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Wisemen, Charity, Abraham's Claim, Boy Helped by 4 Swords 1-08

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Three Wise Men Sermon 1-6-08

     The celebration of the gifts offered by the three Wise men or Kings was celebrated 12 days after Christmas. It is considered the last day of the Christmas season. Before the year 534 the Western branch of the Christian Church Celebrated Three Kings day as the day of Jesus’ Birth. After the year 534 the December 25th date was the designated date for Jesus’ Birth.

     The Church of Thomas acknowledges the arrival of the visitors from distant lands. The date is agreed to be January 6th. The time of their arrival was a year and 9 months after Jesus was born. It took a long time to travel in the days before cars and air travel. They were organizing long distance with each other to plan how they would test the new King. They had to collect the resources for the trip. Each of their gifts had to be gathered in mass. Each of the boxes was enough for a King’s ransom. We also accept the origins of these Scholars. They came from Africa, Mid-East, and Asia.

     The names given in some lists is Melchor from Arabia; Baltazar from Ethiopia; and Gaspar from Asia. They brought gifts to test the child they saw foretold in the stars. They were not Kings. They were from the educated elite of their respective kingdoms. They studied Astrology, the precursor of Astronomy. They studied patterns to locate pivotal events. Each was interested in the safety of their own lands.

     They saw an arrangement that to them indicated the birth of a very powerful ruler, a king that would rule many. All of the indications were that the birth would be in the province under Roman Rule called Judea. What they interpreted eclipsed even the power of Rome. This was a great concern. Such a ruler might set out to consolidate the other nations under his control.

     There were things that were associated with different kinds of power. They determined to seek out this child and test him. If he chose one item they would know he would grow into that kind of man. The items were very valuable. The first was Gold. It was the sign of an Earthly King. The second was Myrrh. It was worth even more than the Gold. It was associated with the Healing Arts and Embalming. If he took that he would be a powerful Healer. The third was Frankincense. It was also valued far above Gold. It represented the Sacred and was burned in Temples as an offering. If the child took that he would be a Holy King, able to talk with God.

     When they arrived they went to Herod’s Priests. They wanted to check their calculations with their peers. After checking the Records they realized that the baby was not of Herod’s household. It took some fancy diplomacy to defuse the explosive situation. When they presented themselves to Herod they assured him that they were on a fact finding Mission. He of course would be told the results of their research. He suspected more was going on when his own Scholars told him what they were looking for. He trusted no one. He had them followed.

     They went to Bethlehem. They talked with many families. Word got around that they wanted to talk with anyone with a Boy under 2 years old. At last they arrived on Elizabeth’s doorstep. They were welcomed inside and shown good Hospitality. When the meal was complete the asked to see the boys.

     There was Jesus and there was Judas. James was too old but hung close by to see what happened. The toy box the Wise Men carried was opened. Jesus stayed sitting quietly. Both Judas and James were over joyed at the toys and got one each from the box.

     The Wise Men put the box away. There was an air of expectation. They took out three other boxes. They were ornate and medium sized. They set all the boxes in a row and opened the lids together. This was the furthest the testing had yet gone. Most boys were perfectly happy with the toys and never got to see the contents of the other three boxes.

     Jesus sat serenely until the boxes were opened. He looked into each box. He reached for the Frankincense, taking a single chunk. Then he put it back. Next was the Myrrh. He reached in and took a single chunk. Then he put it back. Lastly he took the Gold and did the same ritual of taking and placing back in the box.

     The Wise Men were whispering like crazy after he took and put back the first. It just got more intense when he repeated the process. They needed to discuss the results of the test. It was unprecedented in each of their respective knowledge to have more than one taken.

     This Little Boy would first be a Sacred King with power over the Spirit World. But he would also be a great healer with power over Death. And Last as though it were an afterthought he would rule in the World.

     They agreed that this was not going to be a King bent on Conquest. He would be caring for the Spiritual wellbeing of his people. If that did not keep him busy enough he would be a great Healer of his people, contending with Death itself on their behalves. He would not rule in this World until the other two were accomplished. They were relieved and very pleased to meet this new King to be.

     They could go to their home Countries with the good news. This King might be strong but he was not an Invader.

     They were warned in Dreams that to go back to Herod would mean death. It would not matter that this child was no threat to Herod, who thought only of Worldly things. They left very early the next Morning after giving a gift to Elizabeth and Zechariah. They gave the precious Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to Joseph and Mary.

