Iraq Teddy Bears Sermon 12-2-07
My friend Reverend Doctor Al Bieser relayed a wonderful story to me a couple of years ago that
has stuck with me. It was a story he got from a Soldier in Iraq. In this season of gift giving it shows the value of giving
not for prestige but from your heart. A single gift of the heart has a million times the value of dozens of show off gifts.
The story in it’s entirety is in his book, “Life After Death, What, Where, When, Why
and How: A Scientific Proof”. The book is filled with thought provoking stories.
The background on the story was wonderful as well as sad. There were children who lost their childhoods.
In the unsanitized World of Real War People who are not fighting are killed. Here in the US there is a general, though not
Universal respect for Life. It takes extensive training to turn a Law abiding Civilian into a Soldier. The big difference
is being a Soldier makes you capable killing other people that are called the Enemy. You have to be able to take orders from
a Superior Officer. Not taking orders can put that Soldiers life in danger.
There is a definite disconnect between what your parents taught you and the rules that in many
cases are life and death in a War Zone. It is a huge reason that many Soldiers come back with Emotional as well as Spiritual
When a Soldier is in a War Zone they still carry the lessons their parents passed on. In an effort
to nurture this tiny thread connecting them to their civilian past, there can be some instances of very Compassionate actions.
There are other times that Soldiers in this War have reached out to help. There were children
who were injured that a squad of Soldiers would take under their wings. Some of these children have made it to the US for
Medical Treatment that could not be had anywhere in their homeland. Abandoned kids have been brought back to health and found
homes. The story I will tell you does not detract from these other acts of Compassion.
The story starts with kids who are rightly traumatized. There homes are caught in a crossfire
of opposing forces. There families are picked off by suicide bombers, stray gun fire, and intentional attacks. There is no
safe place to flee to, if they wanted to. The idea of playing a simple game of ball outside would be a suicidal action. Everyone
in a War Zone is under siege not just the Soldiers.
A group of Soldiers wanted to do something to help these kids. These kids reminded them of the
kids they had at home. The hearts of these Soldiers cried for the pain in these kids eyes. I do not know who came up with
the idea. One of the Soldiers remembered how they were able to comfort their own kids back home. The comfort of a Teddy Bear
had eased the vaccination fears, not being able to go to sleep without it, something to hug on during a Surgery Recovery,
a first trip away from Mom. All of these had been calmed in some measure by the stuffed, cuddle able, always attentive companion
of a Teddy Bear.
They got together and agreed to solicit Teddy Bears from the folks back home. Mom’s and
Dad’s, Uncles and Aunts, Little kids and Grandparents got the word out. A great many Teddy Bears were collected to ship
to Iraq. As the shipments arrived they were handed out like candy bars used to be. Every kid in the areas they patrolled were
given a Teddy Bear. Every kid who showed up for care of a wound or illness was given a Teddy Bear to keep them company during
and after the stitches or shots.
The Soldiers were soon seeing kids walking on the road with a Teddy Bear stuffed under the child’s
arm. It did the Soldiers good to feel that they had helped in some small way. For many of these kids this was the only present
they had ever gotten. It may have been the only toy they could play with. Can you envision a life where there was no play?
A childhood without a single toy? A short little life where there was no memory of Peace?
A few months after the toys were first starting to get their new homes something happened. It
was very unusual and extremely noteworthy.
The Soldiers who were part of the group handing out Teddy Bears were on Patrol. They were all
lined up in their armored vehicles. In the middle of the road sat a little girl. She was clutching her new friend, a Teddy
The Soldiers did not want to stop moving, it was dangerous to do so. There could be snipers near
by. They waved at her to move. She ignored them. There was no tentative smile, as many of the kids had after getting their
Teddy Bears, on this girl’s face. There was great concern she was an unknowing part of a trap. As a result no one wanted
to leave the shelter, and protection of the vehicles. They shouted and revved the engine some more. It was nerve wracking
just sitting there. They were getting very frustrated at being made a sitting duck.
Finally one of the Soldiers was told to go out and move the little girl. He took a good look around
and climbed out of shelter. He walked over to the little girl, trying not to look threatening. When he bent down to pick her
up his eyes were drawn to a patch of disturbed dirt a couple of feet from her little body.
It was then that he stopped cold in his tracks. There was a buried IED in the road. It was right
where the Convoy of Patrol vehicles would have run over it. They would never have seen it. Only getting down to a child’s
level would have made it visible. The little girl saw his recognition of the danger. She started to smile a shy little smile
then. She slowly got up from the dirt, dusting herself off. She walked away with her precious gift still clutched tightly
in her skinny little arms.
The Soldiers marked the spot for the bomb squad and safely detoured around the danger. The Danger
that only the gift from a Child could point out with her unmoving body.
Her act of great courage saved many lives that day. She could have been run over, if someone had
not been sent out to move her. She did not want these Soldiers that had been kind to her to be hurt. They reminded her of
the Uncles she had seen die. Her only shield for protection was her new friend the Teddy Bear.
I am reminded of the Love Jesus showed to the Children that came to see him. He called them the
true inheritors of Heaven. By giving comfort to the most helpless of God’s Children these Soldiers lived up to the highest
principles of Christian understanding and Compassion.
We do not know if this was a Child or an Angel. By offering Hospitality to these Children the
Soldiers proved their worth. Maybe the had entertained an Angel among the Children. They gave with their Hearts, to heal the
Children, not to look good.
Their gifts were amply rewarded by the risk to life and limb this Child took on their behalf.
It literally saved their lives. Their Love for those in pain was answered by the Compassion of the little girl who saved the
May all of your gifts be as Heart felt. You may never see more than a smile for the gift. But
you never know how far-reaching your Love will extend. Let your Heart be your guide.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)
A Spiritual Kinship Sermon 12-9-07
I have always been drawn to stories of Good versus Evil. They are written in the form or style
of Fantasy or Science Fiction. As a child I loved “Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe”. When I was a young teenager I discovered
Tolkien. “Lord of the Rings Trilogy” was and still is a favorite. I reread them about every 10 years or so. It
is fascinating to find new meanings as time passes. It is wonderful to see them develop with me through my life experiences.
There are also movies that fall into this category. My favorite of them is “Ladyhawke”.
This is a story of True Love ripped asunder by a Bishop who practices Sorcery. He curses them to be together, yet always separate.
She is a beautiful Hawke by day and human by night. Her Beloved is a Wolf by night and a man by day. The Bishop chose these
forms because they are two animals that mate for life. So neither could find it in their natures to find a different mate.
Though they travel together they remain unaware of their other lives.
Unfortunately there are fewer stories of Good versus Evil in real life. Life is very complicated.
There is a wide range of shades of gray. To find a Villain and a Hero that personify the essence of Evil and Good in the same
real life story is so rare as to be unheard of.
Very seldom is there a Hero/ Heroine who is the epitome of Good. When we look at the people who
do Evil in the World that person is seldom someone who is totally alien to us. We may see a background that is filled with
pain. We may still want to punish these people but there is often a very Human side to them. We flinch when we wonder how
we would have reacted in their shoes.
People need there to be examples of clear choices. They need a black and white tablet to delineate
their own moral compasses. In literature we want our Heroes to be very Good and our Bad Guys to be very Bad. It is ok for
the Heroes to have a few human flaws but they have to be minor. Our Bad Guys have to be rotten to the core, even if there
might be a shred of humanity still clinging to their Souls.
One Author that has gone outside of the normal style for Good versus Evil is Steven King. Most
of the books he has written are not Classic Good versus Evil. There is one outstanding exception. The Title is “The
Stand”. I highly recommend it if you have not read the uncut version. The Characters are more in line with both Classical
Greek Heroes as well as the modern Anti-Hero.
In “The Stand” a human Engineered Flu is accidentally let lose. It kills 99.99 percent
of the people of the World. The remnants are from every walk of life and background. There is an Anti-Christ Figure that rises
to consolidate the people who are Evil or weak and drawn to Evil. There is a group of basically Good people that start dreaming
about an old black woman who sings and plays guitar. She is in a cabin in a field of tall corn, in Nebraska. She tells them
to come see her as soon as possible. The Good Folks need to make a Stand against the Evil “Black Man”.
God had told her to gather these people. She was told to keep the non-tech ways she grew up with,
long before the Flu. Her dreams were very vivid of what must be done. The Old Black Woman was called Mother Abigail. She was
107 years old. She plays a guitar with arthritic, but inspired hands.
This character strikes a very deep chord with me. I feel her pain. I feel her fear and uncertainty.
I feel her faith and resolve. She asks God many times that if it can be done to let her not have to drink from the cup held
out to her. As time passes she takes the cup. She does not feel up to the battle ahead, even though she knows that is why
she has lived so long. She has outlived her Husbands. She has outlived every single child she gave birth to. Her most often
closing of her talks with God is “Thy Will be Done”.
She sees that the people she has called are coming to her. They all thought that she was a figment
of their imaginations until they started comparing dreams as they met up with each other. These people also had dreams of
terror where the “Black Man” confronts them with their deepest fears and flaws.
When Mother Abigail has dreams of this figure it is focused on stopping her Mission. She wonders
how she can be strong against such over powering Evil, set against her.
She wants to greet her Guests with a feast. Living alone she has few fresh food to offer. After
fighting her frail body to get to a neighbor’s home up the road she slaughters some chickens for the feast. With a lot
of persistence she gets the job done. On her way back with the cleaned chickens in her gunny sack, she is set upon by a massive
uncanny number of weasels. She is very afraid of being torn to pieces if she does not use the chickens to draw them away from
At the last minute she prays for protection from God. A firm resolve settles over her strengthening
her. Her faith saves her. It was an illusion to threaten her. They evaporate into the night like her worst nightmare. She
had been viciously attacked by a weasel, that her family feared was rabid, when she was a child.
Because of her successful dispelling of the illusion she was marked. The “Black Man”
became aware of her opposition after she stood her ground. He did not know how strong in her faith she was until she called
on God to save her. This painted a huge target on her that came from her trust in God. “The Black Man” would try
to find her quickly since she represented the leadership of the God drawn people.
Some of the strongest of the Good people are not even sure there is a God. One of them was Nick,
and he could not speak or hear. He suggests that the dreams with “The Black Man” are the collective human Evil
of the World. Nick is not happy about it but comes to believe “The Black Man” is a real person who wants to hurt
One of my favorite dialogues is between the two of them. Nick says, “I’ll do
it but I do not believe in God.” Mother Abigail responds with a chuckle, “It’s ok Nick, God believes in
To do as God asks she will have to leave everything she knows and loves behind. Like Moses
she understands that answering God’s call means dying among the strangers she is prepared the feast for. She prepares
to do battle with the Representative of Satan.
There are two verses in the Reconciler Gospel of Thomas that are echoed in New Testament verses
that speaks to this acceptance of Missions placed upon you by God. Protection comes with the target you place on yourself
by fighting Evil in the World.
RGoT verse 32 Jesus said, “A city built on a high mountain and fortified will not fall,
but it also can not be hidden. To do the right thing you earn the protecting Love, but with visibility, makes you a target.”
RGoT verse 33 “Share from the rooftops what I will tell you. Remember what I say in the
right ear but also hear me with your left ear. No one can be a light in the darkness with out trying to share that illumination.
Everyone who enters this persons presence will see their light. Not acting on truth gives consent to the lies. Your silence
will not shield you.”
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)
Potlatch Sermon 12-16-07
In December everyone seems to be looking for the perfect gifts. I start to buy things I would
like to give as a gift right after Christmas During the year I buy things when I see something that is perfect. As I get these
gifts I put them in a box. By September my box of gifts is full. I get them out, to see if there is a gap in the people represented
by each gift. If I find a gap I think long and hard on it and go find it. I’m always done by Halloween at the latest.
I do not like crowds.
I often feel that the drive to buy more gifts each year is a poor expression of our love for one
another. Because Quantity has taken over from Quality there is great pressure to have the most wrapped objects under your
tree. The Commercial Engine cares nothing for the long term debt you will have come January. I have never gone into debt to
get presents. Probably because I buy so few of them.
I have been on the receiving end of this meaningless deluge. There have been years where I opened
an endless pile of presents, only to find there was no gift I truly liked. I have made lists for people who requested one,
of things I enjoyed, wanted, needed, etc. So far after many years of these lists, I’ve given up. They asked for ideas
and then bought what they would have liked for themselves instead. I really do not expect anything now. Occasionally I’ll
be pleasantly surprised.
One solution for a couple of relatives and myself was to agree not to exchange gifts at all. We
never had much money. My brother and I exchange cards but no gifts. As he put it, He loves me but has no idea what I would
want. I respect that. I have called my relatives to talk. I have been told that the gift of my time was a big treat. As Mom
put it you don’t have to move it, dust it or store it.
