic and support from Demons. The response Jesus gave was later used
by Abraham Lincoln to mend a Nation. “A House divided against it’s self can not stand.” Jesus was saying
that if he hurt bound and cast out Demons he could not be working with them because it would divide Satan’s House.
In Luke 11:29-11:32 Jesus chided the Jews in their ever bigger call for Miracles. It needed reinforcing constantly
like the flagging faith they experienced during the Exodus. Jesus had better success pulling the Faithful from the Gentiles
because it took far less Miracles to have the same effect of strengthening faith. They were not Jaded by being blessed all
along by Miracles.
We in the Church of Thomas do not do Healing in public, because it is not for show. It is meant as a reaffirmation
of God’s Love. The ones that put on a great show are mostly if not all Charlatans. Jesus taught another way. We never
accept money or “Donations” for doing God’s will. We might testify as to what we felt and experienced, but
we do not parade the healed around to drum up more business.
Unfortunately the people most likely to go to a Charlatan are at the end of their hope. They are desperate to find
relief, healing and renewal. I have known many people who went from one of these “healers” to another Thinking
that they just have not found the right one.
In these shows Every Single ailing person is Shaking and being Banged on the head. And purportedly Everyone has been
healed. Sometimes these “healers” will put a fake in among the hopefuls. This person is called a shill. They are
all crippled up when they go up, then they throw away their crutches dramatically and walk all over the stage giving credit
to the “Healer”.
In my experience there is a real disconnect between what I see in these Shows and what I have felt. The first difference
is I do not know God will Allow the Healing. That is God’s Will. I can do nothing without that permission. All of what
I have felt has gone through me, not from me. I know the difference because at one time I used my own strength to heal. It
was not even a candle compared to The Sun comparing the difference. Like a pipe that funnels healing; my experience was mostly
as just a pipeline, not an active agent.
Because I do not want people to be disheartened if the desire I have to heal is not supported by God, I generally do
not tell them. The healing is sometimes a gradual lessening of Symptoms. There was one time that it was very dramatic. Verification
for that person did not come until she had an x-ray proving what we both already felt.
There was a man that shared a story of being beaten because he was Gay. They had a baseball bat. Even after the Drs
did what they could, he still had a badly damaged knee and a detached retina. I felt such Love for this man that I took his
hand while he talked about his ordeal. I just wanted to comfort him. I asked God to ease his pain, nothing specific. He did
feel comforted by my holding his hand at the time. He was the one who later told me what had been the more long term results
of my compassion.
His Dr. was going to schedule a procedure to reattach his retina. During the appointment it was discovered that it
was healed already. His knee was also almost healed in those few days between when I met him and his appointment.
Last, it is not me. It is God. When credit is given I take a really far back seat. Miracles unfold in God’s time,
with God’s Will. It is up to the Faithful to not exaggerate but to share what we have experienced. It is our role to
see the miracles and not the “Shows”.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza