Personal Responsibility Sermon 6-29-08
One of my friends, Jake, did a post about the family seeking millions of dollars in damages from Myspace
last year. The gist of the law suit is that the family thinks that their daughter was an innocent participant in meeting
someone she met on Myspace. The background of the girl apparently was troubled before her seeking drugs and sex on Myspace.
He questions rightly "Where were the parents?”
I feel bad for the girl for the assault. I feel bad for the parents who
were not aware of her risky behavior before Myspace. I feel sorry for Myspace. They put up screening procedures. These screening
rules would have worked fine if this young woman had been honest and not lied.
Putting Myspace on the cross as a Scape goat is wrong. If the girl had
not lied she would have been protected. She would have had the protection of the filters in place at Myspace. I personally
do not invite people to my Myspace page unless they are 18+. I would like to Minister to these needy folks. I do this to avoid all appearances of "Corrupting of our Youth". I will talk with anyone who shows up at my site.
It is because I am ethical that I put these limitations on my self. This
world is filled with Evil. How could a child well on their way to becoming an adult not have any adult coping skills yet.
This is the fault of poor parenting. This is the fault of our Society which ignores Evil, for the sake of a buck.
I came to Myspace because it was a good place to meet people. It has been.
I came to Myspace because it was free. My Ministry with the Church of Thomas does not accept donations, so it was ideal. I
went through a series of questions meant to categorize me, age etc.
Criminals will always lie, it is their nature. They are in the Malls around
the country; they are in the grocery store, and the other places that people are meeting. If people will just wake up
to the concept that the internet is a PUBLIC place just like all the others, maybe they will use the same precautions to guard
against crime. Parents should be teaching their kids to be cautious on the internet the same way my Mom told me "not
to talk with strangers".
Personal responsibility has gone the way of the dodo bird. Parents
are also acting like the age of 18 is not really the end of childhood. Now it is around 25-30. There are people I know
who are still calling their adult children Kids. They say that they just don’t know any better yet. They seem to want
their children dependent on them forever.
Anyone over 18 in this country are adults. They can go to War and Die. They can vote for all
levels of our Government. They can buy tobacco. They can sign a contract that is legally binding. People over 18 are not required
to get the parents consent to get married. They can be sent to an adult prison if they break the law. If those key aspects
of life do not make you an adult what more do they want as proof?
I was raised to think it was a great idea to go out and make my way on my own. When I
wanted to get my first credit to buy a car with a bank loan I did it alone. When I went to the bank that I had an account
with they tried to give me a run around. They said I did not have a credit History yet. They suggested that I get one of my
relatives to co-sign the loan. I told them it was none of my families business what I bought. After mentioning that if I was
unhappy I could just pay cash in a while when I had all the money. In addition I suggested that if they did not want my loan
business they must not want my account either. About this time a manager intervened. He asked how much I could put down. I
asked him what was standard. He said 50%. I told him that was not acceptable. I counter offered 33%. He accepted.
I was instructed on how to fill out an Income Tax Form. I was taught how to balance my
check book. I was schooled in the husbanding of my resources to get the bills paid and budgeting. I was told how to find out
how a Politician had voted, to see if they deserved my vote. I was instructed in how to read every word in anything I sign.
And to ask questions if I did not. These are key elements of becoming adults.
Where is the Responsibility in this childhood education? When I hear of people signing
contracts that have unwelcome Fine Print, I wonder why they do not read the document. When it says you will owe a penalty
or your interest rate will go up to 30% if you are late on a payment, why did they not read it? I know of people who maxed
out credit cards to gamble in the Stock Market. Now they complain that it was unfair. Stand up be an adult, take responsibility
for your bad judgment. I personally am tired of the Government bailing out every business, industry or group of people who
Gamble and then lose. If they are incompetent to sign contracts don’t let them sign anything.
As a Small business Owner I could not get a loan easily. I used my credit cards with
full knowledge of the risk. When this latest business did not meet my needs I began paying down my debt the Old Fashioned
way. I got a “Real” Job. I will be debt free soon. It was not easy but I did not shirk my responsibility to pay
my debts.
I have a better idea. Train your Children from age 5 until they leave home to care about
what happens. Teach them about bad people who might hurt them. Educate them how to handle being an adult. When they are 16
and 17 it is too Late. You have failed in your duty to your children and to the society you are releasing your Kids out into.
Much will be asked of them. Give them the Tools to be adults.
I look at Va. Tech as an example. It was a horrible event. This Man was
a tortured soul who had been bullied. He was mentally unstable he should have gotten help. The parents of the Murdered students
are now saying their children (Over 18) were not adults. Again I see no personal responsibility. If you are grown
up enough to move away from 'home' you are old enough to sign a contract, go to war, in some states you can drink, and look
out for your own safety.
My Grandfather became a Man at age 12. He left home to go to work for his
own life. My Grandmother married him at 16. She became a woman when she did. No one questioned either of them about their
ability to be adults. They had been trained to take on Adult Responsibilities.
Please be the Parents and honor your children with the education they need to survive
and thrive as grown people, as Adults. If you do not feel up to the challenge get help. There are many places that can aid
you in becoming better Parents. And in the case of the internet, know what your children are doing. You are there to try to
prevent the kind of problem that young woman experienced.
If they do slip through your net of protection, please quit trying to blame everyone
around you for it happening. I do not want more layers of rules keeping me from doing my work.
God Bless
the Whole World, No Exceptions.
Angel Eliza