Sermon Archive
Friendship, Render unto God, Science, True Christianity 5-08
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Friendship Sermon 5-4-08
In the past I’ve spoken of some of the important relationships
we have in our lives. We have Family, love them or leave them they remain our Family. We have Love relationships that we choose.
If we are diligent and careful as well as lucky, we have a Partner to walk through life with come good or bad. We have a relationship
with God that can grow when we open ourselves up to it’s joys as well as it’s duties.
The last is Friends. I have heard many people say that they have
many friends. I am not talking about people you are acquainted with. Just because you talk everyday with someone does not
make them a friend. There is a reason why the phrase Best Friend is so powerful. It is these people that I say are friends.
These people do not gloss over your faults, frailties and failings. They know you and like you anyway. They see a more complete
picture of you. They appreciate the Good in you while being able to live with the Bad. Anyone who has a true friend is truly
I have had kids ask me how to make friends. I tell them that if
you can not be a friend it will make it harder to find a true friend. They might have great volumes of people they call friends,
but no one they would trust with their secrets. I tell the kids to reach out to be a good friend and they will find one.
The same rules that apply to Love relationships apply to being a
friend. Being Kind, Not counting the cost, Patience, are all part of the Love we call friendship. The part that is not in
a friendship is the sexual part. That line is blurred in Modern times. I’ve heard the phrase Friends with Benefits,
more often than I care to.
While your Partner and Life-Mate should be a friend, adding sex
to the mix of a friendship can have unwelcome ripples. Sex is meant to bond two people to each other. The act often brings
up feelings that can seriously test that promise not to really get involved. If both people manage to keep their feelings
out of the mix it can not be very satisfying. If some one does start to feel more than was intended it can put the whole friendship
into jeopardy. I’ve seen it ruin very close friendships when one falls in love but not the other one. Sex does not mix
well with Just Being Friends.
It would be different going into it as a possible prelude to a relationship,
but only if both sides agreed. It also takes responsibility for the feelings that might grow from being intimate with someone
else. You need to decide if you would risk losing a true friend if it does not work out. As I said earlier, a Partnership
should be based on friendship in addition to Sexual Bonding between two people.
So how do you demonstrate Friendship? It is Sharing. It is being
Supportive. It is being able to stand up for your friend if they are mistreated. It is being together in Good times as well
as Bad times.
I have known friends who were greatly distressed when I have not
had the resources to entertain all of my friends in the same gathering. The ones who were not included for whatever reason
felt slighted. Since I do not choose my friends on a Popularity Curve I never saw the problem. The ones not invited that time
would be in my company on a different day.
Here is a Quote from Oscar Wilde that sums up my feelings for my
True Friends, what many would call their Best Friends in this day and age.
“If a friend of mine gave a feast, and did not invite
me to it, I should not mind a bit.”
“But if a friend of mine had a sorrow and refused to allow
me to share it, I should feel it most bitterly. If he shut the doors of the house of mourning against me, I would move back
again and again and beg to be admitted so that I might share in what I was entitled to share.”
“If he thought me unworthy, unfit to weep with him, I should
feel it as the most poignant humiliation.”
As you can see from my stand point it is the trust I’ve built
with a friend that I value most. I value it far above where they put me on a friends list, or whether they invite me to their
parties every single time. There will be other occasions to have fun together.
I have friends that I have talked with every day or two and one
friend that talks with me only once or twice a year. This friend is special in that she has seen me at my best and my worst.
She has supported me through life threatening illness as well as heart break. When we do talk it is like we just pick up where
we left off the last time. I’ve cared about her for 15 years. She Loves me in spite of myself.
Because we trust our friends it gives them access to information
that would embarrass us if they were not protective of us. We trust those close to us with our buttons in confidence they
will not use them against us. These trusted individuals are what I consider my friends.
Because we are protective of our friends we are sometimes put in
awkward positions. They may be doing something self destructive. As a friend you have two duties. First try to help them release
these problems out of a sense of aiding them, not how it would look to others. We need to help them heal whatever is driving
them to the behavior. Even if they do not take the aid or advice it is OK because you tried.
The flip side of this trust is to protect them from strangers who
may judge them harshly. It is not a stranger’s business to know the frailties of your friend. I’m not talking
about them planning to murder someone or the like. Those compel a Greater Good situation. I’m talking about holding
the friend’s well being in your hands.
This is a Quote from Warren G. Harding. It is a great illustration
of the effort to be both prodder and protector of your true friends.