Apparently I am not alone in this quandary of what to do with gifts that don’t fit. They
call it regifting now. I never knew that I was on a cutting edge all along. I’ve been doing it for years. When I have
gotten a gift that I do not care for, I find it a new home. I consider a gift to be on consignment with me, until the right
person, occasion or need arises.
I make sure that they enjoy the sort of thing it is. I make sure it is the right size, if I can.
I have often felt like an adoption agency for lost toys. It works though. Because I wait for the right person to fit the right
gift they are a big hit.
There are Tribes in the Pacific Ocean including North Western Coastal USA and Canada, Maori, and
Papua New Guinea that have taken gift giving to a fine art. The Tradition is called a Potlatch in some places.
It is the literal throwing of gifts. The gift giver gets connections and status for themselves,
their family and their tribes. The Status is determined by how much is given away, not what they keep. To get this Status
it was not uncommon to totally bankrupt themselves.
Though the Winter Potlatches were the largest, many occasions could call for one. The births,
marriages, deaths and other momentous events were often marked by a celebratory Potlatch.
The gifts were originally handmade durable goods and permission to use a neighbor’s resources.
An example of these resources could be hunting or fishing rights to a prime area. The durable goods might be necklaces, belts,
tools, and clothing. Blankets and preserved food was also given as gifts. Everyone present was loaded down with gifts. The
Gifts were a form of Currency. When the Giving Tribe went to visit the other tribe often the gifts would be the same ones
they gave, showered back on them.
There were times when a tribe would have so much that it was impossible to give it all away. When
this literal Embarrassment of Wealth would occur the extra gifts were destroyed. It was an embarrassment because anyone who
did not give everything away was thought to be hoarding and greedy.
In the Northwest Coastal areas of America the Tribes used it as part of trading trips. The Tribes
ranged from California to Alaska. Currently there are only active Potlatches from Oregon up to Alaska. Because it was considered
a competition for resources allocated for Christmas the Missionaries lobbied for a ban on the Tradition.
Some Tribes are now using it as a training opportunity for the young people learning the Tribe’s
signature crafts. Since it was banned until recently, many crafts people have dead with no pupils. They have embraced these
as a way to hold on to the old ways, so they do not die.
In our modern World there may be lessons to learn here. It is funny that the Missionaries hated
the Potlatches. These same Missionaries would have gladly taken these gifts as Tithes. I suppose they were not getting what
they thought the Church deserved. Besides according to some Christian sayings, “It is better to give than receive.”
Compared to these Tribal Leaders, the Missionaries were greedy, and very low Status individuals. I suppose it also made any
gift giving for Christmas look paltry by comparison.
One downside of this is the idea of totally divesting your belongings. That sounds too much like
the heavy credit card debt that most Americans carry year after year. The status part of this parallel is obvious. Today we
call it keeping up with the Jones. The difference is we are acquirers not givers. The burning of extra goods is echoed too.
If you want to do a parody of a filthy rich person you show them lighting cigars with Hundred Dollars bills in flames. The
picture says loud and clear that they have money to burn.
I do think they have the right track on one item. The idea that if you are given much Share it.
In a Christian parallel we might quote the verse saying, “To those that much is given, much is expected”.
I have some suggestions for gifts. There are people you know that basically buy anything they
could want when they want it. They do not need anything. Or in the case of my Mom, she does not want to have to keep up with
more things. It is hard enough to clean all the gifts from the past. Mom’s motto lately is, “Simplify, Simplify,
Simplify“. She loves movies and going out to eat so gift certificates.
If you have someone on your list who “Has Everything”, do not give them an object.
There is another way to celebrate. You can donate to a good cause in their memory. I personally love The Heifer Project. It
is a great program. The gift is a farm animal that is pregnant. They must pass on some portion of the babies born. They get
to keep the breeding animal. They have a broad range of animals picked for different regions and Countries. The Heifer name
is in honor of the cows they give away. Sometimes it is a pig, a goat, a flock of geese, chickens, ducks, etc.
The important part about each animal is they produce something nutritious for the family to eat
like eggs or drink like milk. Because each gift comes with the rule to pass something on to their community, soon many people
in a village could be out of the starvation category. Well nourished people learn better in school, they have energy to build
businesses. Women may have had no way to support their families are now helping their part of the World get better.