     They abandoned the fine tents still set up out side of town. It was several days before Herod’s spies discovered them to be gone.

     In the last goodbye with Joseph they told him to be very attentive to any dreams that came, they would be from God.

     Sure enough he had a horrible dream of murdered babies. When Joseph shared the dream with Elizabeth and Zechariah they were very concerned also. The next morning they departed going separate ways. James and his parents went to Jerusalem. Zechariah would tell anyone who asked that he wanted to be closer to his work at the Temple.

     Joseph, Mary, and the boys headed to Egypt when an Angel pointed the way, in exile. Joseph had his tools to set up a wood shop. With the carefully stored boxes they did not have to starve before he was set up in Egypt. The wonderful gifts were a Godsend easing their flight from certain Death.

     Jesus had been acknowledge by these foreign dignitaries long before the rest of the World learned about him. They recognized the Greatness he bore. They saw how different and Special he would grow up to be. Most of his life was a series of not being respected. It was often the strangers and outsiders that saw his message clearly. It was just a trend started by these Wise Men that came bearing gifts.

     I’m glad he is taken seriously now. If people would just stick to his teachings I would be satisfied that his legacy to us is assured. It would be sad to repeat the same errors in perpetuity.

God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.

Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)

Charity Sermon 1-13-08

     January is here. The Christmas Season is ended. Many people embrace this as the sign to revert to their Normal selves. After all Christmas is only a day that won’t come again for 350 more days. Now might be the time of realizing how much you went into debt to finance the Christmas presents that overflowed under the tree.

     In Counseling this time of year heralds the after Christmas let down. Many people look at their waist line and cringe. The Debt on their Plastic will take some people more than 6 Months to pay off. Some people have realized again that there was a reason they moved hundreds of miles from their families. This is the time of highest incidences of suicide throughout the year.

     That is the bad news. The Good news is that the Christmas Spirit will find ways into your life the rest of the year. All you need to do is let it linger, take root, become your new Normal way of living. Jesus never said give to others because it is to celebrate my birth. He said that charity is a way of being that indicates you are attempting to follow him. It is an attitude of Love.

     As many learn and promptly forget about the Christmas Spirit is Charity is more than giving one time a year. Charity is not about things. Money and donations maybe the most obvious ways that people notice, but think about how you relate with others during Christmas. The Spirit fills you with Joy, Love, and Understanding. We greet each other with smiles and hugs. We open doors for people, because we are paying attention. We remember friends that we then spend the time to contact and share news about their lives.

     One of the families in our Congregation that has shared their plans for the continuation of the Christmas Spirit is inspiring. They made a new rule this year. They have requested that family and friends give only one present per child per person giving. Any extras and outgrown toys will be given to other kids. What makes this even more wonderful is that the children in this family are on board with the plan.

     When you find ways to extend the Christmas Spirit into the rest of the year you benefit too. Research recently has shown that there is a part of your brain that literally Lights Up when you do things for others.

     These Scientists wondered what parts of the brain are most active during these thoughts. They used special dyes to highlight blood flow. They then had people read statements like, “You made a child smile”. Or “You just saved someone’s life”.

     While they read and saw these feel good pictures and statements they used an MRI to measure with brightness the level of blood flow to areas of these people’s brains.

     What they found was very interesting. It turned out to be the same area of the brain that is most active in new Moms staring at their new born babies. It is nicknamed the feel good area. Doing the Good Deed and thinking about doing the Good deed created the same response.

     When this area is active we are flooded with chemicals called Endorphins. These are the bodies natural mood elevator and pain dampener. The glow we feel when we do Good things is a direct result of these Chemicals.

     Ironically, these same areas are connected to addictions. It creates a feedback of good feeling when they take drugs, and the anticipation of intense pleasure thinking about taking the drugs. It is a key ingredient in the formation of an addiction. There are now drugs that can block this feedback of good feeling to aid people trying to stop abusing the substance of their choice.

     This brings up an interesting point. We do tons of things in our lives to feel good. Most of these things in moderation are pretty much expected in life. If Addiction can be started by this Feel Good Effect what about things that are inspiring in life? Wouldn’t be interesting if we could repeat these inspiring things in our life with such a frequency as to promote this Feel Good Effect?