“My God, this is a Hell of a job. I have no trouble with my
enemies. I can take care of my enemies all right. But my friends, my God damned friends. They are the ones that keep me walking
the floor at night.”
If we can not care for our friend’s wellbeing on par with
our own, we have fallen short of our potentials as a friend. An enemy’s short coming would not cause a minute of lost
sleep. A friend’s problems will confound us until we find a way to help them, even if lost sleep can be the result.
hope all of you find or have at least one person that Loves you Warts and all. I pray that you protect this precious gift
that is shared between two people. Value your friends not just in Good times. Let them into your lives as well as your hearts.
And if there comes a time of pain and hardship give them the priceless gift of access to your sorrow. Let them comfort you
with their shared tears for your pain. If they are your true friends they will be in great pain if you can not let them in
to share the Bad as well as the Good.
Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Render Unto God Sermon 5-11-08
I recently had a Dream that reminded me that it can be very perilous to ignore what Jesus said. He warned that things
of this World belong in this World. He told us that there were things that belonged only to God. When the Pharisees wanted
to trap Jesus they asked him if they should follow Secular Law or resist.
Mathew 22:17-21 “Tell us, therefore, what do you think? Is
it Lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?”
But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, “Why do you test me you Hypocrites? Show me the tax money.”
So they brought him a denarius.
And he said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?”
They said to him “Caesar’s”.
And he said to them, “Render Unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
When you are given gifts to work for God, you are also given a great responsibility to use it for God not personal
reasons. The innate energy and power that you are given are gifts that fall into this category. Here is the Dream I remembered
when I woke up.
There was once a wonderful King. All the people loved him and gave him many gifts. One day some tax collectors showed
up. They claimed to have the authority to take the gifts of the people to the King. The King was among them dressed casually
so as not to be recognized.
The King said nothing. If the gifts arrived he did not care who carried them. At first all the gifts came in regularly.
Over time the tax collectors started to skim small gifts from the pile. In time they were emboldened to take more elaborate
gifts. They started to think they were akin to the King because the King had not said anything.
A simply dressed man arrived in town. He told the tax collectors that he was there to bring the gifts to the King.
They challenged him with Evil and Violence. They claimed to be relatives of the King. They told him that the gifts for the
King had already been sent.
The man said they were holding back what was rightfully the King’s. He lifted one gift after another from the
pile beside them. These were the gifts that had been skimmed. Hurriedly they told him that the King had given those as gifts
for them. They said they loved the King and that was why he showered them with these gifts.
The man then asked if anyone there claimed to be the King. No one dared to go that far. The man gathered up the gifts
and started to leave. The tax collectors blocked his way out. They demanded to know who he thought he was to dare taking the
King’s belongings.
It was then that the simply dressed man straightened to his full height, in his glory now. His cape had fallen from
his shoulders. The man said, “I am here to take what was given to me. I am taking the gifts that were given out of Love
for the King. I am the King.”
The King Blessed the people saying, “I know that you did not know they were taking your gifts. Be careful who
you let take possession of what is mine.” He then had the dumbfounded tax collectors seized and thrown into prison.
As it was with the King so it is with God. What is gathered in God’s name belongs to God, no exceptions.
Part of my job as a Minister is to guard the property of God from being re-routed. The Prayer Energy of my Congregation
belongs only to God. If I need help from God I will go directly, I do not need the Energy from others. This is not to say
I do not appreciate folks Praying for me, But I will not ask that you Pray for me. If you feel called to do it, do it of your
own volition.
If you feel uneasy about Praying for something or someone on their request, stop. Reassess why you are giving this
to them. You were given the gift to heal and help. Ask yourself if the Prayer is from your heart and not something you feel
pressured to do. Anything done without Love is Tainted.
One of the things I have been taught is that when it comes to Spiritual needs it is important to know what the Energy
is really going to be used for. Remember my Sermon about coercing undecided voters by a Minister trying to influence an Election?
At this point in the Political Season, keep this in mind. If you feel strongly about a candidate go out and work for them.
Volunteer your time; give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar.
As for the desires of God, it is simple. God keeps God’s own Counsel. Any Prayer for help, strength or Guidance
for your favorite Politician should be tempered by the Will of God. Always end any Prayer with, “God’s Will Be
Done.” We are far too limited to see the entire scope of the repercussions from our personal wishes and hopes.