There are many other such good causes to donate in someone’s name or memory. They are gifts
that keep on giving. I suppose I’m just partial to Farm Animals. Happy gift giving.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)
Original Christmas Sermon 12-23-07
In most people’s minds Christmas comes in the middle of the Winter. There are trees and
wreaths. If you have a fireplace you might even have a Yule Log. We’ll sing funny songs, and religious songs too.
We hang Mistletoe, so we can kiss anyone standing under it. It can make for some strange encounters
at parties, let alone work. There are presents given to everyone we know. It is now considered a slight not to give a gift
to the Mail Carrier, Paper Boy and anyone else you barely know. If a gift is not given to every person you interact with you
are considered stingy.
Folks with kids will make a trip to have a picture taken of the child sitting on Santa’s
lap. Kids will write long letters to Santa about how good they were and what they really want for Christmas.
We’ll read the great tales of Christmas Eve and Christmas day. It helps assures that the
kids will at least try to go to sleep. This of course gives us lots of time to struggle with wrapping presents. We try to
read Chinese instructions on Indian toys, to assemble special toys.
Some of the stories we tell are fanciful like the ones with a big fat fellow dressed in red, reindeer,
and flying sleds. I hear next year Britain will have trimmed down Santas to set a better diet example. I wonder if their bellies
will still giggle. There will be elves that build all the toys. There will even be Magic Snowmen.
Some tales will be about treating people in a Generous and Compassionate way during this season.
Some stories have to do with how the gift of your life being priceless.
In today’s atmosphere of commercialization you will be encouraged to spend until it hurts.
Don’t worry about the massive debt you collect along the way. If every child does not have a dozen gifts they are considered
Because this is a Special time of year to gather with friends and family the stress can be enormous.
If you can not go to visit family you are labeled uncaring. If you have lost a loved one, the holiday reminds you of better
times. This is the height of suicide season.
There are people who do not have family that welcomes them home. They are made outcasts by this
rejection at a time of year when hearts are supposed to be filled with Love for everyone.
I have had the fun of seeing how a few other cultures celebrate Christmas. There is not as much
Commercialization in Scandinavia. The Germans on the other hand seem to take Christmas as a challenge to be more American
than the Americans. They even embrace the tooth and nail approach to shopping. It is very serious business. I saw no one smiling.
Very Sad if you ask me.
While I was in Norway one year I was introduced to the forerunners of Elves. I’ll probably
mispronounce their name but here goes. They have little people that are Yule Man’s helpers. They are called Neisse.
Cute little red and green outfits. They love a kind of mushy rice pudding, very tasty.
The ideas most of us associate with Christmas are Pagan. I enjoy them, but do not use them in
remembrance of Jesus. They are not customs that I build my Worship of God on.
For me it is not the date of Jesus’ Birth. That was in March. The Romans had the great idea
to designate late December as the time when Jesus was born. It was a political expedient. The “Awful Pagans” were
celebrating the Winter Solstice. This was when bonfires would be lit to help the sun to be reborn. Seemed like a great segway.
They said it was the Son who was being reborn, not the bright object in the sky.
There were many traditions associated with Winter Solstice. A green growing tree was brought in
along with greenery to hang around the house. Holly was brought in as well as Mistletoe. Most people do not know the Original
reason to hang mistletoe. It was a Druid tradition for fertility. They cut it with a special knife, never letting it touch
the ground. It represented semen. In those days you did not go around kissing everyone in sight. The right was for pledging
for marriage. The couple would kiss under the mistletoe. If they meant to marry come Spring they would pick berries from the
sprig and bury them in the Earth, thereby vicariously joining the Male to the Female. These couples were considered promised
to each other until they were married formally in the Spring. It was considered a Blessing if the couple were expecting a
little one at the time of the formal Ceremony.
A Yule Log was to keep the light going on the longest night of the Winter. It was quite long because
it had to be lit before dark and be capable of burning the entire night. As it burned they kept vigil, pushing it in as it
burned down. The person who dragged it in was the head of the household. It was considered horrible luck to have the log finish
burning before the sun rose.