     The fact is that it does happen. It takes a lot more frequent times of Charity to make it a way of life and not a Christmas day thing. Those people who have made being Charitable a way of life are getting Positive reinforcement every time they act on that impulse. You could go as far as to say that they have become Addicted to Jesus’ Path and Examples.

     In this Spirit of Giving I will share another favorite “Official Charity”. I’ll try to share more as time goes on. Last time I mentioned “The Heifer Project”. This time I’ll introduce you to “Donors Choose”. It can be investigated on

     This Organization attempts to connect School Teachers and their proposals with folks who would like to help. Some examples are special learning tools that are not being bought by the School Districts they work in. The simplest could be a new pencil sharpener or crayons. Often these “Extras” are purchased by the teachers themselves to aid their students. I have heard of large amounts being financed out of a teacher’s salary. It is a shame that it is so hard to provide basics to the kids in order for them to reach their potentials.

     On this site you can browse through the lists to find a project that calls to you. You can find something you can afford to give on your own. On the other hand, you can get together with friends to finance a proposal that sounds good to you all. There are other School Kids who have gotten in on the fun. One School class financed a proposal for a special book for another school.

     The book tied in with a popular kids movie to teach History. The Donor School did not have the money, but they thought it would be a good project. They raised money through fundraising, by way of a plant sale. They reached their goal and paid for the books.

     A side issue happened when they did this. In their own turn, the class that got the books were inspired. They also went on to the site and “Passed it On” to a different school. They too are doing their own fundraising to help others. It reminded me of the Movie “Pay it Forward”. This may turn out to be a case of a simple act of Charity and caring snowballing into something long lasting and broad reaching in scope.

     I encourage everyone to hold on to the Christmas Spirit a bit longer. It will make you feel good. Who knows after a few years of extending the “Season” a little at a time, it could be a year around habit. Remember the smile you give is just as important as the “donation”. A kind word that comes to your lips unbidden in a harsh situation could change that person’s entire day. Charity is a way of being not a Season, it is a Life Style.

     I’m addicted to giving to others. Would you like also like to join me in my Drug called Jesus? It will be an Yoke you would find easy to bear.

     RG of Thomas, Verse 90 Jesus said, “Come to me because my Yoke is easy and my teachings mild. You will find Peace inside yourself.”

God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.

Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)


Abraham’s Claim Sermon 1-20-08

     All over the World there are different ideas about property rights and Ownership. In the Western World we have a piece of paper that is a legal document of Ownership. We might have a car title, a land deed, a house deed, etc. All of these pieces of paper give a name of the Owner, a description, and the government seal of where ever it is registered.

     These legal pieces of paper are a relatively new invention. Until writing became a common talent it did not come in to widespread use. Only leaders of government had access to such things. The claim to a property was based on many factors.

     Often it was from family or tribal occupation of a piece of land. If a clan had controlled it for generations they were generally not challenged unless they were invaded by someone stronger or better equipped. Waterholes, hunting areas, pasturage, and gathering places fell into this category.

     When Europeans came to the American Continent they brought their property ideas. They also had strength of arms to enforce their ideas about land ownership. They created contracts to make the transfer of ownership legal in the eyes of the Government where ever they originated.

     The Tribes that lived on this Continent had a very different way of looking at the land and it’s resources. Not all the tribes but most of them held an area as common property. A person’s personal tools and bedding were thought of as being owned, because it was made by that person.

     The Command Structure of the tribes was also rather informal. There might be a strong hunter that led for a few years, until some other hunter proved more able to provide for and lead the Tribe. The Europeans were often Military units or under Military jurisdiction. The idea that an agreement was reach with one person only to have it negated by the next leader galled them no end.

     The tribes often allowed another group to hunt or fish in their area if properly rewarded. Some nice present was considered a sign of friendship. It worked pretty well until the alien idea of land ownership was introduced. When a present was given to a tribal person they thought that they were giving permission to use the land, like hunting or fishing. It was meant to be temporary and a gesture of sharing the resources not land ownership.

     So the Europeans who bothered to negotiate instead of take the land got great deals. They set it up as a land transfer with paperwork and documents. These were then signed by whoever was around at the time. The pieces of paper and documents meant absolutely nothing to the tribal people. The Europeans then said the equivalent of “get off of my land”. When the tribes resisted this discourtesy they were considered reneging on the contracts. When hostilities broke out it was a losing battle for tribal people though they held on for a long time. They became intruders in “their land” “purchased” by their Guests.

     It was a sad sequence of events. The clash of these very different cultures was based largely on very different ideas about property rights and land ownership. In many parts of the World there have been other instances of Cultural differences leading to dramatic misunderstands.

     This is an extreme case. Before modern deeds most land was held by the Chief, Clan Leader, or King. The claims were mostly oral pass downs from one generation to an other. Most cultures that interacted, in the past, in a peaceful way were neighbors. They often had similar if not the same ideas of property rights and land ownership. There were disputes but they could be taken to the government to judge the cases. There were common understandings and expectations.

     Such was the case in Abraham’s time. He was a Clan Leader and Patriarch. The contracts he entered into had the force of Law. Any Agreement he enter into bond him and his tribe to the responsibilities and the benefits of that Agreement.

     There was an Agreement that Abraham entered into that has had ripples into Modern times. Abraham, Sarah and their family had lived for over 40 years among the Hittites. Sarah was 90 when she was told that her heart’s desire of a child and heir for Abraham was at hand. Sarah is reported to have died at the ancient age of 127.

     Abraham was considered to be a Foreign Prince by the Hittites and their King. Abraham and his people lived in the land of Canaan contributing to the Economy of Canaan, however they were considered Alien Residents. No Hittite had allowed him to purchase land. The Hittites were very reluctant to sell any property to him because it would give him Status as part of their Country. It would have given Abraham and his clan legal standing in their Courts of Law.

     If Abraham had been given land it would have been just a gift. It would have been a one time boon. This would have given him no other benefits.

     There was a long standing gift from the Hittite King to let Abraham live, and raise his livestock in the land of Canaan. Abraham was considered a Nomad with no land. The King could have changed his mind. Abraham could have been driven out of Canaan. If this had occurred no one would have even given it another thought.

     In the New Testament Verses of Genesis 23 Sarah has just died. Abraham needs a burial site for his beloved Wife. He offers to buy a small cave in which he can bury her. The Hittite’s counter-offer reflects their reluctance as Locals to allow any sort of legal standing and foothold in their land. They tell Abraham over and over that they will give him the burial site that he wants. They offered it as a charitable gift to a grieving nomad.

     In the end Abraham refuses these offers of the burial site as a gift. The farmer who owned the cave liked the idea of getting money for his good deed. They finally settled on an agreement that the cave could be purchased. Once that barrier to the land purchase was breached the purchase includes much more than Abraham had originally requested.

     According to God’s Plan, Abraham became a rightful shareholder in the land that God Promised. The property agreement was written in to a lawful deed. It not only included the cave, but the field adjoining it. And not just the Field but the resources already present on the property. The Orchard that was on the field now was Abraham’s property. Abraham’s people were not going to be Share Croppers. No ex-owner could come get harvests from the field unless it was allowed by Abraham. Abraham was now a land owner with all it’s rights and responsibilities under the Law.

     The Outright Purchasing of a burial site for Sarah had secured the Permanent right for Abraham’s clan and people to settle in the land of Canaan. No one would have a legal right to question their deeded right from that time to present to live in the land of Canaan. Conquest of Canaan was not necessary to God’s plan. God had already arranged for the descendants of Abraham the right to live and thrive in Canaan.

God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions.

Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)



Boy Helped by 4 Swords Sermon 1-27-08

     I recently read a wonderful account of how God’s Angels help in Personal ways. The story I read was recounted by the Mom of the Boy that the Angels help. She did not think of Angels in the way her son remembered them. She was not sure they really intervened in that way. It was the description of the Angels that struck a cord with me. They were not some cherubic cuties. They were Power personified. They carried Swords.

     As most of you know by now Angels carrying Swords is the norm for me not the watered down version most people subscribe to today. I generally preach about Next Generation Angels, however these in the story are the older ones who do not live here in the World. They help where God sends them. They help in Spirit form only. This by no way diminishes their aid. They just do not need to have Bodies to do it.

     As a few of you know I have encouraged you to reclaim your Swords. A couple of you have said it scared you. You were afraid that you would hurt someone. With God as your guide you could not hurt an innocent. This story is a good example of how our Swords are used to heal. Remember that a surgeon only uses the sharpest tools they can find, Scalpels. As Next Generation Angels you can become healers as Scalpels of God.

     The Mom who tells this story is an Associate Minister for a Presbyterian Congregation. The story is on their website. I am grateful to her for giving me a Sermon Subject. Her name if you would like to read the story in her words is Erin S. Cox-Holmes. She was working at Presbytery of Kiskiminetas as Associate General Presbyter.

     The setting for the story is several years ago during the Winter. Her son has severe Asthma. He uses therapies to ease his symptoms. These treatments were a daily regimen. His had recently had a birthday where he turned 6.

     On this night he was having a treatment as usual when his Mom heard him cry out for help. When she got to him he was already turning blue. He could not talk either. She was aware of the jeopardy her son was in. I’m sure though she does not say it that she had gone through other crisis’s with his Asthma in the past. You are not put on treatments unless you have been critically effected before. I’m sure the urge to get him to the Hospital as soon as possible was her reaction. She normally would call an Ambulance, with all of their equipment to try to help him breath.

     All of these things crossed her mind. There was a problem. The area was being pounded by a horrible Blizzard. According to her story there was already a 6 inch snowfall out side. Their house was on a steep hill that was a challenge to drive up in those conditions. It was a scary situation.

     Somehow the Ambulance made it and got the boy in to begin the trip to the Hospital. It was a touch and go situation the whole way. Both parents were praying for God’s help as they drive behind the Ambulance. There was no room for the Paramedics to work on him if there were too people. The Paramedics worked on him the whole way. After a harrowing drive they finally made it to the Hospital. The boy was still in serious danger.

     When the Mom went into her son’s room she was shocked. Her son was sitting up and breathing normally. The family of course thought it was the effects of the meds and heroic efforts of the Paramedics and Drs. The Mom and Dad were overjoyed to say the least.

     The next day her son was talking about the ordeal when he came out with an extraordinary story. His version of what happened had similarities but included details she could not have foreseen.

     The boy’s story goes something like this. He explained that he was aware that his Dad was praying for God’s help, but it did not work. The boy started to pray too after he was put in the Ambulance. It was the little guy’s first real prayer by himself. He said when he closed his eyes and opened them again They had company in the Ambulance.

     The boy knew that his parents had not been able to come because of the close quarters. Apparently there was room for the company that joined him and the Paramedics in the Ambulance. He saw 4 Angels and their Swords when he opened his eyes from his prayer.

     He recounted that one Angel stabilized the stretcher from moving. One Angel steadied the IV bottle so it would not swing and break against the side of the vehicle. One Angel held his head in her lap and sang a story to him. He was sad that he could not remember the story but it comforted him.

     He said the biggest one took his flaming Sword and cut a pathway down his airway. He could suddenly breath again. He was excited because the Angels were there. When he closed his eyes again. It made him very sad because when he opened them again they were gone. He wondered if he could have still had them there if he had not closed his eyes.

     When he had told his Mom this side of the story she was very grateful to God and the Angels that had been sent to aid this little guy. She prayed that the singing Angel would tell her the words to the song that had comforted her son. She knew this was a wonderful Miracle from God.

     As you can see from this story First that God sends Angels to help people. Music by way of a Song was used to calm and comfort the boy. There was an even number of Angels since two teams were dispatched. And last The Big One as the boy put it used a Sword. This Sword was used to heal by cutting through the obstructed airway.

     The Sword was described as Flaming by the boy. Have you ever wondered why the Swords that Angels carry and use are often called Flaming? The Flaming is the Power of God. No Sword of cold steel could do the wonders that the Power of God as symbolized by the Flaming Sword could.

     There are many ways that the Swords are used. This example was of physical healing. Another example is cutting through lies to reveal the truth of a matter. The severing of the chains of various forms of slavery is another.

     There is another side to wielding a Sword as my defeat of the Dragon in my childhood nightmare will attest. But by decapitating it I freed myself from the fear that Dream inspired in me. Satan and the Evil that pesters this place are no innocents. Defending yourself from them is righteous violence. God would not offer you a Sword unless you could be trusted with it to use it wisely.

     So in conclusion I ask you to not turn down the offer of your Sword. God is asking you to work in trusted position wielding God’s Healing Power where ever and however God deems it is needed.

God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions

Angel Eliza 41 (For The One)