If you do Pray without this in mind, know that you are playing into some very unsavory hands. Satan loves trying to
thwart God’s plan in little ways and large. With your self will giving Satan access to the Power to influence and pressure
others to bend them to your will, helps him in his attempts to pervert the Will of God.
I have felt this kind of pressure in an Election in Houston. I remember the Election well. I had just accepted my calling
to become a Minister. Every one of my nerves was Ultra-sensitive to the flow of Energy. I could feel the swelling of God’s
stolen Energy being wielded as a coercive boot heel. I could feel several unrelated groups attempting this Spiritual Coup.
The day of the Election my neighborhood had a charged atmosphere. There was a pervasive sense of Celebration. They just knew
that their candidate was already the Election’s winner. This was very strange to Witness because the Celebration started
before the Election Polls were even opened. For them it was a forgone conclusion.
As the ballot counts started to come in the mood did not change. They still thought that their Will was going to decide
the Election and manipulate the outcome. When there was about 75% of the vote counted the Mood suddenly shifted to a different
emotion. They became very quiet and Angry. This was mixed with a growing confusion. It was a very moving experience to feel
God Neutralize the stolen Energy making it worth nothing. It excited me to feel the Energy of God insure a Clean Fight in
the Election. I had not even voted for the person who Won. It did not dampen my happiness that, God’s Will Was Done.
I know the stakes are higher for these upcoming Elections than they have been in many years. In the realm of National
Elections our decisions will be for who will speak for our Nation. The temptation will be exponentially higher to attempt
to get favorites elected by Sorceries’ means. This will not be allowed. Win or Lose it will be a clean fight at least
on a Spiritual Level. God will prevail. Pray for God’s Will to be Done. Get out there in person if you feel strongly
about a Candidate. That is your responsibility as well, to have your voice be heard.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza
Science Sermon 5-18-08
In this Sermon I will show you how the Church of Thomas teachings are a direct extension
of Thomas’ questioning everything. He may not have understood these verses but by relaying them to us in this far distant
Generation it is a great gift.
In the Church of Thomas there is no animosity between Science and Religion. As we practice it. God gave us minds to
not only Worship but to analyze our World. In the Church of Thomas it is considered a waste of potential to only use one spurning
the other.
When I first read the Gospel of Thomas I found many Modern Ideas
referenced. Some Examples are Prosthetics and Plastic Surgery, Geology, Space Flight, Astronomy, and String Theory. If you
look at the Verse Exerpts you will see what I mean. I believe it is a call to Reconcile and Balance the needs of both our
Reasoning ability and our Spiritual Faith.
Prosthetics and Plastic Surgery:
(22) When Jesus saw suckling infants, he said
to his students, “These suckling infants are from the One. Being like them is the way to enter Heaven.”
“There will come a time when you are able to craft an eye to replace an eye, and a hand to replace a hand, and
a foot to replace a foot, and rebuild a likeness in place of a likeness; then you will enter The Kingdom.”
(19) Jesus said, “If you listen to my
words and become my students, even these stones will teach you about the Earth.”
(77) Jesus said, “I who am the Light
that is above all the Earth and all the Angels who guard her. I am the one who oversaw the beginning and I am in everything.”
“The One sent the Earth for me, and it to be mine. Saw a log in pieces, and I am there. Cleave a stone, and you
will find me there.”
Space Flight:
(42) Jesus said, “Stand outside of the
World, to see the Whole.”
(18) Jesus’ students asked, “How
will the Universe end?”
Jesus said, “Why do you seek to know the end when you do not know how everything began? The beginning is where
you will discover the end. Someday a person will discover how everything began. With that knowledge they will know the end
as well. Knowing the beginning and the end will forever unite them with the One. This knowing will not come from the mind
alone, but the unity of mind and spirit.
(111) Jesus said, “Someday the Solar
System and the Earth will pass away, but living in the One, they will live on in the One.”
(11) Jesus said, “The Earth and the Solar
System will cease to exist. Those who walk in the dark, are not alive though they walk around. Those who walk in the light
and are aware are not dead and will not die.”
String Theory:
(18) Jesus’ students asked, “How
will the Universe end?”
Jesus said, “Why do you seek to knoe the end when you do not know how everything began? The Beginning is where
you will discover the end.”
(113) Jesus’ asked, “When will
Heaven come?”
Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying, ‘It is here.’
Or ‘There it is.’ Heaven and The One are already spread upon the Earth, and people do not see it. They fill the
same spaces.”