According to stories there was a toy maker named Claus. The Santa part that was added later was
because he was called a Saint. The toy maker had pity on the children of his community who’s parent could not afford
a toy. He would give the children a toy in secret. The embellishments were added as the idea spread. The explanations had
to be made for the volume of toys built. So the little people native to different Countries were enlisted as Santa’s
helpers. A place to hide all the toys became the North Pole. Then there was a delivery problem. Along came the magic sled
with creatures from the far North to pull it. How does a big fellow like him get in to a house unnoticed? Well at the time
everyone had a chimney. So he came down that way around the bolted doors. Then the idea of getting something for nothing kicked
in. So Good kids got a toy. Bad kids got a lump of coal. The coal was not very fun but it was still a gift of warmth in your
stove on a cold Winter night.
I have no problem with being Generous during this time of year. I just wish people would see that
all the days of the year are days to be Generous. The Dickens story about Scrooge is one of my favorites. It illustrates the
hole in your life that develops when you do not have a giving Heart. The story encourages Christmas to be a good starting
point, but to turn your life around you must make it a way of life.
The other Traditional Christmas Movie favorite of mine is “It’s a Wonderful Life”.
There have been times in my life where hope was scarce. I sometimes wondered if anything I did made a difference. At my lowest
points it seemed that my life was a complete waste of time. When I watched “It’s a Wonderful Life”, I renewed
my understanding that I probably had impacted a few folk’s lives. Maybe it was still better to keep plugging along.
I decided that maybe one more year would help someone somewhere.
I urge everyone to make their lives count. Positively impact someone’s life. Be Generous
not just with what you have but who you are. A great lesson of Santa Claus is to give in secret. The wonderment of the gift
is much bigger when it was delivered by secret means. Last but definitely not least remember that Quality counts much more
in the long run than Quantity. To give a gift that is exactly right is priceless in a way that a thousand not right gifts
will never fill.
March 15th I will give a Sermon about the Birth of Jesus. For the Church of Thomas,
March 15th is the day of Jesus’ Birth.
God Bless the Whole World, No exceptions.
Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)
Winners Sermon 12-30-07
I was watching a TV Show that aired a program called “Winners”. It had interviews
with people who have succeeded in business and became entrepreneurs. There were several wonderful points made that tied in
with this Sermon that I have been contemplating.
The first point was that often people who succeed have failed, often more than once. They did
not blame the environment for the failure. They looked at themselves to find out where they went astray.
The second point was that seeing a need, a niche that you had an idea how to fill. But that was
just the beginning. You had to be willing to invest your life in promoting it until others could see the potential through
your eyes.
The third was that the USA has a unique free wheeling style that inspires innovation in a way
that other countries have so far not matched. The “Idea People” from all over the World come to the USA to build
their dreams.
When I was 18 I discovered a Congregation that had the dream of filling a need. That was about
30 years ago. I saw the potential for it to fill a niche that was not being explored until then. I asked God if I could “Sponsor”
them. They were preaching many things that the Church of Thomas had taught me. One of these things was that God had no Gender.
They also were building their Congregations on the idea of Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Transgender people were also Children of
God. The only things that were not in line with Church of Thomas were that they were making it a “Gay Church”
and they were Trinitarian. I was not overly worried about these aspects. I thought that they would outgrow the “Gay
Church” idea. I have many Trinitarian friends, so that was not serious either.
My Mom did not support this because they were forming large Congregations. As she so often told
me, “Get enough Christians together and they behave in a very Unchristian manner.” I liked the social aspects
of the gatherings because I’m a very social person. When I saw the politics I glossed over the draw backs because I
cared for these people.
I was involved in many branches of this Congregation. When I saw one forming, I would pitch in
and give them a little of my enthusiasm to inspire them. God seemed to have me show up at pivotal points in their formation.
It was a “Viral” sort of concept. The founder was a Minister that had been disowned by his original denomination.
In the beginning it was much like the way Church of Thomas Home Churches formed. They would study
together, form relationships of fellowship, and start calling themselves a Church. There was no central clearinghouse to tell
them to follow a certain game plan. Each formed and developed or failed as they needed to do.
The first half of the 30 years I was very involved in a Church of Thomas sort of way. I did not
like showing off. I did what needed to be done and left before they could “Praise me”. When I met Christians that
felt alienated by their Birth Denominations, I suggested this new Group. I told them that they might find a Welcome there
and Christian Home that could heal them.
The last 15 years I was “Wandering in the Dessert.” My personal problems kept me from
looking in on these people to see how they were doing. It was a big mistake on my part. I definitely could have warned people
earlier. What they did with the knowledge was up to them.
What I found when I came back to Texas was a very mutated group of Congregations. They had started
Churches in many countries of the World. They were number driven. The bigger a Congregation was directly reflected the esteem
given them from the member churches. Spirit and Welcome were way down the list. Money now was coming in first place. I was
very sad but it was the tip of the ice berg.
The very free wheeling style that built them was thrown out in the name of efficiency. They had
to jump through no less than a year of hoops to qualify as a member Church. They assigned the Minister. You could not keep
your leaders if they did not toe the new Party line. That Party Line included open practice of Sorcery. The last straw for
me was a time that the Alter was used to “Demonstrate” a different Ritual than Christian. Then without even re-blessing
the Communion plate and cup, continued on to the “Christian” Ritual. This “Demonstration” was from
Voodoo. I did not take Communion, said goodbye to my friends and never went back. When they asked why I had left I told them
that “God does not “SHARE” an Alter with anyone.” They did not get it.
I did a quick assessment and found that two very serious problems had developed. Every single
Church associated with this group was infested with Demons. I soon found out that it had become a farce. The Services continued
to be in Christian Ritual, but there were other services held at these places.
I found that they were drawing Christians in with the Rituals, then talking them into being open
to other rituals. Those that were firm in their faith left, warning others that this was a Cult. Those that were desperate
and not always knowledgeable about Christianity, assumed these were Christians. I realized they ruled by fear of rejection.
A phrase that I remember painfully from my youth was the Mafia who ran the Gay Bars saying, “You
have no other place to go”. I heard exactly these same words from the pulpit during a Sermon by these people. A Bolt
of recognition shot down my spine, shocking me to the core.
The “Gay Church” Brand name had become permanent. There are Straight people attending,
but they are there for the Sorcery not the Christianity. To practice and blend Voodoo, Witchcraft and Sorcery with Christianity
is self defeating. To also promote this blending as Christianity is Blasphemy. I have no problem with groups that openly say,
“We practice everything.” They are not claiming to be Christians.
Once they put Greed over Spirit they had hit the Slippery Slope. They started including non Christian
Ritual to appeal to the many Wiccan, Sorcery, and Voodoo practioners. They lost the ability to fight the slide by regimenting
the Church formation to weed out naysayers. They used their long drawn-out process to discourage new Churches that did not
have an “Open Attitude” towards other Rituals. Gays and Lesbians are not Judgmental as a rule because they know
what it feels like to be persecuted. The Leaders used this to indoctrinate new members by insinuating it would be “Divisive”,
“Judgmental“, and “Unwelcoming”. They Equated all religions with Christianity.
I have purposely not named this Group. Those that see what I’m talking about in their Church,
should consider leaving even if it is not the group I’ve been talking about. There are other Denominations that share
the fate of the group of which I speak. Those that do not see it are either in a true Christian Congregation or they are in
denial. In either case, I can not help unless they ask for help.
So returning to that TV Program on Winners I’ll tell you what I have learned. I failed in
the Quality Control part of my Sponsorship. I have the tenacity and will to promote this Church that I now head until it is
represented in all the Countries of the World. God always Wins so I’m on the Winning Team.
There is still a niche to be filled. There are Millions of Straight, Gays, Lesbians, Bi’s,
and Transgender people longing for a Christian Home. I finally learned the lesson my Mom tried to teach me about size and
politics. I came Home to the Church of Thomas. The answer to all of these issues is of course the Church of Thomas. Without
the need to finance a Hierarchy it will not take 30 years. After just nine months we are represented in four Countries. I
suppose I will need to learn a new language or two. God says I’ll have to travel at some point. I leave those details
in God’s hands.
Embracing all people does not mean lowering our standards. We lead by example not by imitating
others failed policies. We are Christians and those who may be the Christians of the Future. I have a live and let live policy
on non Christians. God is the only one who can judge, we leave their disposition in God’s hands.
It must be emphasized that Church of Thomas is a Church for all the Children of God, not just
the outcasts of the World. Jesus Embraced all, so do we. We Love, we do not Judge. To keep our Rituals purely Christian is
our calling, in memory of Jesus and his Sacrifice.
I encourage everyone to let God wipe your slate clean, so you can start again, renewed. God Bless
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)