(3) Jesus said, “If the Leaders say,
‘The Kingdom is in the sky’, then the birds of the air will get to Heaven before you. If the Leaders say, ‘Heaven
is in the sea,’ the fish of the sea will get to Heaven before you.” “Instead know that Heaven is inside
you, and Heaven is outside of you. If you learn who you truly are, you will step into the presence of The One, and you will
know that you are the Children of The One. If you do not seek to find your true self, you live in the dark, you are a part
of the dark, and you aid the darkness of the World.”
Science and Religion:
(5) Jesus said, “Become aware of your
World, and what was hidden will be obvious for you. There is nothing hidden that will not be made obvious.”
(17) Jesus said, “I will show you what
no eye has seen. I will tell you what no ear has heard. I will let you feel what no hand has felt. I will inspire you with
things that have never been thought in a human mind. Always seek to know more, and it will be given.”
(92) Jesus said, “Seek and you shall
find. You asked me questions before, but I did not tell you because it was not time. Now it is time. I want to tell you but
you have stopped asking. Do not give up looking. Ask until you get your answers, as a three year old will persist until they
are fully satisfied.”
(110) Jesus said “A person who discovers
and becomes rich in the knowledge of the nature of the World should then seek self-Knowledge as well.”
I have personaly seen the Struggle of Spiritual People who have been forced to deny that side of themselves because
they were Scientists. I have seen Thinking People who fought the bonds of Literal interpretations of the Bible as Fact. Jesus
wanted us to use all of our God Given Gifts together in Harmony. It has hurt me to see the internal conflicts that these people
have struggled to Reconcile. These conflicts started when the Christian Trinatarian
Temple System was set up in Jesus’ name. Any threat to the Status Quo led to persecution of those who questioned the
interpretations they clung to.
They defended outmoded thinking to protect their power and money base. They claimed to speak for God, when they started
the Inquisition to weed out those who dared to say that the Earth was not the Center of the Universe. Galileo was not the
first to have those ideas but he was the first to try to discuss them openly. He was brought before the Inquisition with threats
of torture, death and Ex-Communication from the Faith that he loved and followed.
In these Verses I found God’s hope that Science and Religion will start working together instead of castigating
each other. The rules of Science need to stick with their rules as Religion must stick to it’s rules. The lack of Moral
Guidance from Religion id what must be re-added to the practice of Science and the repercussions it can have. Conversely,
Religion is based on faith, the unseen and the untestable. However refusing to understand the Natural World around us impoverishes
our Worship of God.
Here is a Quote that may help illustrate the needs that overlap the two practices.
“Science can be created only by those who are thoroughly imbued with the Aspiration towards Truth and Understanding.”
“The situation may be expressed by an image: Science without Religion is Lame, Religion without Science is Blind.”
Albert Einstein
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza
True Christianity
Sermon 5-25-08
Recently I was sent a story that touched me deeply. It seemed to embody the True Calling of Jesus’ Teachings.
I have helped the Homeless who got nasty looks when they entered a Worship Service. I also have been on the receiving end
of the Judging a book by It’s Cover Christians. These Congregations need a little refresher course in following Jesus.
Here is the story I was given.
His name is Bill. He has wild hair, wears a t-shirt with holes in it, jeans and no shoes. This is literaly his entire
wardrobe for his entire four years of college.
He is brilliant. He is kind, profound and very very bright. He became a Christian while attending college. Across the
street from campus is a Congregation of well-dressed and very conservative Church. They have had meetings discussing how they
can develop a Ministry to invite the students but are not sure how to go about it.
One day Bill decdes to attend a Service. He walks in with no shoes, jeans, his hole filled t-shirt and his wild hair.
The Service has already started when he arrives. As a result Bill starts down the aisle looking for a seat. The Church is
completely packed and he can not find a seat. By now people are really looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one says anything.
Bill gets closer and closer to the Pulpit. When Bill realizes that there are no seats he tops in front of the Pulpit
and squats down right on the carpet. By now the Congregation is really uptight. The tension is thick enough to cut with a
About this time the Minister realizes that from way back in the Church
a Deacon has started to make his way up the aisle, making his way towards Bill.
This Deacon has been with the Church for a very long time. Even in his eighties he serves as an usher every Sunday.
He has silver-gray hair and his Church clothes of a three piece suit. He is a Godly man, very elegant, very dignified, and
very courtly. He needs a cane to walk. As he makes his slow progress towards the boy, everyone is saying to themselves that
they can not blame the Deacon for what he’s going to do. How can you expect a man of his age and background to understand
some unkempt college kid on the floor? It takes a very long time for the Deacon to make his way up the aisle to the boy.
The Church is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man’s cane. All eyes are focused on him as he passes
each row of pews. You can not even hear anyone breathing. The Minister can not even start to Preach his Sermon until the Deacon
does what he has to do.
When the Deacon reaches the carpeted area where the boy is sitting this Elder drops his cane to the floor. With much
straining and difficulty, he then lowers himself until he is seated right next to Bill on the floor. He starts to Worship
with Bill so he will not be Praying alone.
Everyone chokes up with emotion. After taking a minute to compose himself the Minister says, “What I Preach today
you will never remember. What you have just seen, you will never forget.”
Be careful how you live. Be careful what you say. Do not Judge others. You may be the only Bible some people will ever
I have had occasions where I was made to feel unwelcome in the clothes I wore to go to a Worship Service. I often sat
in the back back pews because I knew that was where the action is. I knew because that was where I often sat. It is where
a new person can sit down without being noticed. They can slip out if they do not feel welcome or in the right place. Those
front pews are Traditionaly reserved for the Regular Members. The people who
give lots of money expect to be seated there.
In the back I quietly made new folks feel welcome. I comforted those who came in for healing and help. At first this
was accepted by the other Members as just strange old Angel is staying out of the way. Later when they realized I was doing
what they should have been attempting they made a big show of going to the back to greet new people.
I had to laugh because by marching up the aisles actually alarmed the new people. The people I talked with on their
own terms often stayed for Fellowship afterwards. Sadly the ones they talked to were never seen again. I continued my work
for God back in the Nether regions of the Church.
One day I heard something very interesting. I was seated in the back as usual. Along came two women that had spoken
with me the first time they attended. There was room next to me and I invited them. The first one started to sit down with
a smile on her face. The other woman stopped her with a hand on her arm. She said in a low voice that I could still hear,
“We don’t want to sit next to her.”
After I asked around a little I found that the Church Heirarchy was angry that people talked to me and not them. They
felt that in my proactive approach I was making them look bad. They told everyone who would listen that I was not really a
part of their Congregation. So much for that fancy piece of paper saying I was a sworn in Member of this Congregation.
On another occasion I was recovering from a sinus infection. It was not a clod or the flu. I was not infectious. I
was seated at Service when someone I had met before asked to sit down. I said sure and scooted a bit to make room. After a
couple of minutes I had to sneeze. I had a Kleenex. This woman who was supposed to be a pillar of this Church, looked at me
as though I was a Leper. I tried to explain that I was not catchy, that it was just a sinus thing that was almost gone. No
reassurance from me made any difference. She left so quickly the air thunder clapped behind her.
Latter I paid attention to her behavior. I noticed that she avoided anyone who was not Whole, Well, and Pius. It reminded
me of the way Cripples, Lepers and the Unclean were banned from the Temple in Ancient Times. I felt better. I already knew
that she was not Immune Compromised, which I at least could have understood.
By being Unwell she had allocated me to the Category of not belonging there. I was made to feel unwelcome in the old
style Unclean of being banned from Worshipping in the Temple. I hope she does not come to Services during her Period if that
is how she feels. If she did attend then she would be showing her Hypocrisy.
Jesus was condemned for consorting with the outcasts, unclean, and damaged in the World. He healed and comforted them.
I believe that our calling as Christians is to see beyond the outside of a person, that might not fit our definition of Worthy.
Jesus abolished the Temple Rules concerning these things. You never know, Jesus just might show up to test how well you have
learned your Lessons in Love. The next Homeless person you meet may be Jesus in diguise.
I usually go to people who are not well so that I can find out what is wrong so that I might be able to help. Sometimes
they come to me. If you find yourself drawing back from someone at Church ask yourself what Jesus might do instead. You may
decide not to do everything he did but you do not need to treat them like Lepers.
If this is a hard Lesson for you try to remember the Phrase, “There but for the Grace of God Go I.” Everyone
is sick at sometime in their lifes. Treat people the way you hope to be treated should the roles be reversed. Even if you
make no big effort to heal them, your acceptance of their basic Humanity and Frailty will do wonders in and of itself. Try
to Model the Compassion that Jesus Practiced.
God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza